September 21, 2010

I'm Engaged!!!

I know what you're thinking, "'re married, what are you talking about?". But for the past I don't know how many months I haven't had my engagement ring on, thanks to swelling and weight gain. Thankfully my wedding ring was a 1/2 size bigger so I didn't look unwed, barefoot, and pregnant all summer. BUT Sunday I {with a little help from Windex and ICE COLD water} FORCED that bad boy back on. I missed it SO much and even if my finger has muffin top it is a little snug still I just had to get it back on.
Mr. Husband was pretty happy to see it again too.


  1. yay! a kendra moment...

  2. love this... second to the birth of your baby, isn's this the best day EVER? when i look down at my once-again ringed finger, i seriously feel like i got married all over again. i love it! so what? my clothes dont fit and im wearing elastic'd EVERYTHING.. but at least my ring finger looks cute :)

  3. Ha!! I so laugh when I saw the title to this post, because I was like, isn’t she already past that?? HA!

  4. Ha!! I so laugh when I saw the title to this post, because I was like, isn’t she already past that?? HA!

  5. Congrats!!! hahaha I'm dreading the day I have to take mine off =/ I make sure every night that I can take them off and back on... just in case!

  6. Yay! I haven't been able to get mine on since April...STILL at 3.5 months pp :(

  7. Haha! I was the same way. I actually had to get my engagement ring resized because I couldn't get it over my knuckle. I was so excited to put that sucker back on.

  8. awwwwwwwww love your bling! its totally fab just like you:) glad you are and engaged/married mama again!!

  9. yay!! I remember when I couldnt wear my rings due to swelling, my finger felt so nakie!

    your rings are so pretty btw!!

  10. I am terrified to put mine back on because I just know that it wont come back off again! I'm considering a resize. Sad, I know.

  11. SO pretty!!

    Since I've had my girls I pretty much can't wear mine due to my skin deciding it doesn't like it...very weird...but I definitely look like an unwed mother haha!
