July 24, 2009

Makin' It Work

First of all I want to say thanks to all of you lovelies for wishing me luck on my 24 hour no Internet ban! I would like to say I was successful, with the exception of checking my bank account this morning. I wrote my TT post early yesterday and had it scheduled to post this morning so those of you who thought I cheated, I did not! I must say I was really productive and it really made me realize that I don't need to have online access all the time. I feel great about myself now!

Now on to today's topic, how to make the most of a crappy situation. Most of you know (because I've mentioned a few hundred times) that Future Mr HoneyDew is back on 3rd shift (6pm-4am). This really stinks, I hate it. He comes home just as I'm getting up for the gym and he leaves right when I walk in the door from work. So we have both been trying to keep our love alive even when we don't see each other Monday-Thursday. Yesterday I got out a simple pad of Post-Its and a pen and left him messages all over the house so that when he woke up and started getting ready he'd stumble across them. He loved this. Here are my "love notes".
This one I left on the laptop screen so when he opened it to check his mail he saw this.

I had been bugging Future Mr to put up our smoke detectors in our upstairs and I came home Wednesday night and they were up. Granted I probably nagged him into doing it but I thought I'd let him know how happy it made me.

I drew this pic and slipped it into his book as his new bookmark. No need to tell me what a great artist I am, I already know.

I hid this one in his sock drawer, thinking he'd never find it but he did!

And this one I stuck on the TV, surely he didn't miss this one.

I joined the blog Love, Actually and there are some really great/cheap date ideas. I just love all the creative things we can do for one another that cost next to nothing. I have used some of the ideas on there but it also forced me to think of some creative ways to let my Future Mr know I love him to pieces.


  1. Great job not using the Internet! I Love the sticky notes! I am stealing that idea! :) I will have to check that blog out, tfp!

  2. I love the notes! I try and do that for Kyle when I actually have the opportunity. I used to leave them in his car and he actually has 2 stuck up under one of his sun visors that have been there for over a year :)

  3. I love this post and all of your love notes! Whenever hubby goes out of town for work, I always slip in love notes into his suitcase :)

  4. ooh i love this....post-it love notes are awesome. hopefully he reciprocates.. :)

  5. You are adorable. That is so sweet!

  6. I just made some notes for my hubby! Can't wait until he comes home:) I needed something to spice things up around here. I love that blog you posted- she has some cute ideas! Have a good weekend!!

  7. These love notes are adorable!! xxxoo

  8. aw, i love leaving my B notes!
    so cute and sweet :)

  9. This is so adorable... one time, I left sticky notes all over his room so when he came home from work he had to read all of them! We saved them and have them in a box with all of our other memories! So cute!

  10. Way to go! Such an easy, sweet idea! I LOVE Love, Actually's blog. She's great!

  11. You guys were sooo romantical and shit. I love it!
