June 12, 2009

Happy Vaca!

Well this is my last post before we leave Sunday morning. I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and next week!!! Please pray for nice weather b/c last time I checked the forecast was less than perfect!


  1. Thanks for the birthday wishes. WAY cute blog! Your (fur) baby, Chanel, looks a LOT like a Papillion to me. They're both adorable, though! Have a great vacation!

  2. Whoooo hoo! Have fun on vacation. Can't wait to see pictures when you get back :) And bring back some sunshine!

  3. Have fun - and share pictures!

  4. Have a fabulous time. Hoping for great weather. Can't wait to hear all about your trip {and see some great pics} when you return.

    Have fun!

  5. Enjoy your vacation!! I hope the weather turns out nice!!
