September 17, 2009

Thankful Thursdays

Today I am thankful for:
  • An understanding boss. He is so understanding during the final preparations for the wedding. He let me leave early to get the marriage license and he totally doesn't mind when I do my seating chart at my desk. Thank you Mike! I promise to be a worthy employee in 16 days!
  • The workers at the probate court. They were very nice and helpful during the marriage license process. I am always thankful for courteous customer service people.
  • My coordinator at our venue. We started out with a different girl, she was not so good. This girl is GREAT! She wants to know every tiny detail, totally endulges me!
  • Kraft. I get their Food & Family seasonal book and now they have a section called 1 Bag, 5 Meals. Basically they give you a shopping list for the week and out of the twenty some items you can make 5 meals for the week! Bonus is theres' enough for leftovers, aka lunch the next day!
  • The Biggest Loser. That show is so inspiring. This season is going to be so good, and emotional.
  • My BFFs KB & KG. They are going to entertain me this weekend while Future Mr is at his bachelor party. I think we are all going to go shopping Friday for some hair clips and KB is going to bring the always adorable Finley Jo. Saturday KG is going to help me with the place cards and corks! Can't wait.
  • Puppies. Chanel and Casey are going to get to meet KG's new fur baby Mason on Saturday. I can't wait to see them play together. Future Mr is sad he's going to miss it.
What are you thankful for?


  1. I will have to check out that Kraft site you are talking about. How convenient!

  2. perfect post! I did things I love Thursday.... Im so glad you found an event coordinator that would help you!! I do event planning and I know how helpful it is to have someone who is up to snuff... xxxoo

  3. cute list! and im there with you on good bosses. it def makes this whole experience a little easier. my last job i would NOT have been able to do half of what i can here. understanding and laid back bosses rock!

    and of course yea for fur babies! i think tico and chanel would be boyfriend and girlfriend :)

  4. An understanding boss is so important!

  5. great list hun! :)
    i love biggest loser as well! i just started watching it.

    p.s. i posted a thankful thursday today and i linked you :)

  6. What a great list! I, too, love the biggest loser! I've already cried during this season and I'm just going to get worse I know it.

  7. 16 days! woweee! I love your thankful thursdays!

    ps. props to you for doing a seating chart.. i stressed me out to the max and i just tossed it out the window..literally ha!

  8. So fun! Hope you have a great weekend!!

  9. Loving the list.. I, too, am thankful when I have good customer service. It truly makes the difference and I'm glad they made your marriage license experience a good one!!!! (as it should be!)

  10. Oh, girl... I'm so going to have to try that Kraft thing!!
