- Doesn't mean you are a celebrity. My husband once introduced me to his friends as "a famous blogger" and I was so quick to correct him. I love that he thinks I'm "famous" on the Internet but it's far from true. I'm just like you and you and you. I just happen to put all my business on the Internet for everyone to read. So I might get recognized when I'm at story time one week, while I'm flattered, that does not make me famous. At all. A few times I've commented on blogs and gotten a response from the author {ahem, Holly} that said something along the lines of "OH MY GOSH not THEE Shannon Dew!? I'm so flattered!" And I'm all over here looking around like "wha!?" because, seriously, who am I? No one.
- Doesn't mean that you deserve to be picked apart because "Hey, you put it all out there" aka you deserve it. Being bashed does not come with the territory. It's a brave brave thing we {bloggers} do, putting our lives out there like this. We {sometimes} talk about very personal things and while yes, that is our choice it doesn't mean that it's easy. It's still hard to put yourself out there for everyone to read, make sure no one is offended, try to be likable be true to yourself all while being entertaining. It is NOT brave to hide behind anonymous comments and message boards talking trash. Period.
- Doesn't mean because we want to share something we found, did, like, etc that we are bragging. I truly like to share when I find a great product or accomplish a really fun {in my opinion} DIY project or even just a super cute pic of my kid, that doesn't mean I'm trying to be all "I"m better than you" or "Look at me". It's called sharing. It's a very basic skill we all should have learned way back when. I mean, isn't that what blogging is all about? Sharing your world with people? So that might mean a super cute new outfit or a motivational workout pic. That, in my book, is not bragging.
- Doesn't mean this is all we love or do. I try to be great about responding to comments and doing so in a timely manner, it is a pet peeve of mine when bloggers don't acknowledge their readers and/or take weeks to do so. With that being said, it doesn't mean that my life is blogging. I have a toddler, a husband, extracurricular activities, friends, family, a life outside of blogging. It might seem like you know me because it seems like I share everything but I can assure you that that is far from the truth. I'm sure the same goes for almost all other bloggers. Of course we share a lot but there is also a lot we don't share.
- Doesn't mean you'll do anything for money. I know I do a lot of reviews, take sponsors, tout the occasional BlogHer campaign but that doesn't mean that I don't turn down a lot too. I get emails all the time from people who want to do sponsored posts or guest posting for money or free products and, while I'd love to help any/everyone out, I do turn them down too. People seem to have this perception that we {bloggers} all just want to make a buck and so, just shoot us an email offering us some cash or a product and we're in. Sorry, wrong. While I love to make money doing something I love {like blogging} doesn't mean I'm going to whore my blog out for some random ish for a couple bucks.
So that's what blogging isn't for me. What isn't it for you?

There are the bloggers that act like they are the shit. I can't stand that. I want to read the real stuff. We all have problems, and I am more likely to read that type of blog over the "my life is so perfect" blog. Kind of like more than 1-2 a week sponsored posts. I'll drop a blog fast with the constant sponsor posts.
ReplyDeleteCan we get a celeb update ?! hello Reese arrested! Kim finally divorced (and Kris didn't get shit.)
I completely agree!!! I hate it when bloggers start tooting their own horn and stop responding to comments. It's super annoying. Then you get giveaway, after review, after giveaway without any true life content... It's like they're begging for numbers rather than building a real community of readers.
ReplyDeleteI second the celeb update. lol
I love this post! I think that is one of the things I love about you the most. You were the very first blog I sponsored...and I think I had like 40 followers then. You were so sweet and didn't treat me like I was an idiot because my blog was new and little :) And you are so right..it's hard being so personal sometimes and then when I get a comment that is just plain mean it hurts...it sometimes even makes me want to throw in the towel.
ReplyDeleteHave a great Monday!
Laura @ Mice In The Kitchen
I just started really getting into the blogging world the past year or so (since becoming a SAHM) and have already experienced some of these things! I blog bc I want to keep family and friends updated on our lives and now do it bc I love meeting new blogging friends that can relate to the struggles/triumphs of being a SAHM! If people don't like what I say too bad I guess :) I'm new to your blog and love it!
