I don't know what has happened to my great sleeping child but for the past few weeks she's regressed back to her infant nights. I don't know what it is but I need help. I need sleep. She's not complaining that anything bothers her, nothing hurts, she doesn't appear to be getting her two-year molars. The "we need to get this under control before we have a newborn" part of me wants to just shut the baby monitor off and just let her "cry"-it-out but she usually wakes up once a night to go potty. I'd feel like the worst mom ever if she had to go and I didn't hear her and she was forced to go in her Pull-Up even though she did the right thing and tried to tell me. But beyond that, there is no reason for her to be waking up. Some nights I go in and she is all wound up, ready for the day and takes sometimes HOURS to go back to sleep, other times I go in there, tell her to go back to sleep/it's not time to wake up and she does only to wake up again an hour or two later. I've been turning the monitor off if she's already gone potty and/or I know she's just being ridiculous.
Please don't say this is my body's way of preparing me for a newborn. I am fine with waking up to tend to a baby, there is a reason they are awake and that is totally acceptable in my book. A two-and-a-half-year-old? No reason for it. It's exhausting. I need sleep. Period. Oh and on top of it she's already pushed her bed-time back to 9 pm and is waking up around 7 where before she was a solid 8-8 sleeper. Eff.
What gives? Any and all suggestions welcome.
Second thing on my agenda is a tip for you, my readers. I have talked about my love for GroopDealz before, heck I've even promoted for them and done giveaways with them. Well the love ends here. I purchased a insulated, monogrammed tumbler for Kendall's Easter basket back on February 17th. As of today I have still yet to receive it.
I've contacted GroopDealz 3 times, the vendor 3 times and done multiple social media shout outs {which is totally not my style but it was a last-ditch effort to get a reaction from them} and still have yet to get a response, refund or my product. I tried filing a dispute with PayPal yesterday but apparently it's not eligible and I need to "contact the company directly". Ha!
I'm at a loss. I don't know what else to do besides warn all my readers to not purchase anything from them. I hate to do something so bold, so publicly but I truly value good customer service {as I've worked in the industry for most of my working years} and this is completely unacceptable. It also sucks because they do have really cute things and even better prices but if this is how it's going to be I will do my bank account a favor and stop indulging in their "deals".

I am so with you with the sleep thing. I have hear other people say "well they are kids, maybe they need something"- No- at 2 1/2 it's just ridiculous. If you ask them every question and nothing is wrong- get your little butt back in that bed and good night. LOL
ReplyDeleteOur girls are about 2 weeks apart, so very close in age. Mine goes through this, but when she does, I let her play. In her room with the door shut. She eventually gets in her bed and goes to sleep. When KP wakes up, is she crying/screaming for you? Or is she just happy and awake when you go in there? If she is happy,shut the door and let her play.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter will be 3 in July and she did the same thing for about 2 weeks a few months ago. It made me mad every night! Sometimes she would pee and then be up for 3 hours just laying in bed. I think it becomes a habit. I started taking things away from her or not allowing her to have bubble gum (yes, she freaking loves bubble gum..whoops!) but I wouldn't allow her to have it all day if she woke up in the middle of the night and I repeated it all day long even when she didn't ask so she knew it was punishment and I was mad! Don't give in, it will pass. Hopefully before sweet baby brother gets here!
ReplyDelete1) I am going through that sleep change BS over here too and I am not liking it one iota, and 2) I made one Groopdealz purchase after the original review/giveaways because I thought that it was a great site, luckily I received my product but it took quite some time and I agree with you that it is unacceptable for customer service to put you through the ringer like this! I'm sorry love!! Hopefully it gets worked out somehow. XOXO
ReplyDeleteMy little one just turned two in Feb and we are going through this right now too. It is so irritating because it will be 2 am and she's like GOOD MORNING MOMMY! I GO PAINT NOW? So confusing and frustrating. Just two nights ago she was awake for an hour and a half, from 1:30 to 3am. I don't get it. I look forward to seeing the responses you get, because I don't know what to do either. The other night I just let her play with her toys in her bed and eventually she fell asleep. However, then I feel like I need to stay awake to make sure she isn't up trying to climb a bookshelf or something. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteI recently had a similar frustration with groopdealz. I ordered 2 personalized necklaces, and it took like 5 weeks for me to get them. I contacted the seller several times about when it would be shipped, asking what was taking so long? I think the amount of time I waited for my purchase was unacceptable, but the amount of time you have waited is absolutely REDONK!!!! Hopefully you get it sorted out soon :(
ReplyDeleteCould it be that she needs that earlier bed time still? I know M sleeps later when he goes to bed earlier. DST has screwed with both of my kids this year and M is getting up before 6:30 every day. He used to sleep 7-7 or later. Grrr.
ReplyDeleteWhen my little went through this I first made sure he peed and then any time after that made him stay in his bed, without mom, with lights off (aside from his night light). It is night time and I didn't know what other way to make him realize that. So, the first time he got up I made him go pee, put him back in his bed, kissed him good night and shut the light off. The second time I would go in his room, tell him it's bed time and everyone should be sleeping. He can not get out of bed until the sun comes up, I would give him a kiss, shut the light off and go back to my room. It took a week or so for him to catch on but I never got up more than twice and I never stayed up with him. Good luck, you will find what works for you.
