October 24, 2009

Things I Love Saturday

Mr. Husband has been working since 4 am (it is now almost 7 pm) and has left me with no choice...I BAKE! I have made these AMAZING smore's brownies

Hailey told me about these little morsels and I just had to make them! I can't wait to surprise Mr. Husband with these!

AND cinnamon muffins...

Don't those look great? These are for breakfast, if I can wait that long!

And while we're on the subject of food, I made some of my favorite past time treats, right Julie?
For like a year I survived on a diet of Pizza Rolls. Who doesn't love these delicious, burn your mouth as soon as you eat them, mini bites of heaven?

Oh, and not sure if you all know this but it's LEINENKUGEL'S FIRESIDE NUT BROWN TIME!

This beer is like the most delicious, caramel tasting, makes me think of Christmas beer EVER. Try it, you won't be disappointed!
And that's my Saturday night. Awesome, huh?


  1. Everything you baked looks amazing!

  2. Oooh that beer sounds so good!! I'm going to have to look for it.

  3. I baked tons of stuff this weekend. We must have been thinking alike! ;)

  4. Sounds like a pretty great day to me!

  5. All of those look yummy! I'll have to find that beer and give it a try!

  6. i want the recipe for those muffins and the brownies! : )

  7. I use to eat Pizza Rolls like crazy! yummmmy~!

  8. Send some of those cinnamon muffins my way, okay????

    Thanks!!! :)

  9. Dude...I totally know what you mean about burning your mouth on those freaking pizza rolls! I hate that!

  10. I had pizza rolls for lunch today! I dip mine in sour cream- a disgusting little habit picked up form my best friend in college! All your baking pictures gave me a sweet tooth just now! Yummm!

  11. wow that looks amazing!! i tagged you in my latest post!

  12. pizza rolls. Everytime I see them, I think of you!

  13. OMG i am getting that beer TONIGHT (if they have it out still)

    i love that you are a beer drinking girl too! there arent many of us out there :)
