September 3, 2009

Thankful Thursday

First things first {one month} from today I will be marrying the man of my dreams! ONE MONTH PEOPLE! Wow time has flown by!!!

Today I am thankful for:

  • Coffee. I have been really enjoying my coffees lately, maybe it's the cooler weather.

  • Friends and Family. Seriously the last three weeks have really made me appreciate how lucky I am to have the MOST amazing friends and family a girl could ask for. Thank you to all of them for making this time in my life so joyful.

  • New pillows. We got new pillows at the shower last week and OMG we have both slept SO much better since.

  • Blogger. Sometimes I can access it at work now, LOVE it!

  • Paint. It's so amazing how a little bit of paint on the walls can totally transform a room. Our place feels like a whole new place now that we've done a little bit of painting.

  • Windows open weather. While it makes me a little nervous that we might have a cold wedding, the windows being open this week has been SO nice!

  • Corn on the cob. Seriously, does it get any better? Love this stuff!

  • OSU Buckeyes. 3 more days till game day! O-H!

  • Etsy. I got 2 of my BM gifts off there and my garter set. Awesome, Love!

What are you thankful for?


  1. Such a great list! I don't know if I told you this yet or not, but we got married last year on October 4th! So we'll be celebrating our one year anniversary the weekend of your wedding! I'll be thinking about you and praying for good weather!

  2. That tomorrow is Friday... ::0 xxxoo

  3. 1 Month till your big day! How exciting. I am sooo thankful for coffee today. It's been a longgg morning.

  4. One Month until the big day! It will go by so fast! Enjoy it!

  5. I love windows open weather too.

  6. So glad you can access blogger at work again. Corn on the cob is the best and I agree that new pillows can make a big difference!

    I cannot believe you only have a month to go :)

  7. great list! Cant wait to see your etsy garter!!!

  8. COFFEE! i love that you listed that first b/c that's my go to first thing every day! as for me, i'm thankful for my 4 day weekend!!! yee!

  9. I couldn't live without coffee. Well, I guess I could, but I don't wanna!

  10. I agree with your paint comment! yes yes yes! It transforms a space--this is why I CANNOT live in a WHITE space. I go crazy!

  11. Something sweet eh? virtual fudge?
    Lovely post to read, think I may have to make a list and ban sarcasm from it. But it's just so hard!

  12. I heart coffee :) And I think I need new pillows now....

    Cute post!

  13. Great great list!! ONE MONTH!! I cannot believe it!! :) I am also thankful when you can access blogger at work b/c I love reading yours! :) XOXO!

  14. hey! Shoe Dazzle is so easy. Just go to their website and all you do is fill out a quick questionnaire and then every month they send you 5 pairs of shoes to choose from. It is only $39 and if you don't order, you don't get charged. I love it!
