January 26, 2010

Tummy Tuesdays- Week 12

Wow another TT is here ALREADY! I can't believe how fast this time is going by! In just TWO weeks we'll be finding out the gender of baby butterbean and we could NOT be more excited! Hopefully our little lime will cooperate and we'll get to see, if not looks like we'll be waiting till week 20.
People keep asking me if I have any indication of what he/she is and to be honest I have NONE. I always said I wanted a girl and when we were younger my cousin and I would tease that if she had a girl and I had a boy we'd trade. But being that Mr. Husband comes from a family of mostly boys (he's one of 4) I have really started to like the idea of a little man. BUT for my MILs sake, she tried 4 times for a girl, I hope we have a little girl.
Do we have names? Why yes we do. We knew our girl name over a year ago and we both absolutely love it, Kendall Paige. The boy name was a little trickier. I like names that are different and Mr. Husband is very traditional. He wanted Brian- too generic. So we picked a name that's classic but not TOO popular, Lucas {Luke} James.
This weeks news...well my left leg has been acting up. By acting up I mean it sorta feels like it's asleep but also like it's lost circulation. I don't know if it's because I've been sleeping on my left mostly {because all the books say to} or because I haven't been working out as much as I used to or a blood clot or the baby is laying on my sciatic nerve already? Who knows! I'm going to try getting up and walking/stretching every hour during the day and see if that helps. It's not that it hurts but it's just annoying.
Oh and my emotions? Out of control. Let's see, this weekend I cried 1. over the Sheryl Crow/Kid Rock song for Haiti, 2. because I want to move, 3. during Private Practice's last week episode. It's fine. Really. I'm used to being emotional but it's just been a while since I cried at the drop of a hat.
Still eating macaroni and cheese daily, still having crazy dreams, still have enormous boobs. We're 12 weeks and 3 days today.


  1. I love the name Luke, that's what I wanted to use but don't worry, M already said no. Boo. You are moving right along, can't wait to see what you're having!

  2. Your little bump is soooo cute!!!!

  3. Jealous you get mac and cheese everyday!

  4. My sides and legs will fall asleep too after sleeping on my side for too long. I usually have to flip over on my back and prop myself up on the pillows a few times during the night. Sleeping is so difficult while pregnant.

  5. I can't wait to keep reading as your pregnancy progresses! I'm so excited for you!

  6. Cute belly!
    I can't believe you cried over Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock's performance...Justin Timberlake was much better! :)

  7. You look great! I love the names you've chosen too :)

  8. Looking good girl! Can't wait to hear what you're having!

  9. aw, the names you have picked out are really cute!! i love the girl name!
    glad you are doing well besides your leg, hopefully that feeling goes away soon.

  10. Starting to see a little bump, so cute!! :)

  11. I like the names you picked out. Kendall Paige is darling!

  12. Love the baby names!

  13. I love the name Kendall for a girl :) CUTE!

  14. eeeee i cant wait to find out what you are having!!

  15. I love that you're documenting your prego-peroid; that will be nice to have to look back on. Congrats!

  16. Hey, can you please email me your address if you feel comfortable (you can find it on my blog). Want to send something your way :)

  17. cute, cute! Can I just say that I'm jealous that my comment makes number 20 on your belly posts and I still have zero.
    :::hangs head in shame and walks out:::
