September 14, 2010

Tummy Tuesday

Well it seems as though all my fellow blog mommies are posting their post-baby bellies and their weight loss journey so I thought I'd bore you to death share mine with you too.
I went to the doctor about 2 weeks ago to have an "incision check" just to make sure I was healing nicely {which I am, thanks for asking} and I FINALLY saw my post baby weight. Our scale at home needs a new battery {convenient or coincidence?} so I will rely on my doctor's visits to tell me how fat I still am. To my surprise I was down 18 pounds just 2 weeks from giving birth! I'll take it! Now that was 2 weeks ago so I'm hoping I'm down a few more by now. Here's what I look like now...not TOO bad I suppose

Now here's my dilemma. I live in the country now and the closest gym is probably 20 miles away and lets face it, unless it's RIGHT down the street, I'm not going. So I canceled my gym membership when we moved. Another downfall {the only one really} to living out in the country is that we don't have sidewalks for me to even take KP on a walk and get exercise that way, hell there's not even a state park close by. So I am going to have to get creative when it comes time to losing this baby weight.
I have 30 Day Shred and plan on doing that again. I did it a few months before the wedding for my boudoir pics and it did work. I looked at those pics recently and went "DAMN GIRL" to myself. Funny how at the time I couldn't see the results but they were definitely there.
But does anyone else have any recommendations? Preferably at home ones. I still have a couple more weeks till my postpartum visit but I just want to be READY when the doctor gives me the OK to get my flabby butt back into shape. I can't wait to look like THIS again

Taken May 28 2009. I was on a SERIOUS weight loss kick then and thought I was fat when I took this. I remember posting that I was up 2 pounds that week. I CAN get back to being that girl, I CAN and I WILL!


  1. you'll get back there!
    I'm having a HARD time finding time. My kids gang up on me. lol. I have 10lbs to go.

  2. I think you look great!

    I'm 8 months PP now and I'm not nearly brave enough to show off my post-baby belly LOL I know they say that it takes you 9 months to gain the weight and so it will take at least that long to lose it. I keep trying to remind myself of this. Why does losing weight have to be such hard work?

  3. You can do it! I had great results from the 30 Day shred too and I just recently started again and I am already seeing results! It's hard to stick with it, but with only 20 minutes of workout and great results- it's worth it!

  4. Oh, girl… you can do it. It will just take a little patience! Don’t beat yourself up about, but if you did it once, you can do it again, but then again your body hadn’t had a baby then either! Ha! But you WILL do it :)

  5. UGH I always look at my skinny self and think "I can't believe you weren't happy with your skinny self!"

    I have a gym pretty close, but its not realistic to get there anymore! I am going to try the 30 day shed myself, but I have also heard of mommy and me workouts where you use the babes to help and act as a weight!

    Thanks for sharing your post baby belly, I think maybe I will do that next week! I remember my post pardum where she said I lost 22 pounds and I gasped and almost jumped in joy haha!

  6. Oh and PS you look great, after my first I finally got to my goal weight about 8/9 months after baby! So it comes, but just don't push it!

  7. You truly look great! But as far as losing the weight, you can do it! The 30 day shred is a great idea!! I need to do it too...ready, set, go!

  8. You can definitely get back there again! You obviously were very disciplined to get there, so you know that you have it in you!

    I definitely hear ya about living in the country. It's nice, but yet everything is so far away. And I don't like running on gravel roads or highways with tiny shoulders! And I have the 30 day shred, but it's hard to get motivated and get my butt out of bed to do it!

  9. I'm going to start the Shred this week. Glad to hear it works! You look fantastic 2 weeks pp!

  10. Hottie! You can totally get back to that, girlfriend! You look so great right now though. So proud of you! Keep up the good work, and keep us updated so we can encourage you :) Happy Tuesday!

  11. It's going to take awhile, I am 6 months post pardum now....and still flabby. Breastfeeding is helping so much! Also an exercise ball is good, I'll just sit on it and bounce with Connor. You look great though....just enjoy your time with baby :)

  12. i think you look wonderful! don't beat yourself up too did just have a baby. love your blog!

  13. Don't worry... you'll get back there! :)

  14. wait, what? what does the week 23 mean.

    Regardless you look great!!!

  15. You look fabulous now! Don't be too hard on yourself :) And I am a 30 Day Shred lover myself! It definitely produces results quickly.

  16. Isn't it funny that you now WISH you look like pictures that you used to think you were fat in? Ugh! You look great at 2 weeks pp! Give it a little time. I'm 14 weeks pp and I still have a 'beer gut' as I like to call it. All worth it for the precious little ones, but still hard :)

  17. I love Jillian Micheals dvds. You look great and will be in pre preg clothes before you know it!!

  18. i don't have a gym membership. when i did - i didn't go. i'm in the best shape of my life. your weight is 90% diet. I'm gluten free. I have been for almost a year. I lost 30lbs. I also am a big runner. If you have an iphone get "body fate" - you choose what you have in your house & how long you want to workout - it's like bootcamp delivered to the house. taking care of you will be amazing for the whole family... and you're well on your way young lady!

  19. You look GREAT and you can do it!!! I personally love the moms into fitness workout DVDs- especially Bootcamp 2, it really got me back into shape. She even has a blog where she posts her journey of getting her body back after baby, check it out:
