This is huge.
It's no secret that Jimmy and I struggle with money. We live paycheck to paycheck and even with two incomes we sometimes find it hard to make ends meet. I started selling Avon to make a little extra money but that doesn't seem to be taking off like I'd hoped. Jimmy has started a
Part of me was willing to take the risk of the move. The possibility of a shift change. The drive. The less hours with Kendall. I was willing to take that in exchange for a paycheck. But it's not worth it. The thing is I could make this move and end up being miserable {eventually quitting} and once I make that move the severance package is off the table.
So I'm taking the severance package. I'm quitting my job. I'm going to take the 4 weeks and enjoy it with my girl. This will most likely be a temporary situation but hopefully in my time off I can really think about what I want to do and hopefully find a job that I'll actually love. Maybe we'll realize that we can survive on less and this SAHM gig will be permanent. All I know is that things really do happen for a reason and I'm truly looking at this as a blessing in disguise.
I'm nervous and scared and excited. Jimmy is behind me 100% and he's actually excited for me to be home, even if it is only for the 4 weeks. It's so nice to have his support and encouragement through this difficult transition. I know that being a SAHM is all I've talked about and now that it's a reality {maybe?} it's very nerve-wracking. I was hoping we'd have a savings established before we had to make this decision and sadly we don't, so it will be hard. Some luxuries may have to be cut out and lifestyle changes may need to be made. I know regardless this will be worth it.
Any prayers our way would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your kind words {via Twitter yesterday}, you all have been with me through so much so it only makes sense that I share this with you too.

You are going to make it work! Whatever you decide to'll all work out!
ReplyDeletethis definitely happened for a reason... go with the flow & your heart!
ReplyDeleteyou will make it work!
Good luck to you! This exact thing happened to me almost 2 years ago. We learned to live on 1 paycheck and I waited to look for a job for about 6 weeks, that turned into 6 months before getting a new position. My one piece of advice is don't assume you'll find something worth while right away, be pick in accepting a new job, but don't wait to start looking, you never know how long it'll really take. Oh and use - it's amazing job search tool. Have fun with that adorable baby girl in the meantime :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry. Enjoy this time with K. If you are as determined to find a job as you are to be healthy and fit you will find a job in no time! Good luck! I'll keep you in my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteI'm wishing you luck and sending prayers your way. This is definitely something that I worry about with our family situation because we too, live paycheck to paycheck. Of nothing else, I hope you enjoy every second of being home with your girl and find a job that suits your needs and you love!!!
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate your honesty and sharing this with us. I don't have children yet, however my husband and I are trying for our first. I feel like it is a reality that I will have to work as technically I am the "bread winner." I would love to be a SAHM, but don't know if it's an option. Good luck with whatever you decide to do, and I'm sure it will all workout for the best in the long run. I look forward to hearing what you all end up doing. Enjoy your time at home with your precious little girl. :)
ReplyDeleteI was keeping up with this on Twitter but wasn't able to respond but I've been praying and thinking about you and your family.
ReplyDeleteIt's corny but everything happens for a reason and maybe this change is what you guys needed.
I hope you find a path that you all will be happy with :)
Sometimes things really do happen for a reason even if we can't see what that is in the moment. Enjoy this special time with your little girl and we will all be praying that it works out for the best
ReplyDeleteThinking of you and praying for wisdom as you make these important decisions. Same thing happened to me almost 4 years ago now, but since I was offered a position within the company (lower pay scale and for a boss I would have been miserable working under) I did not receive the option of severance. I took a leap of faith and gave my 2 weeks notice. I had a new job within 4 days and have never been happier or more fulfilled. Things do happen for a reason and I have faith for you that you guys will make it through this as well! Keep encouraged and enjoy some time @ home! :)
ReplyDeleteYou guys will make it work - enjoy your time with Kendall! And like everyone else has said - everything happens for a reason.
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I lived paycheck to paycheck even with two incomes, too. We started Dave Ramsey's plan and it has totally transformed our financial life. If you're interest,
Good luck and best wishes!
We got your back sister! Anything I can do to help, you just let me know. Prayers are included every day. Yep yep.
