August 26, 2014

My Life With Two: A Year Later

I've written this post a time or two.  Once it was all butterflies and rainbows, raising two small kids.  The next time I was day-drinking because, dude, shit got real.  Now I've been at the game for a little over a year and I feel like I'm somewhere in between. 

Raising two little kids is more than double the work of one.  I truly believe that.  And you moms of 3+ are probably laughing at me, saying, "you think two is tough...".  I know.  I KNOW.  You ladies are saints and are doing a job I don't think I could ever do.  Two is my number, I am tapping out.  

Let's start with the littlest.  James Weston has stolen my heart.  He's made me love like I've never loved before.  When he was born there was nothing like the feeling I felt holding him.  My pride, love, gratitude, happiness, were all overflowing.  He was a snuggly little baby and wanted to be held a lot.  While it made for a messy house, I didn't care.  I knew that precious baby time went fast and so I snuggled.  I should have known that was foreshadowing my future with him.  
James is a very demanding baby/infant/toddler {I don't know what to call a one-year-old}.  He needs attention constantly.  He likes to be held, a lot.  He still cries a lot.  He's into e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.  He's definitely the definition of a boy, through and through.  His new favorite thing is climbing.  If he can climb it, he will.  I've recently found him in some dangerous situations, laughing and clapping, proud as a peacock.  He's trouble with a capital T and will be the reason I keep my hair blonde {so you don't see the grays}.  

When James smiles he smiles with his whole face; I've said that since day one.  It's usually the feature that people comment on the most when we're in public, "Look at that SMILE!".  I love it.  He's got 10 little teeth in there too but you can't see them unless he's hanging upside down.  He's a chunky little guy, still, weighing in at 26lbs.  I love his rolly polly legs and yes, I nom on them regularly.  He's starting to get the hang of signing, he can do "more" and "all done" when he wants to.  Baby brother loves to dance and will pretty much dance to anything, even MY singing.  He's getting more adventurous with walking and is starting to stand up and walk without holding on more and more each day.  Dare I say I hope he walks soon?  For selfish reasons, of course {26lbs is HEAVY!}.

He makes me feel all the emotions but I wouldn't have it any other way.  He has completed our family and we love him so.

And that brings me to my big girl, Miss Kendall Paige.  I don't even know where to begin with this one.  When she was born I knew that we'd have a special relationship.  I have always been close with my mom and I can only hope and pray that she and I have such the relationship.  So far so good.  She's my little best friend.  I think the best word to describe Kendall is "spunky".  She's got the sass of a thirteen-year-old but her heart is so tender.  She's very emotional and can go from extremely happy/silly to a full-blown meltdown in mere seconds.  She's full of energy and just when I think she's about to crash she gets a second wind and that blonde, curly hair of hers is bouncing around all over again.  

Girlfriend is smarter than smart.  She amazes me everyday and I will even catch myself saying, "where did you learn/hear that?" and usually she responds with, "I just made it up" or something to that effect.  This summer has actually probably been a disservice to her in the learning department {total mom fail} so I am excited for preschool to start back up so she can get her wheels turning again.  She loves school, her friends and her teachers and I love that about her.  I've had the pleasure of watching her in her classroom and it's such a joy.  I'm always so proud because while she's a little bit more reserved and timid than some of her more rowdy classmates she's a great listener and always does what is asked of her.

Although she just turned four, it's quickly becoming my favorite age.  I love that I can talk to her and have conversations that actually mean something.  She makes me laugh more than anyone can.  The things that come out of her mouth never cease to amaze me.  She's also starting to mimic me and some of the things that I say.  While that can be adorable and hilarious, it's also sometimes embarrassing because I'm not always the best role model.  She's starting to have her own interests and opinions and while that's challenging at times it's also really cool because she's becoming her own person.  She's strong-willed and I hope that is a characteristic that stays with her throughout her adolescence and into adulthood.  

I love this little girl, the one who made me mom.

To see them together is pretty cool too.  When James was first born Kendall was cautiously curious. She never wanted to hold him, she didn't get in his face a lot and normally when I'd ask her if she wanted to interact with him she'd do so but it wouldn't last long.  I think it was her age because now that's all changed.  They still don't really play together, yet, but every once in a while, when the playroom is quiet, I'll sneak in on them and they'll be sitting on the floor interacting and it just makes my heart melt into a big puddle of mush.  I live for those rare, rare moments.  She lights up his life, he loves her more than anyone in our family.  When I get him up from nap he immediately looks around for her and when he sees her he smiles as big as he can.  She thinks he's pretty cool too and his biggest fan when he's learning something new, like walking.  She cheers him on every time even when I'm not paying attention.  

These two have made these last 365 days more chaotic, stressful and sleepless.  I'd have to say the past year has been the toughest but has also taught me the most.  I learned how to love greater, be more patient, better prioritize and, the biggest of all, that I'm not in control.  These little guys have made my life so much better just by being in it.  Even on the tough days I'm reminded of how lucky I am to have two healthy, striving, ridiculously adorable kids that I get the privilege to spend everyday with.  Sure, they make life...different but they also make it worth living. 


  1. You make some pretty babies! So adorable!

  2. I always nod along with your posts. My second child, Emilie, is a few week older than your son and they sound identical. She is is demanding baby and has been since day one. She needs to be held and entertained all day. I always say that if everything is 100% in Emilie's favor then and only then is she happy. Life with two is definitely fun but oh so demanding!

  3. I really don't think adding the 3rd was any more difficult than adding #2. By then you're used to dividing your time and it's not just all about one.

    James looks more and more like his daddy! And that Kendall, gosh is she a pretty little girl! Her smile is contagious! Your descriptions of your kids is so great, I wish all kids had a mom who said all that great stuff about them. They are very lucky to call you mom! (And I'm insanely jealous you have a daughter - 3 boys for me. I hate that I'll never have that mother-daughter relationship, it's a special one!)

  4. They look so much like you! =)

  5. Chase is a cheerleader for Kyle and Austin too. It's very cute.

  6. Your family is so cute! Congrats on making it through the past year Momma ;)

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