March 6, 2010

I Gotta Pocket, Gotta Pocket Full of Sunshine

Mrs Ross tagged me with the Sunshine Award {perfect considering the sun is FINALLY shinning in OH}. What is the Sunshine award? This particular award is given to those bloggers who positively and creatively inspire other bloggers in blogland. I love this award because I hope that people find my blog positive. I always try to be upbeat and happy on here, I made it a rule of mine to not be negative {at least online}.

The rules for this award are as follows:
~Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
~Pass the award on to 12 bloggers.
~Link the nominees within your post.
~Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
~Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

My 12 positively creative blogger friends are:
  1. Mrs. HRH- L.O.V.E. this girl to death. She's always posting FAB things and she's just a doll.
  2. Erynn- after suffering the most tragic and sudden loss of her husband, she's raising two ADORABLE children and doing an amazing job. I don't know how she finds the strength but she's such an inspiration to me.
  3. Megan- another preggo blogger and a cutie one at that. She's always uplifting and positive and has a great outlook on life.
  4. Lauren- can't say enough good things about this girl. She's always got the most inspiring things to say. I always go to her when I need something to turn my outlook around.
  5. The New Mrs- a fellow OH blogger, she's ADORABLE! Her posts always CRACK me up.
  6. Miss Gibby- how fabulous is she? Her Bachelor recaps are hilarious {I will miss them} and she's always posting her FABULOUS parties and shopping finds!
  7. Kylie- she's a relatively new blogger friend but she's got a GREAT style, I beg her to be my personal stylist. She always posts honest reviews of her latest purchases, loves it!
  8. Kara- she and I are so much alike, love her, she posts all things that inspire her and they are always things I love.
  9. Courtney- this girl is hilarious! She's honest, straight forward, and adorable {to boot}.
  10. Amber- what can I say, this girl's got S.T.Y.L.E. She posts the coolest pics of her outfits and I'd die to have her closet.
  11. Ashley- she's trying for her first baby and she's going through a lot, but she's keeping a positive attitude through the whole journey.
  12. Taylor- another new bloggy friend and she's expecting now too!! She always posts a wide range of things that are always comment worthy!
So there you have it, go check them out!


  1. Congrats on the award and thank you!! :)

  2. Awe, thanks Shan! I totally think we would be BFF's if we lived nearby! We are SERIOUSLY alike and I just love you!!! I hope we get the chance to meet someday! xoxo

  3. haha ever since I saw your heading this morning, that song has been stuck in my head! :)

  4. omg thank yoU!!! You are so sweet!!

  5. thank you girl!! you are too sweet!

  6. Congrats on the award, and I like the new lay-out on the blog. Very cute and Kendall Paige inspired!
