May 17, 2010

Move Over Martha

So I got my craft on today! Remember this where I posted ideas for the nursery? Well I ordered the two vinyl decals from Etsy but figured I could make the other myself {mind you I do NOT have a creative bone in my body}. So I started my search for supplies. It took me a while but I gathered up everything I needed and with the help of a certain bestie got started on my very first baby DIY project.

Step one: find butterfly punch

step two: punch out millions of butterflies
I got a little carried away
step three: glue butterflies
Now this is where the project went a little wrong. See I bought these stamps

with the intention of stamping flowers on the background but that didn't go as planned and so the flowers turned into polka dots. I used these two colors and an old makeup brush and painted away.

step four: FINISHED
WELL...what do you think?! I'm pretty proud of myself {pats self on back}.


  1. I know, I couldn't see the pics either :(

  2. Ya, I can't see them either :(

  3. Can't wait to see what it looks like. Sounds so adorable.

  4. Aw, sad face. None of the photos worked for me. I bet they turned out great!

  5. Pics dont work :( I saw one pic on the syle forum, so cute!! You did a great job. Where did you find the butterfly punch- I think I want to make one too!! :O)

  6. Sounds cute-can't wait to see!

  7. cute idea; I love the premise of your blog
