October 26, 2016

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...
  • I have never seen Hocus Pocus.  I tried to watch it last year but could not get into it.  
  • We didn't take family photos this fall.  I'm kind of sad about it but at the same time I'm kinda glad to have a year off.
  • I can't wait to get the BIG Toys R Us toy catalog in the mail.
  • I've never tried Nutella.  Gasp, I know.
  • I could not get on board with Country Heat.  It, honestly, was embarrassing to me.
  • I'm really sad my Positivity Project is wrapping up today.  It's been so amazing. 
  • I've just discovered podcasts and now I'm obsessed.  
  • I am the only person alive who hasn't seen or cares about Gilmore Girls.
  • I'm obsessed with all things Halloween themed this year.  All the shows.  All the activities.  All the pumpkin.
  • I can't help but look at houses even though we won't be ready to buy till spring.
  • I'm getting the warm and fuzzies when I see these holiday commercials.
  • I'm asking for a bike and a new iPhone {still rocking the 5s over here} for Christmas.
  • I am really REALLY excited about our new program, Core De Force, that launches next week.
  • I was tempted to listen to Christmas music yesterday.
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?


  1. I am a loosy cook with no memories :)
    I could easily set the kitchen on fire... (i have a note on the wall reminding me to turn the hot plate off as I leave the kitchen... I know that bad!)
    So what? the note works :)

  2. Got the same as you, So what if I look at houses even though we can't buy till 3-5years from now. A girl can dresm right? Loved your post!

  3. I haven't seen a whole Hocus Pocus movie. Country Heat didn't peak my interest either. I have never seen an episode nor will I of Gilmore Girls. We won't be ready to buy or build a house for at least 5 years and I look on the daily. TOTES excited for Core De Force like.... Totally not ready for Christmas.

  4. You are not the only person alive who doesn't care about Gilmore Girls, because I, too, have never seen an episode, so I don't care about the return. Never seen Hocus Pocus, either, and I don't care about that, either! Finally, the only time I've tried Nutella, it was in some Carvel ice cream that made me SO SICK, that just the thought of Nutella makes me a bit queasy!

  5. I am not on the GG train either. I tried on Netflix and couldn't believe that I used to watch Dawson's Creek, with all their long speeches and major overuse of large, unnecessary vocabulary! Get on the Hocus Pocus train though. KP will love it.

  6. I'm really happy we got our family photos done this year. It's been a while! I've never had Nutella and I'm not into Gilmore Girls either. I am SO excited for Christmas!
