October 24, 2013

Duck Dynasty Dew

What are your thoughts on men with beards?  Jimmy recently showed me this image {via The Chive} to justify his.
{this guy's kinda hot, no?}

If you follow me on IG you know that Jimmy is currently knee deep in all things hunting {#duckydynastydew}.  So much so that he started growing out his beard shortly after James was born.  In August.  Before hunting season even began.  He's not shaving it until January, if I'm lucky.

He looks a little bit silly, I admit, but does it bother me?  No way.  In fact, I think it's kind of cool. I mean it makes him happy so that makes me happy.  Beards are in style now thanks to the Duck Dynasty crew, no? He's always had a bit of scruff.  Even on our wedding day he had a 5 o'clock shadow because I threatened him if he shaved his face clean.  That's not him and I wanted him to be himself on our wedding day and when I looked back on our wedding pics.

But, now, he's taken it to eleven.  This is the biggest beard he's grown to date and I'm sure come January 1 I'll be waking him up with a razor in hand.  But, for now, it doesn't bother me too much.  A lot of girls tell me that they could never deal with their husband having such a massive beard or that I'm a "nice wife" for putting up with it.  To me, it's not about that.  It makes him happy so that makes me happy.  Much like hunting.  I don't really like it but he does and so therefore I'm OK with it. 

But, that leaves me with a question for you.  What do you think of a man with a beard? What would you think if your husband/boyfriend decided to grow out a "chowder bib"?  Do you think men look hot with beards?  Let's dish!


  1. My husband grows a beard every winter, he usually starts growing it out after Halloween. He doesn't hunt, he just likes to have a beard and I personally think it's sexy. He normally shaves it off around Valentines day and goes back to being a baby face. I personally like the beard that Aaron has on Fast n Loud, not a big fan of Duck Dynasty.

  2. My guy never, ever grows a beard. I find some super sexy, though! I don't think I'd mind if he did. At least for a little while!

  3. Alex grows one every Winter because he thinks it keeps him warmer when he plows. I like it, but he has to trim it, it can't be a huge beard or it is just uncomfortable for me. And then he gets nothing from me. Haha. So, he trims.

  4. My hubs has been growing his beard out since April because he's always wanted to see how long it could get. It's like 5 inches now and it's making me a little crazy. I like the scruffy (but trimmed) look, but this full beard is insane. We invested in some conditioning oils and styling creams to keep it looking nice, shaped well, and smelling great. Wild Rose Herbs on Etsy has a line called Wild Man and they are awesome! We both like the beard more after these products. :)

  5. I LOVE when my husband has facial hair. He looks smokin hot! When we were in high school he always had a goatee and it looks SO good on him. Sadly being a firefighter(which is also smokin hot) the best we get is a 4 day scruff, unless we're on vacation. I think if he had the chance to grow a beard, he definitely would and I wouldn't tell him not too.

  6. my husband looks like a 12 year old with no facial hair and since we got together 8.5 years ago, hes always had a goatee. I find WELL KEPT beards to be extremely sexy. then again, I am also a redneck girl! I have begged J to grow out a beard every fall/winter or to at least participate in No Shave November for the last 4 years. No luck. Until this year! without my begging or asking he decided on Spetember 1st that he would not shave is beard until baby #2 comes in April! to say Im excited is an undertatement!!! I made him promise he will keep it trimmed aka no crazy beard hairs poking out every which way and he agreed. :) and seeing as we live in MN and its already freezing temps here and we usually have snow well into April, I dont think he will have a problem with the extra warmth on his face! and all the extra kisses ;)

  7. We're a hunting family too and last year my husband grew a full beard for the 1st time. He's always had some kind of facial hair but this was much bigger than the rest. Like you, I really don't care either way. He doesn't say much about what I do to my hair so I figure it's kinda the same thing. He's happy so I'm happy. I liked it when he had it and was glad when it was gone too. Whatever..

    Good to see we share the same idea on marriage. I don't want him dictating my life so I don't dictate his. We're happy that way.

  8. My husband also loves to hunt and grew a beard for the whole month of Sept until after his big hunting trip at the beginning of Oct. and I actually didn't mind it. However, he did shave after that trip and has started over. I think it starts to bother him and gets too itchy after about a month so he will shave it and grow it back out. I also told him he could NOT have a full beard for our family photos (that was my one request), stubble was fine, so we compromised on that. Other than our photos I don't care if he has a full beard in the fall.

