March 16, 2010

Tummy Tuesdays- Week 19

I totally forgot to post this last week but I had my first stranger ask me "when are you due?". I must say I was a little taken aback. At this point I don't feel like I'm THAT obviously pregnant. I mean if I saw me walking I wouldn't stop me and say that to myself. I mean that's just me though, I wouldn't say that to someone unless I was 100%, without a doubt, sure the person I was asking was INDEED with child. But all that aside it was still neat to be able to answer that question. I really am loving this pregnancy.
Oh I went and got fitted for a bra this week, FAIL. It was the most miserable experience. I found out that I am a, are you ready for this, 32 F or G. Are you kidding me!? I mean normally I'm a 32 DD and that is a HARD size to find but F or G is nearly IMPOSSIBLE, even the maternity store didn't have any. So that leaves me to internet shopping which I normally LOVE but not for intimates. Hrmph.
I've been feeling Kendall move a lot more lately, I'm thinking it'll be ANY day before Mr. Husband can feel her too. It's really a cool feeling, one I can't even describe. It's awesome. I can't wait till she's a little further along and I can tell what foods she responds too. The ultrasound tech at the 3D place said to bring her "favorite" foods to my next visit and we can see her reactions to them! How cute is that?!
I had my doctor appointment last Thursday and so far so good. I've gained 13 pounds so far, which is right on track, even if I feel like a fatty. Her heart rate was 134 and my blood pressure was {surprisingly} good. My doctor said she is measuring "big" but not to the point where he's changing my due date. He said it could be because I'm carrying high, she's my first, or my bladder was full. We go on the 25th for our next ultrasound and I can't wait to see her again!
And here's mommy and baby at 19 weeks and 3 days.


  1. I don't think I would ever ask a woman if she was pregnant! Glad everything is going good!! :-)

  2. Awww ur belly is so cute!!! that whole getting a bra fitting thing is a total sucky experience...i went and got it down before prom and they gave me a horrible one that squished the girls and made me look flat lol not that im anywhere near you league

  3. Oh wow I know exactly what u mean with the bras. I got up to a 40E when I was prego. Actually it was right after I had my daughter, it was because they were so swollen! Which probably doesn't make you feel better knowing that it only gets worse AFTER the baby is born, I'm sure! ;) There was a Gordmans here that had maternity bras up to size F, but I don't think I ever saw a G. I feel your pain. Good luck!

  4. you still look super cute!!! xxxooo

  5. Hi Shannon! It's Mandi, from next door in Mexico! So i've recently been reading your blog...religiously! I guess i'm kind of living vicariously through whatyou write and experience until we can get pregnant again. I just wanted to let you know that i'm so stinkin' happy for you guys! We miss you dearly and i often wish we were still in Mexico, or maybe that we could just go back whenever we please! Thank you for your blog and for giving me something to "experience" while im not able to for the moment! Hugs & Kisses, M

  6. yeah, you dont really look that prego yet. and WOW with the boobs!! maybe thats what gives you away. lol

  7. Super cute! I just ran across you blog, and I can't wait to read more! Congratulations on the your coming baby!

  8. You look great! And I have been meaning to ask you, who is your ob/gyn?

  9. happy 19 weeks!

    I've been dreading the bra buying...ive been wearing a non-supportive one and i just don't isn't snug and i like it that way! haha

  10. That happened to me when I didn't think I was really showing either. People really shouldn't ask unless they're 100% sure!!!