ReplyDeleteI don't even bother with getting Rowan back to sleep if she wakes up. I go in and tell her it's still dark outside and that she will need to stay in her room to read books/play but mommy needs to sleep. I get her a snack or drink if she wants but she never comes out of her room and I never make her think I'm coming in to hang out with her. She makes a scene sometimes but after a few minutes she'll start playing and almost inevitably she'll go back to bed. I sound like the meanest mom ever but I'm afraid one time of me going in to keep her company will make her expect it all the time!
ReplyDeleteI had a problem with a vendor twice from Groopdealz and I ended up filing a claim via PayPal and getting my money back. One of them was for bubble necklaces and one was for photo canvases. Both times the customer service was horrible!
Ahh, it is SO hard when your good sleeper changes her ways! LOL! We went through this not too long ago. 3 things that worked for us (well it was forced upon us, our baby monitor broke and I refused to buy another because they hubs thought she was getting too old for it). 1 - sleeping with her door opened. She was previously a pitch black, door closed kind of girl. But when the baby monitor broke, I couldn't bear to shut her door anymore, I needed to hear her. She liked that her door was now open (although it makes weekends a bit hard, she walks right in and climbs into bed with us in the morning). 2 - Bribery: she would throw total fits at bed time and the only cure seemed to bribe her by telling her she would get "ipad time" if she didn't fuss and stayed in bed. She is obsessed with ipads, phones, etc and she was getting too dependant on it. We started limiting her time. And when it was taken away, she would be devastated. It was rough on her baby sitter, but we all stuck to our guns and it seemed to work!It took at least 2 weeks for this ploy to do the trick, but it did! 3- night light! I think she all of the sudden became afraid of the dark! Like I said she was previously a door closed, pitch black sleeper...well not anymore! She loves that she can still see in her room at night and it is just enough to make her happy! Hubby and I both work and we commute pretty far so during the week we get her up at 5:30am. Even if she plays quietly in her room at night I am ok with that, she usually end up falling alseep eventually. SHe is in her bed and quiet and that's what matters to me. I hope that maybe one of these might help you, it sure helped us! She has been really good about bed time lately! Good luck!
ReplyDeletesuper annoying about that company! what gives!
ReplyDeleteand annoying too about no sleep. i dont have much experience with 2.5 year olds sleeping except the nanny family i had and nap times, but i just had to resort to taking her stuffed animal away, her blanket or something when she'd wake up.
i hope K gets back on schedule soon mama!
Hey Shannon! Sorry, I didn't read any of the other comments so disregard if someone has already said this!
ReplyDeleteOk, we don't have one of these, YET, but are planning to get one for each of our boys.
It's a stuffy that goes to bed with them, and when they wake up they squeeze him and it lets them know if it's time to get up. Kinda like a wake up clock, but in my opinion a little nicer as its a stuffy that they can cuddle with! You set the time that its ok to wake up at. So, if Kendall gets up she can see if her owl says its ok to wake up now. Explain to her if she needs to go potty, call for mommy, but if not listen to her owl! I don't know, just a suggestion! Apparently it worked wonders for my friends daughter!
Priss has started a 9-7 routine too. I'm missing the 8-8 hours! And we sleep together, so sometimes it helps settle her right back down. Others, it just means I can't ignore her. I can't offer any advice, but you're not alone! For what it's worth
ReplyDeleteMelatonin...it works! I think they make chewable tablets for kids, but we got regular tablets, broke them open and put about 1/3 to 1/2 of the powder into some milk mixed with a spoonful of Ovaltine. My 3 year old is a horrible sleeper, some times are worse than others & we save the melatonin for desperate times! Also we cannot let her nap. If she naps, she is not going to sleep at night. A 20 minute nap means she's almost guaranteed to be up until 11 or 12 o'clock.
ReplyDeleteOh pregnancy- I completely agree! Waking up multiple times a night to feed and take care of a baby is totally acceptable. But 'just because' is completely ridiculous! It makes me so angry.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had tips for sleeping. We are just now converting Lexi to sleeping on her own. Sleep training has been interesting, to say the least. (2 yrs old in December) yeah, we fail. Ha!
That's really frustrating. I hate bad customer service! Is there anything worse?
It sounds like either K may be out growing daily naps or not running off enough energy during the day. My daughter went through the same think around 30 months and getting rid of everyday naps corrected it. We went to every other day naps and that really fixed all the sleeping problems.
ReplyDeletemy oldest boy turned 3 in February, and around 2 1/2 years old he started fighting sleep at night too. I started giving him his "movie time" during his regular naptime and that helped solve the no sleeping at night problem because without a nap he was wiped by the end of the day. It only lasted a little while and though it was miserable to give up naptime I was at least sleeping at night. Then he reverted back to taking naps for awhile and still does take them most days,just not as long. It was just a weird period where he didn't require a sleep time during the day. Also, to help with the potty training we cut back the drinks to only a dixie cup size anytime after 7pm.
ReplyDeleteGood luck!!
I am so sorry girl - I feel your pain being a no sleep mama - it's just not on! My little one is about to turn one so I don't know all the ins and outs about what they want. I don't know if the crying-it-out method will work even better if she doesn't potty in the middle of the night?! It's almost a double consequence for her? But also may be horrible and unfair to say this as a mom? Wish I could help more...
ReplyDeleteAs for Groopdealz, that is HORRENDOUS!! I am so sorry and I am glad you posted this shout out. Your last resort was to warn everyone.
Hope they do respond soon.