  9. My husband always sports his goatee. I think he's tried to grow it out to a full beard before, but it's just not happenin' for him anytime soon. Maybe one day? Most people comment that he needs to shave it off, but I love it! I agree, it's part of who he is, and I wouldn't change that for the world! You go, girl!

  10. Love a full beard. My husband has one and it's soooo red!!

  11. I'm indifferent...haha. Of course, I think my feelings would differ if Jarrod had one - I've never seen him with one!

  12. I love it. Though sometimes, it needs to be tamed. Dave is in Marine Corps, so I've never had the chance to see him with more hair on his face than stubble (well, he did grow a mustache for "mustache March" and I told him I wouldn't have sex with him until he shaved it off, it was GROSSSSSS).

  13. Your family should be DD for Halloween...forget star wars:) You need to get the beard ap. Could you imagine Eric with a beard? HA!

  14. My hubby has a beard 365 days a year. YEP- even during those miserable, hot, sweaty disgusting summer months. He has had it ever since I have known him. It' doesn't bother me, unless it needs tamed and this long gray beard hair is sticking straight out... I want to pull it but I know that will cause pain so I just stare at it and talk about it until he trims. Otherwise I don' t mind the beard.

  15. i love isaiah with a scruff! but due to work, he'll never get to grow a beard.
    i bet you will be ready come jan 1st!

  16. My husband wears his beard proudly too!

  17. I love my husbands beard because he loves it! I'm with you!! It doesn't bother me one bit. He always gets the duck dynasty comments too lol He wouldn't be my hubby if he didn't have some sort of facial hair!

  18. I guess I'm indifferent. My hubby is not the beard type (totally clean shaven every day). However, I think they look really good on some men. I guess if I had my choice, I'd pick clean shaven but I really don't mind a beard in the cold month. I will say, Jimmy is pulling it off, thus far! Can't wait to see what the next couple months bring. You MUST keep us posted on the progress.

  19. My husband has a goatee which I think is totally sexy - but the full beard not so much. But my dad grows a beard in the winter and it's not too bad

  20. Honestly, I can't stand beards.....and I think it all goes back to my Dad. He's always had one, and still does to this day. So I think if Andy ever grew one, I'd cut it myself....I'm not married to my Daddy, and I don't want to kiss that. LOL! I think J looks killer with it though :-)

  21. Todd grows a beard from Christmas until Super Bowl weekend at the beginning of February but it's only for the purpose of growing a mustache for an annual mustache competition at work. He'll grow the beard for about 6 weeks (so it never gets out of control) and then shaves the beard and leaves the mustache for a couple days which is so creepy. I don't mind his beard for the first month or so but those last couple weeks I have to laugh because his facial hair comes in red while his hair is brown.

  22. One of my dear friends did this last year leading up to his spring wedding. I thought it was hilarious, but I also wasn't his fiance. He was clean shaven in time for the wedding, but I've noticed his scruff is back lately. I guess it doesn't bother me much, but dad always had a beard. I feel like if you can grow one, go for it. Doesn't bother me :)

  23. Your a nice wife sweet girl.. There is no way I would let my man have a beard.. I hate them so badly! Josh recently decided to semi have one & he said if I kept up my end of the bargain I could shave it off him well guess what no matter how hard my bargain was I done it & now can shave off that awful semi beard :) Hello happy girl.. So come January 1st girlie I would not blame you one bit for saying good morning hunny please go shave but I would be the one in the middle of the night sneaking around going ahead & doing some shaving in the night hehe

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  25. LOVE beards. Alex has to shave his during the summer/fall for work but once winter hits, I make him grow it! Sexy.

  26. I love beards! My husband has one during hunting season too and I love it. He can't grow it as long as he wants because he's a teacher and there's something in the dress code about how long beards can be, so silly! I just posted a pic of us on our blog, I think they are super hot! :)

  27. I think clean and kept-up-with beards are very attractive, no matter the size. I guess it's the ruggedness of it that pulls the attraction factor. Oh and BTW you look AMAZING in that picture!!!

  28. I tend to agree with some others... if it's kept clean and cut up then great. I can't handle those beards that look straggly and gross!