ReplyDeletebetter or worse, you've got my full support *hug*
ReplyDeletewe've been thru tough moments too. i got layoff 2 years ago, right after i started my new job i got pregnant, my hub decided to quit his job right before i went on mat leave for a year (yay canadian), we survived on government employment insurance and our savings for 6 months. and guess what, we made it thru! and you will too :)
I'm so sorry! That definitely sucks majorly. BUT, you do get extra time with KP so that's a good thing! You are fabulous and I have no doubt that you will figure something out! Thoughts and prayers coming your way!
ReplyDeleteI hope it all works out for you. I would love nothing more than to be a SAHM but it's just not possible for us right now.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your 4 weeks and hopefully you figure it all out.
Can you collect unemployment after your severance? That will buy you some more time.
I'm sending prayers your way, Shannon. Have faith that God will take care of you. In the meantime, enjoy the time you have with your little one. =)
ReplyDeleteWOW. I'm so sorry! Enjoy every minute with KP - she's worth it :) I know something better will come screw them!
ReplyDeleteI truly believe everything happens for a reason. You will look back in 6 months at this time and think, "Thank goodness that happened, because ____ won't of happened otherwise."
ReplyDeleteYou can do this, Lady! While timing could have been better, things happen for a reason. Xo
ReplyDeleteWow...I'm happy yet scared for you...because that's how you seem to be feeling too! I do agree, things happen for a reason, even if you might not know what that reason is for a while...if ever. enjoy the time with your girl, and know that someone is watching out for you. I've always feared change, but usually it ends up being a good thing...even if it's a struggle at first. I need to listen to myself sometimes and apply it to my own life! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteYou guys will figure it out! I will keep you all in my prayers. In the meantime, just enjoy your time at home with KP :)
ReplyDeleteOh, there is a guy in my neighborhood that I drive by every day and I am pretty sure he runs a taxidermy business out of his garage! Always deer heads and weird sculpture-like heads on these stand things. I think of J every time I pass! Haha :)
I am so sorry you're losing your job! That is never fun, but on the bright side at least they are giving you a severance package, and maybe you can get unemployment for a while?
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what kind of job you had, but I know you live in Columbus and I use to work at a law firm in Grandview handling foreclosures. It is a great company that really takes care of their employees. Plus, I am pretty sure they are always hiring because it is such a huge business at the moment. If you're interested here is their website
I quit only because I was driving over an hour to get there and back.
My best friend currently works there in accounting. I hope it all works out for you!
Prayers your way. I got laid off a month after returning from maternity leave. It was truly a blessing in disguise. I've been out of work for two months, but I get to start a new and exciting position on Monday that will be so much better for my family. Good things will come of this! Keep the faith and enjoy the precious time with your little girl :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck girl! This is all going to work out perfectly!
ReplyDeleteI'm in a similar situation. Today is my last day working and my next job doesn't start for 6 more months!
ReplyDeleteMy husband has been super supportive and I know that we will make it work and be ok.
Plus, I can't wait to be a stay-at-home wife for a while!!!
Hang in there! God's got this!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteIt will be hard, but the time with K will worth it 100%. I know what you are going through I have always stayed at home and in 2009my husband lost his job for 17 months, so we went to no income. We had to change A LOT, but in the end you are right everything happens for a reason and you will get time with K and that is priceless. But start looking for a job right away. Jobs seem hard to come by these days, so if going back to work is what you want better keep your options open. I wish you the best of luck in everything and I hope it all turns out how you want it to!
ReplyDeleteIt is absolutely terrifying, but it might just show you that what you want is attainable! Maybe even give you some time to get your Avon off the ground? I struggle with my business too. :-(
ReplyDeleteShannon - I just came across your blog. I am an Ohioan as well, getting ready to move to Columbus area. Anyway,two years ago at Christmas my job was eliminated. (I was so happy as I dreaded my direct supervisor) It was really a blessing. I am now working from home (most of the time) and will be able to continue to do so from home once we move. Chin up, tits out! (don't mean to offend you but that has been my mantra for a long time)
ReplyDeleteScary Shannon! I love your attitude though, keep praying and looking at your options. I know lots of families who have the mom stay at home and really just cut back and live a bit of a different lifestyle than they would if both parents worked. I really hope things work out, I'll keep you in my prayers!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear this! I think you are making the right choice though...4 weeks of severance is hard to ignore, and this all happens for a you get extra baby time, which is always a plus. In your next job, choose something you love -I was setting up specific alerts in and it worked like a charm! Got me my latest job. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteEverything happens for a reason!! I am keeping my fingers crossed that you get to be a full time SAHM.
