May 15, 2013

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...
So What Wednesday

  • I work out in my pajamas some days.
  • I ate an entire box of Kraft Mac&Cheese before said work out yesterday.
  • I really can't wait to get back into a REAL workout routine.  But for now I'll enjoy eating an entire box of mac & cheese.
  • I really want to order the BabbaCo Summer Survival Pack for days that I just don't feel like leaving the house but fear not doing so because my toddler needs constant entertainment*.
  • I don't think anyone uses the "Pin it" button on my blog posts. 
  • I forgot to take something out for dinner tonight.
  • I'm attempting to dye the fabric on my {pink} glider cushions instead of recovering them. It's cheaper!
  • We have gone through 2 pieces of glass for the 16x20 print that is going in the baby's room.  Third times a charm?  Because I got smart and bought plexiglass.  
  • I got a cookies & cream milkshake at CFA yesterday.
  • I just finally got pictures of Kendall's big girl room taken.  More on that tomorrow!
  • I really really want a margarita right now.
  • I made Jimmy pack his own lunch on Mother's Day.
  • I let Kendall watch Wreck It Ralph Saturday night and again Sunday morning.

*This article is sponsored by BabbaCo


  1. At least you work out! Pajamas or no pajamas, it makes a difference.

    And the BabbaCo survival pack looks really cool! I wonder if it is for ages 3 and up or if it matters?

  2. Amen on the box of mac and cheese! We've been making ours from scratch these days, but I still go back for seconds!!


  3. Margaritas!!!!! Gimme gimme! It would have gone nicely with the box of mac & cheese that I also ate this week :)

  4. Can't wait to see Kendall's big girl room!

  5. Your mention of mac n cheese, cookies n cream, and margaritas makes me simultaneously crave all three. I'm not sure how that makes me feel. hehe
