July 1, 2009


That's my new word for something that's SUPER YUMMY! Over the weekend I borrowed this recipe from Angela. Future Mr HoneyDew said that it was "award-winning" and that he'd "pay $20 for this at a restaurant".

I served it with veggie kabobs and a glass of pinot grigio with tomato, basil, and mozzarella salad as an appetizer. It was a gorgeous evening so we were able to eat outside at sunset. oooh it was so romantic. So thank you Angela for this yum-bo recipe! I will definitely be making it again!


  1. That looks yummy! I might have to try making that sometime.

  2. That look delish! I will have to try those veggie kabobs, we try to make kabobs with meat but they never turn out right!

  3. looks pretty!! i love it when my meal has tons of color!