ReplyDeletegood luck, shannon!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely a blessing in disguise! I'll be praying for a smooth transition & specifically for your finances! Love ya girl!
ReplyDeleteI found your blog through a friend recently and I actually went to high school with Jimmy. Just wanted to say Good Luck! This past September when I was 23 weeks pregnant I had to go on strict bed rest. We had no savings and his job didn't pay all that much. But we were able to get by. He found a new job and I can now be a SAHM! So it is possible. Just keep your head up and stay positive!
ReplyDeleteI totally related to this Shannon--when I started staying home with Lizzy, we had no idea how to make it work with one income. Not gonna's been HARD, and we made some bad decisions about purchases that we really couldn't afford that left us with some debt. Still, we learned a TON about our wants versus our needs, and it has been a huge blessing overall. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI totally believe that everything happens for a reason, and I know everything will work out! I'll send prayers your way!
ReplyDeleteI think sometimes we are forced into huge decisions because otherwise we'd never make them. Even if it's only four weeks, enjoy your time with your baby girl! Good luck, the right thing will come to you.
ReplyDeleteI had to quit my job in June after 9 years when we relocated for my husband's job. At first it was rough. Our income was cut in half. But you learn to better distinguish your needs from your wants. I am now working as a contractor and making about half of what I did before, so we still are only making about 75% of what we were before... and we will struggle, but we are doing okay. I wish you the best of luck in figuring it out and hope you enjoy the time you get to spend at home :)
ReplyDeleteNo matter how it turns out, it will be wonderful. You will do great. You rock being a working Mama, I admire you so much. And you will rock just as much being a SAHM, for however long that may be. Sending prayers to you, lady.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck and enjoy the 4 weeks! Who knows, something amazing is probably heading your way so always stay hopeful :)
ReplyDeleteHope everything works out...enjoy the 4 weeks with Kendall!
ReplyDeleteWishing you lots of luck! It sounds like you have a great family to back you up and I really hope it all works out for you.
ReplyDeletethanks for filling us in! I read that you left but never was told why! oh well.
ReplyDeleteenjoy the time at home! praying things work out.
Good luck and enjoy every one of those 4 weeks (if not longer)!!
ReplyDeleteOh girlfriend I am sorry that things are so difficult like this but I do believe it is a blessing ! I had a slmilar issue happen to me where my job was no longer existent when I wanted to return after delivering Kelsey so I am here if you need to vent sweets!!
ReplyDeleteA little blessing in disguise I say :)
ReplyDeleteI know what you are going through. With Student loans (and my husband JUST finished grad school so even MORE Student loans), credit card debt, and our mortgage.. we don't even HAVE kids yet and we are paycheck to paycheck. and I just found out that my branch (I work at a bank) got sold to another and there is one in town already so we are scared of being closed.. and hubby and I were going to start trying for a fam at the end of the year.. so I get it I totally do..
ReplyDeleteon the AVon side, I PROMISE to make a purchase once I get paid this week :) I already have a few things picked out :) good luck and go with your gut. trust it :)
Best of luck! I was laid off in December and its not easy, but just remember that everything happens for a reason! I'll be praying for you guys. :)
ReplyDeleteShannon, my heart is aching for you but happy as well. Sometimes when we are presented with a challenge such as this its best to believe its in God's hands. Our financial situation sounds very similar to yours, so I can imagine how tough the next four weeks may be. I'm proud of you for the decision you've made! Lots of prayers for you over the next month. Perhaps there is something new and wonderful just around the corner for you all!
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend!
I think that's a wise decision. Now you can take those weeks and really figure out what to do and get your resume ready! I think it'll be a great turn around!!
ReplyDeleteIt's all going to work out. You guys can do this! Praying for you!
ReplyDeleteSuch an honest post. If you really want to be SAHM it is worth it. I completely understand how hard it can be. I have a daycare and I tutor in the evenings. I was laid off from my job days before my son was born. I was lucky that I use my skills to work from home. Good luck to you. You'll make it work.
ReplyDeleteYou're not alone..:) Agree with the last comment. It can be hard, being a SAHM, but it is worth it. We can use our skills to work from home. You'll find the way..
I already told you on Twitter, but still sending prayers your way. It will all work our perfectly :)