February 25, 2010

Thankful Thursdays

Today I am thankful for:
  • Miss Kendall Paige. I felt her move last night for the first time! It was like a quick little air bubble, and no it wasn't gas. It was her and ever since I've been poking her trying to get her to do it again!
  • My amazing grandparents. Not only did they send me birthday gifts but they sent Miss KP some too! She's gonna be one stylin' baby!
  • Birthday week. Even though this year will be a little different than all others, {I will be my own DD} I can't wait to go out and celebrate with all my besties this weekend!
  • Grandma's cookin'. For birthdays in our family you get to chose what you want for dinner and grandma cooks it, dessert included! Previous years have included brinner, finger foods, and Stromboli. On the menu this year... FRIED CHICKEN, mashed potatoes, corn, rolls and dirt for dessert! CANNOTWAIT!
  • The Baby Cove. I just recently started blogging over there too and it's so much fun! I am so glad they asked me to be a part of such a neat site! If you haven't checked it out yet swim on over and dive in!
What are you thankful for?


  1. great things to be thankful for

  2. I hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend! I think this will be the best one yet :)

  3. Oh I love dirt! My BFF's mom makes THE BEST, but I keep forgetting to ask her for the recipe. Do you have one? Hmmm... everyone is posted about good food, and it's really making me hungry! Not a good time of the month to be doing that to me, lady!

  4. I poke someones eyes out for a piece of fried chicken right now!! Oh that sounds divine!

  5. That's so exciting that you felt her move!!!

  6. Have a wonderful time celebrating your birthday this weekend, girl!! :)

  7. that's so great you finally felt her move!! And your grandma's cooking sounds divine!! Happy Birthday weekend!!
