September 30, 2011

Goal, Set, Match!

Today I reached my goal weight.  Actually I am 2 pounds under my goal weight!  I got off and on the scale 3 times before I could believe my eyes!  You guys, I did it!  I feel like singing the Dora "We Did It" song.  I mean it seems like just yesterday I started this weight loss journey and in reality it was just 7 months ago {that I actually started to do something about it}.
For those of you who missed the beginning, I started using My Fitness Pal in March.  I got an iPhone for my birthday and it was one of the first aps I downloaded.  We went on vacation with my in-laws that January and while we were there and when we got back I felt miserable, about myself and about my body.  It was so bad that I didn't even take a bathing suit on our first family vacation so I didn't get to swim with my baby on her first pool experience.  It was that bad.
So with My Fitness Pal I have been "allowed" 1200 calories a day.  I ate just that.  Sometimes I'd go over and on those days I'd try to work out to cancel out the extra calories.  That's the only time I exercise though.  Shoot me.  It worked for me and that's what matters.
I told you in SO WHAT! Wednesday that I changed my goal weight.  Originally I had set it to 130 {for the record I was 180 when I started this ::gasp::}.  When I reached about 137 I started to feel pretty good about my size.  Notice I said "size".  My body still looks flabby, belly is still stretched out, but my clothes look good and my pants that used to be snug before KP are loose now.  So I decided maybe 135 would be a more suitable goal and I reached 133 today. 
Here's a little before and afer for you.
I wish I had a better one but when I'm home alone with a toddler a mirror self portrait is the best I can do.  So that's me about 67 pounds lighter.  I had lost about 20 pounds from August to February by doing nothing {so for you math experts that means I weighed 200 at one point, I know}. 
So happy to be here now.  Honestly looking back it's happened so quickly.  At the time I thought "geez is this ever going to happen?" and now I can't believe where I came from.  I am truly touched by how many emails I have gotten from girls who have been inspired by my journey.  You girls make me feel like a rockstar.  I am just happy to share this with you. 

Happy Friday!


  1. you look great! congrats! I am in your before boat and going to try My Fitness Pal - thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Yay!! Congratulations! You are seriously amazing!

  3. Awesome! Congratulations! You look fantastic. I am just begining my journey so hopefully in 7 months I can celebrate like you!

  4. That is so awesome! Good for you!

  5. you look stunning -- wtg girl!
    such an inspiration and honestly you deserve it :)

  6. GO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm with you on the 200 lb roller coaster! I have weighed 215 twice (because of babies) and while I'm sad I still weigh 153-155, I'm pretty damn proud I've lost 60+ lbs twice! Post baby bodies ROCK ;)

  7. You look a-mazing!! proud of you! I use MFP but am bad about forgetting to log my calories. I really need to I need your motivation!!

  8. I am so happy for you! (And jealous, too). I've lost 31 pounds since my daughter was born... but that was 13 months ago... and I've still got a long way to go! I started using MFP about a month ago and LOVE it!

  9. Good job, lady! What an awesome achievement! Congrats!

  10. You look ah-mazing!!! I am so proud of you!! I hope that my journey goes as quick and easy as your did!! I'll be posting my progress!! Love you cuz!!

  11. You look absolutely amazing. What a great accomplishment and I am so glad you "feel" good too! Have a great weekend, hot mama!

  12. You look amazing. A HOT MAMA for sure. :) Congrats.

  13. You look so great!!! I've been using My Fitness Pal to get rid of my baby weight too but sometimes have a hard time sticking with it. After seeing how great you did I'm going to try harder!

    Would you mind sharing how tall you are?

  14. Woo hoo! You look AWESOME! You're one hot momma :) I'm so impressed with your determination & will power!

  15. You look great! You should be so proud of all your hard work!

  16. You look amazing Shannon!! Great job!!!

  17. Pretty sure I already said it 20 times, but here's one more: You are amazing. Honestly, you did so well, SO healthily, in such a short amount of time. You are an incredible role model for people looking to lose weight in a healthy way. Rock on, mama.

  18. You look great -- what an accomplishment! Love your cute clothes, too!

  19. you are amazing shannon! you should be so proud of yourself!

  20. you know how I feel too--amazing. So proud of you.

  21. oh my gosh, you look amazing! keep up the good work :)

  22. You look Ah-Mazing!!! Good for you!!! that's quite the accomplishment :) Congrats :)

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Congratulations Shannon! You look great but more importantly you feel great. I just love your blog (I have 'known' you since JS days!). You are so honest and real and you make me feel more normal in my own fears, feelings and thoughts.

  25. You look awesome!

  26. Wow, congrats! You've made it look easy and I hope I can do the same when my baby is born next month. What have you been eating to keep this up?

  27. Congratulations. You look awesome! :) Well done.

  28. Congrats! You are an inspiration! I am once again back to trying to get 3-4 workouts in a week. I am fine with my weight, just not happy with where it is distributed. A few tweaks and hopefully I will be able to celebrate too...but I am so happy for you!

  29. You look FANTASTIC! And even better, I love hearing that you feel great! Congratulations - you should be very proud of yourself! :)

  30. Yay, congrats! I've been waiting for this post for awhile, I knew you were gonna reach your goal weight.

  31. You look great! I have been using my fitness pal as well but not with that kind of success, although more because I find it hard to stay at the 1200 calories. I guess I need to find more healthy food options. I would like to hear more about what you ate during that time frame to keep you there. You are definitely an inspiration! Congrats on meeting your goal.

  32. My sister told me about your blog about a week ago. Since then I have been trying to go back and read some old posts. I want to thank you because today, I decided to finally do something about my fat a** and signed up for my fitness pal!

  33. Way to go!!! You look great! I used The Daily I really think it helps to keep yourself accountable with My Fitness (or anything other program like that). :)

  34. Congratulations girl!! You look awesome!!!

  35. Amazing! I might have to sign up for my fitness pal after baby is born. I'm already anxious about the weight I'm going to gain seeing as how I'm already overweight. So I know that I will be working on losing ASAP. You rock, you really do! We're all so proud of you! You have done amazing!

  36. yay! congrats! you look amazing and are such a fabulous inspiration!

  37. JEALOUS!!! You look amazing though! SO proud of you!

  38. Congrats, again! I figure some love a little later will remind you how awesome you are and this accomplishment is.

    Also, I celebrated for you this weekend with PB, brownies covered in PB, and pancakes...covered in PB.


  39. that is awesome!! OK, a little jealous there wasnt a lot of exercise going on, but what a big accomplishment. I am currently on this journey after having a baby 6 months ago. I am 43 lbs down and 30 ish more to go to my goal (and that goal is a litte high :)) Congrats!!

  40. I am happy I came upon this post (albeit a little older, I sound like such a stalker, haha). My goals are the same as yours, weighed 180 at my most, goal of 130. I love my fitness pal. It has helped me realize what foods I'm putting in my body. Sometimes I feel like I'm making little to no progress. But stories like yours make it seem possible again. Thanks =)
