August 7, 2010

Baby Dew is Due

So today officially marks KPs due date. She's still not here. I feel like my crotch is going to fall open at any moment but no signs of contractions or anything indicating labor may be coming soon. I went on 4 mile walk this morning and now I'm convinced if that doesn't help nothing will.
On my way to the park, however, I was pulled over. I got my very first speeding ticket too. WHO gives a pregnant lady a speeding ticket on her due date when she's on her way to do something to make the baby come out {yes I told the cop what I was up to today, he didn't care}. RUDE!
So in conclusion, today sucks.


  1. oh, lovie. this is just terrible. KP, honey.. it's about time you get served your eviction notice. DID YOU HEAR ME?!?! COME OUT, COME OUT, COME OUT! We all want to meet you now! Especially Carter. You two can be baby-bloggie friends!

    And bad juju to the cop who gives the pregnant lady a speeding ticket. What a jerk!!

  2. Oh no... what a meanie cop!! To give a darling pregnant girl a ticket? Who does that! Hope baby Dew comes very soon... I can't believe it's already time, I remember when you made the annoucement about being pregnant!

  3. I totally relate to your pain after the speeding ticket. While I am only 12ish weeks, I got one the other night even after telling the cop I was speeding b/c I was preggers and had to pee. What is wrong with cops????

  4. I'm so sorry she hasn't come yet!! *sending you lots of labor dust*

  5. what a d-bag cop! doesn't he understand priority? definitely should have brought on the crazy prgenant lady hormone tears, LoL whatever it takes ;)
    Hope she gets here soon!

  6. I'm crossing my fingers for you! I hope she comes today!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hope that little girl comes soon! Can't wait to see her!!

  9. Sucks about the ticket. Hang in there, she will be here soon!

  10. Come on Little KP! Lots of people are ready to meet you! :)

  11. A 4-mile walk! Bless your heart! I'm 17 weeks, and the thought of even half a mile makes me want to pass out. ;) Hope she gets here SOON!

  12. that is rude! what the heck! I hope sweet baby KP comes out soon! :) we are all exctied to see you sweet baby

  13. Here's hoping she hurries up!

    oh, and sorry about your crotch. ha, that part was funny!

  14. Oh, girl…. Hang in there!!!!! Hope to hear some baby news, SOON!!!!!

  15. A ticket on your due date...that's just ridiculous!

    Come on KP!
