March 17, 2009

30 Day Shred

So a lot of people have jumped on the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels bandwagon and I am one of them! I have been doing it for about a month now and man am I seeing results. Future Mr thinks I am obsessed b/c I get up at 5 am to do this and he's just barely making it into the shower at that time. The video is broken down into 3 levels and you gradually progress at your own rate. I am on level 2 now and man it's a butt-kicker. Jillian is not kidding around, if you want a good 20 minute workout, this is it! I would say in the past month I have gotten noticeably stronger and my body has less fat on it. J even says "man babe, there's hardly anything to grab anymore", not sure how to take that but I think it's good. Boys! Anyway if your looking to do it I'd recommend 3-5 lb. handweights. I tried starting off w/some 8 lb. weights and could barely do the workouts in level 1. The 3 lbs. seem a little too light now that I am used to it so I think I'm going to have to invest in some 5 lbs. Anyway I highly highly recommend this, it's a great alternative to spending an hour or so at the gym (I sweat more doing this than running 2 miles). Here's some before and afters...