May 10, 2012

June Sponsors!

Come on, you know you want to.  
Need a little persuasion? you're like, "well that's an offer I can't refuse!"  I know, I drive a hard bargain.  Just don't hold me to my end of the deal unless you expect to walk up on a mailbox full of rotten milk.
  • L.A.I.D. has 856 followers and growing daily
  • If you don't own your own business or have anything to promote consider promoting your own blog.  The more exposure the better!
  • I will promote you in anyway I can.  Having a sale?  Interested in a giveaway?  Hosting a link-up?  Let me know and I'll blog/FB/Tweet about it along with doing a monthly post about you!
  • L.A.I.D. has an average of 444,000 page views each month- that's a lot of exposure people!
  • I take a lot of pride in this little blog of mine.  I post 5 days a week which means that's 5 times a week people could see your ad and go to your site!
  • Prices are pretty cheap around here, just $15 gets your a spot for the entire month. know what to do! Hit me up!  Comment on this post or shoot me an email shannon.r.dew {at} gmail {dot} com.
I look forward to hearing from you {and you, and you, and you!}.



  1. Shannon - you know According to L is in! (Nice bracelets in the cone pic, BTW!)

  2. I'd be happy to be a sponsor for June! :)

  3. my link ups to your SWW's have grown my blog more than anything else this past month or so! And for that I say thanks, I'm feeling like the popular girl over here on Wednesdays :) Your followers are my kind of ppl and I'm their's apparently! E-mailing you now about sponsoring

  4. I'm thinking your blog may be the first one that I want to sponsor.......hmmmm! I think I shall. Holler at me with details, missy. I'm excited!
