July 26, 2010

Dear Pre-Preggo Body

{sorry for the picture of a picture}
I am sorry I thought you were fat. When Mr. Husband hung this picture on the refrigerator last year I immediately told him to "TAKE THIS AWFUL PICTURE DOWN! No WAY is there going to be a picture of me in my bathing suit on display!" That was last year. This year I am screaming, "WHERE IS THAT PICTURE!?" and "DAMN I was HOTT!" I guess it takes an extra 34+ pounds to make you realize. This was taken in June 2009 and I was working my a$$ off at the gym and eating clean. Here's to getting that body back ASAP!


  1. I think I hear this from every new mommy and I think that I will feel the same but I am sure you are beautiful :)

  2. Ha!!! Girl….. But that sweet baby girl you will be holding in your arms soon will be SO worth it!!! :)

  3. i can't even look at those pictures anymore. it's so pathetic... haha! i truly have NO idea how this body, the one that's packed on an extra... FIFTY POUNDS... is ever going to look like the one that used to wear a size 2 jean. good thing part of my "push present" is a personal trainer.. per MY request!!!!

  4. I know exactly how you feel. I was going through some of our engagement pictures the other day and almost shed a tear. To think I thought I was fat then....I would kill to look like that right about now! Thank god we're almost at the end!

    And that was so sweet of you to call Adam the other day about his Grandpa...I know he appreciated it!

  5. I am so with you! My baby is 6 weeks now, and I am still waiting for the "ok" from the doctor, to exercise, I cannot wait!! But of course they really are worth it! :)

  6. You are so funny and give me a smile everytime I read your blog....you will go back to your old hot self. When I see myself a year later I can't believe I was pregnant and look at my dulce de leche called Olivia. :) :)

  7. This is the "other" Mrs. Dew (Jimmy's AF cousin, Nick's, wife). The extra pounds are worth it ... it's one of the little (yes, very little) and many sacrifices of motherhood (*smile*). And, trust me, your body changes in more ways than pounds after giving birth (Welcome to Motherhood!). When you are holding your sweet little baby, those pounds will be the furthest thing from your mind! In the big picture, it won't matter when you have a healthy baby. And, let me tell ya .. I put on 65 pounds with my daughter and 45 pounds with my son. My son is a year old now, and I'm back down to pre-preggo weight. From one Mamma to another, you'll be fine ... be patient and don't be too hard on yourself!! Having a child is a blessing! Congratulations from the other Dew Family!

  8. You will get that bangin' body back, Hun, don't you worry! And it will be even better because there will be a little baby girl in your arms.
