September 20, 2009

What's In A Dream?

This week I have woken up with tears in my eyes not once, but twice.
Tuesday night I had a dream that I was dying/dead and I could see my funeral happening. It was so strange because I was dying of arthritis, of all things, and I was thinking "I am NOT dying of this! We have to find a cure!!!" I could see all of my family and I was telling them good-bye. It was almost as if we were having a pre-death funeral so that I could say my final good-byes. SO strange and more traumatizing if you ask me. I'm still not sure if I was alive and experiencing it or if I was actually dead and my spirit was the one watching. Either way, creepy.
Future Mr has been away at his bachelor weekend so I slept on the couch last night because I missed him and didn't want to sleep in our bed alone.
This morning, I wake up with tears, again. Last night I had a dream that Future Mr died. I don't know how, why, when, where, or who he was with. I just remember thinking "I am never going to see him again" when I woke up. The most unsettling feeling EVER, especially since he's not here for me to put my arms around and know that he's safe.
Future Mr is no stranger to terrible dreams so about a year ago he bought a dream analysis book. So I ran straight for that bad boy this morning. What are all these dreams about death about? Is it a sign that our future marriage is doomed before it even starts? I had to find out.
There were several meanings behind dreams about death, luckily none of them really mean anyone is dying. Thank God. The one that makes the most sense, perfect sense actually, is change. It says, " It marks a transition and transformation. Therefore, death in a dream represents change within the thinking or attitudes of the dreamer. "
WELL DUH!! I'm about to enter into the biggest transformation of my life IN LESS THAN 2 weeks! I will transform from single girl, Miss I "Dew", to married woman, Mrs. Dew. It makes perfect sense. I am going to shed my single days. Good-bye thinking about ME, ME, ME. No more calling daddy to take care of things for me. I am trading all of that in for so much more. I will forever be one with my best friend. The one I know I can count on for any/everything. The one that makes me feel more love in my life than I ever thought possible. I cannot wait to embark on this journey with him.


  1. Sorry you had bad dreams, but it sounds like maybe they aren't so bad afterall. You're so right, it really is the end of one you and the beginning of a new you! And it's great. Congratulations & Good Luck!!

  2. See, now doesn't that make you feel so much better??? :)

  3. I'm sorry you're having such horrible dreams! I hope he gets back home soon!

  4. Aww love! :(

    I hate having bad dreams... especially when BF is away.

    Hope your next two weeks are nightmare-less!

  5. Aww.. sorry for the bad dreams, but glad you looked it up and are feeling better. :) I hope you sleep much better tonight. :)

  6. Its terrible to have dreams like that- I've definitely had them and just like you its during a time of transition! Good luck on your upcoming wedding and the next two weeks leading up to your happy day!

  7. oh girl, what terrible dreams! hope they get better girl!

  8. sorry to hear about the bad dreams, i hop you are feeling better hun!
    i think i need to grab one of those dream books!

  9. Those dreams sound awful! But I'm glad you had that book to figure out what they meant. Hope you have found your peace :)

  10. Thanks for sharing. I actually had a tear in my eye imagining how you felt waking up after just "dying". Sometimes a "wake-up" dream makes us open our eyes and count our MANY Blessings.