You commented on my blog and I felt so special, like WHOA Shannon reads my blog.
ReplyDeleteI think you should do a post on how much money can actually be made on blogging from taking Sponsors and such. Nobody ever says. I know you're not suppose to talk about money and stuff but I would like to know if it's worth my time to try to grow my blog and make some dough. Also, how many hours per week do "big" bloggers spend on their blog because if they are making money then I would assume they are putting in some quality hours.
Great post. I think the best blogs are the ones qhere the blogger blogs for themselves, and not to try to make a buck. Blogging is therapeudic and so is reading other blogs that you can relate to.
ReplyDeleteMy blog is not as big as yours Mrs. Dew ;-) but I agree completely. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people comment anonymously. I love your blog and will never stop reading... how are you feeling these days? I am super house like and ready to be done(9 more weeks).
ReplyDeleteThis is great!
ReplyDeleteIt also a pet peeve of mine when a blogger doesn't respond to me. I understand people have busy lives but even Mama Laughlin takes the time to respond to her 1,000's of comments a day. I think blogging goes to some people's heads!
I enjoy reading your blog and appreciate that you put what you do out there!!
love this post and lover you! you are right on every point!
ReplyDeleteLove today's post! For me, blogging isn't about using people to climb the "blogfamous" ladder, it's about connecting with other people/women. Blogging isn't high school, don't be a mean girl or the "mean girls"!
ReplyDeleteLove this post!
ReplyDeleteI am just recently getting into blogging and love reading everyone's post and slowly getting readers of my own. I love who respond back to me even tho they have a thousand to respond to. makes me feel special and tells me they do read our comments and etc.
I really appreciate this post. Even as a very very small blogger I agree with everything you have said here. Especially the "being picked apart" crap. That is not cool at all, people who do that hate themselves and are too blind to see it. We don't all have to agree with each other, but there is no need for that type of nastiness. Love this. And LOL at you getting recognized at story time. I think if that ever happened to me I would faint, hahaha.
ReplyDeleteI love, love, love this post. Amen about the picking apart. As my blog continues to grow, I've come across some unhappy people who will do just about anything to get me to wipe the smile off my face...It's so sad that that's out there. I know it's my choice to write and share with the internet, but it doesn't mean I'm somehow bulletproof and/or deserve that.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing woman!
Wait...you won't do ANYTHING for money? ;) I sure would.
ReplyDeleteJ slash K. I agree with this post every which way.
I really like this post and can relate to so much of what you say (except the famous blogger part b/c I am far far from that - haha)! I think it is funny that your husband introduced you like that!
ReplyDeleteShannon, you are kind of a big deal. Sorry. You are the SWW create-tor. :)And you are K Law's best friend. I am a jelly bish.
ReplyDeleteLove this and love you. You are one of the most authentic bloggers I know!
ReplyDeletelol, pretty sure Holly said something similar to me--but, umm..Holly is kind of a big deal now being mama laugh's bff sooo ;) Also, i like this--but mainly because I agree with that first one you said. I am having issues when people refer to themselves as famous or celebrities, or weird stuff like that. Um, no. You are just someone who writes on the internet. And whenever someone says that to me, I'm all "I'll show you famous"...because I'm not even in the tiniest little bit near those amazing ladies who write books and stuff. ;) THEY are famous. And yes, I think of them as celebrities. hahaha. hypocritical? maybe ;)
ReplyDeleteHi! New reader here ;) I love this post & couldn't agree more with everything you said! AMEN!
ReplyDeleteI think I have 7 followers lol BUT I have quite a few views apparently from the judgers & haters. As someone that's blogging through divorce, I think sometimes I get too real for people. Which is my pet peeve- bloggers afraid to keep it real !!
ReplyDeleteThat book sounds outstanding! And you are correct, that does look like a wrap of a book you would write! ;-) Have a great weekend! Message Boards