November 5, 2009

Thankful Thursdays

Today I am thankful for:
  • Being married. It is the best feeling ever. I am learning how to compromise and put someone else first and it's an amazing experience.
  • Our condo. It's so well insulated that we have not turned on the heat once yet! Yay for a cheap electric bill this month!
  • Eating out. I enjoy cooking, a lot, but tonight we are going out to dinner for Mr. Husband and my MIL's birthdays and I'm so excited! It's nice to just not worry about cooking and cleaning up.
  • Caramel apple spice from Starbucks. Enough said.
  • Yoga class. I have been going every Saturday and it's so relaxing and really centers me. I can't wait to go this week.
What are you thankful for?


  1. I am thankful to celebrate and take part in my BFF's wedding this weekend!!! :)

  2. Oh how I love eating out! And being married is the best!=)

  3. I am thankful for God bringing my soul mate into my life, having a job, our home, our health and my wedding dress coming in :)

  4. Oh I'm thankful for Caramel Apple Spice too! It's SO yummy! :)

  5. you have just convinced me to try this carmel apple spice latte it sounds to die for!!!

    and yep being married is da bomb dot com!

  6. We haven't had to turn the heat on in our town house either. I love that! I hope you have a nice dinner with the family :)

  7. I love your list again! :)

    BTW, are you, by chance, going to Cleveland yoga? Before I moved away, I used to go there almost everyday!

  8. Lucky you! I've had to turn on the heat ALOT!
