Excuse me BabyCenter, Destination Maternity and The Bump but I, in fact, am not with child or preparing for baby #2. Perhaps it's my fault for not unsubscribing once I had my first {and only} baby but I think it's rather bold, of all a fore mentioned sites, to assume that we are ready to be pregnant again.
Maybe it's because everyone is pregnant now. I mean pretty much all of my blog friends that I was pregnant with the first time around are pregnant with baby #2 now. I have many coworkers that are pregnant, two are due any day now, my BFF is expecting her first and Jimmy's cousin is expecting #2 this summer. I am surrounded by The Pregnants. I am so happy for each and everyone of them! Truly cannot wait to follow their stories and watch their families grow.
My girlfriend recently brought her 3 & 5-year-old girls over for a "play date" with Miss Kendall Paige. It was fun, exciting, playful, and CHAOTIC! Those girls ran and played and laughed and my house was full of so much estrogen, it was great fun. But then they got tired and whiny and started fighting and not sharing and then the party was o-v-e-r. While I loved having them here and can't wait to do it again, my eyes were opened to what it would be like with more than one.
The thought has crossed my mind, yes it has. Jimmy even said to me the other day, "IF we had another one, what would you want?". We've even talked about how old we'd want KP to be if we did decide to expand our family. So yeah, we have considered it. IF we would have another I'd want Kendall to be much older, like 4 or 5 {aka out of diapers} but by then I'm sure we'll be all "do we really want to start over now?" And the answer is, who knows?
One thing I do know? The thought of being exhaustedly pregnant while fighting a toddler to take a bath, showing said toddler my belly button 394,596,699 times a day, and picking up mashed vegetables from the floor sounds miserable. More miserable than walking barefoot through the snow. I commend all those moms out there that do this, you women ROCK my socks. High five. Fist bump. And "woo-hoo" to you! You are braver than I.
So for now, we'll enjoy our only child and be hap-hap-happy for all you expectant moms!

Ya know what...I hear that on those damn websites just ASSUMING that we are either already pregnant again, or sending us coupons and info on like nursery items...like, COME ON!!! I've only been a mother for 17 Em Effing months people...I'm not ready for another pink, squishy, screaming, spitting up, pooping baby already!! Leave me alone!! LOL! I love my half way independent toddler, and I'm going to keep it that way for a LONG time...if not forever! Thank You! LOL
ReplyDeleteAmen sistah! This shop is closed. Dunzo.
ReplyDeletethis made me LOL. It's really not that bad being pregnant w/a toddler. it's not like you start w/a huge belly; it grows over time. I will say (and I'm not trying to change anyone's mind) that having Parker was the BEST thing I ever did for Conner. and you know better than ANYone how NOT ready I was for him. my God, they are 19mos apart. It's busy, stressful, LOUD and so,so much fun. If I could do it all again, I'd do it the same exact way. That said, I'm not ready for #3 but I'm thinking maybe this year I might be. IDK...ask me after P is potty trained.
ReplyDeleteAmen! My girls are 5 years apart, and it truly is the perfect age gap. We started trying when our oldest was about 3.5, and it all worked out perfectly. I was worried about her being alone with us for 5 years, being jealous, etc... But none of those things happened. When the time is right for you and your husband, you'll know. Everyone around me is pregnant also, and pressuring us for a 3rd, so I can relate!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I think we are on the same wavelength - my post today is VERY similar to this. NOT.READY.AT.ALL.
ReplyDeleteI totally think you'll have another another one...especially since you've already started the IF conversation.
ReplyDeleteI knew right away I wanted another and I wanted it ASAP. I think it's more normal to have your kids farther apart than to be apart of the two under two club. I'm sure I'll be thinking twice about that come May...but then it's too late. I feel old so I have to have more babies before my eggs dry up.
Great post!! My kids are 14 months apart and I am so happy that they are that close because we are now out of the crazy stages. And I am done having babies....Tubes tied and all!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI have one. He's four. We're the three musketeers and I need absolutely no more. I'm done. My shop is closed for work and open for fun only once again and I like it that way. A friend of mine who has two gave me some great advice: "Don't have another kid!" Yes, indeedy! I would be lying if I didn't admit that baby fever struck me once last year while holding someone's newborn. I babysat that sweet little bundle a couple times and I was cured. Whenever someone asks me when/if we're having more, I simply reply, "No, we got it perfect the first time and I'm not greedy." :)
ReplyDeleteyou and I? we think the same about children. People think im crazy when i say andrew maybe the only child. and people freak. but yes those other mommies who deal with pregnancy and a toddler i take my hat off to them.
ReplyDeleteAs a mom of three, you are a smart, smart woman.
ReplyDeleteFor whatever reason, TheBump.com is sending my weekly bump updates. Because apparently they are aware that I am pregnant and I am not? Strange. No clue how I got on that list, but yeah... if I ever find out I'm pregnant I really hope it isn't from a website breaking the news to me.
ReplyDeleteGreat post! There are definitely moments that I'm just not sure I can handle another one, but no major plans as of this very moment. There are moments I feel like I can't even handle one.
ReplyDeleteWe are throwing the idea of expanding around AND I want to be done by the time I'm 35, so not much time left.
Fo real! I still get a million emails from Destination Maternity. And you're right, I guess I should just unsubscribe. HA! While I love the idea of baby #2, I do NOT love the idea of morning sickness and a soon-to-be toddler :)
ReplyDeleteOh and {been meaning to say this all week} but LOVE the new design Katie made!
ReplyDeleteHa, and we're just about the opposite. The thought of going back into the diapers, the mashed veggies on the floor, the stooping over to pick up out of baths, the breastfeeding, the no sleep.....etc....in four or five years scares me to death. I love my babies to death (obviously) and will truly miss all their cuteness and squishiness in a few years, but I think going back into the exhaustion that comes with having babies/toddlers would be too much to dive back (knowingly) into at that point.
ReplyDeleteGood Lord, though, I just thought. What if it's even harder then! When they're four or five? It' can't be. Can it?!??!
Either way, loved the post.
Not gonna lie! My 1st daughter JUST turned 2 when I had my 2nd daughter. Let me tell you- (And I do kinda feel bad now that they are growing up so quickly and now 4&6) I wished those 6 weeks of maternity leave to hurry the hell up and get over. I was exhausted with 2. My husband was on the road 2 days a week and that made it even worse.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for the emails, I haven't had kids in 4 years and I've just started getting emails that I'm 15 weeks pregnant. WHAT?! No!
Ha. HA. just laughing over here. It is miserable being pregnant with toddler. Totally miserable (if you're sick like I am). But if you WANT to have more kids than one, it's kind of necessary. No pregnancy will ever be as 'easy' as your first per-say. Such is life ;)
ReplyDeleteOh and ps: I have never had to life my shirt to show Eme my belly. I refuse to do that on command. I'm the boss, not her ;)
ReplyDeletei'm pretty sure my parents only wanted one but when my bro was 3ish they thought (word for word) "if we get in a car crash and die, ryan will be by himself"
ReplyDeleteso ya, the best thing to do was make another baby. Just so my brother wouldn't be alone. yup.