October 18, 2010

On To Bigger and Better

This is a small pile of clothes KP has outgrown already.  Makes me sad.  There are outfits in there that I absolutely adored and wish we had in every size.  Like this one...
and this one
and this one

 My chunky monkey was in newborn longer than I thought but STILL!  Luckily she has a new little friend named Lily who is gladly accepting donations.  We're on to 0-3 month and straight up 3 month now.  I guess it's not all bad because now she gets to wear cute things like Baby Legs {her legs were too little before now-yes she's a shorty}

And while we're on the topic of moving on...Kendall has been sleeping through the night!  YEP!  You heard me right.  She loves us and is rewarding us with SLEEP!  Smart girl, Grammy bought her some outfits to show her how proud she is of her.  Thank you Kendall, keep up the good work!


  1. Aw, sweet girl.... growing like a weed! Just precious :)

  2. Wow! THat is awesome that she is sleeping through the night for you guys! Good for you! :)

  3. Aww, such a big girl!! that rocks that she is sleeping the night for you! I promised Lucas a car if he would sleep thru the night when he was around 5 weeks old. it totally worked and I have been saving ever since!! I see nothing wrong with rewarding her with new outfits. she deserves it!

  4. those are beautiful outfits. I love little girls clothes they are always adorable!

  5. aww so bittersweet. We have the same striped leggings ;) LOVE the Halloween attire. Adorbs!

  6. That last photo of her with the Halloween bib is my favorite! So cute. :)

  7. Aww. I can't get over how cute she is! And I hear it is pretty devastating how quickly they outgrow all those cute outfits we buy and received as gifts, so take it easy...but do I listen? No. Our little guy has so many new outfits that WE bought, not even gifts yet (our shower is next month). Just can't resist... :) At least you have pictures of her in them to look back on, right? :)

  8. Her little Baby Legs are so stink'n adorable!! HOOOORAY for sleeping through the night!

  9. Awww so stinkin' cute!! I love the baby legs, precious!

  10. ugh. this breaks my heart. i have TWO entire chest drawers full of stretchies and sleepers and onesies that Carter has outgrown. my not-yet-three-month-old baby is wearing SIX MONTH clothes. SIX MONTH!!!!!!! i think im going to have a coronary. Btw? KP is adorbs. she's gettin' a little chunk on her! i love it!!

  11. She is so gorgeous! They grow so fast don't they? Precious little thing :)

  12. Oh, and I cant be friends with you until KP teaches S how to sleep... that is all :)

  13. I just did the same thing and filled a box with all the NB sized clothes that she no longer fits in. Now we are all 0-3. what time does she go down and wake up? Em goes to sleep around 11 and wakes up at 6.

    What are baby legs and how do I get some on my sweet girls chunky legs

  14. Aww! Well at least you have the memory of the clothes via pictures, right? :)

  15. she's so cute. they grow up way too fast. Parker has so much that he never wore. Big boy is in 6mo stuff...and he just turned 3mos!

  16. I get sad everytime I think of all the clothing of Abigail's that still had tags on it when we packed it away. I keep saying that we have to have another girl so that we can get our money's worth out of all these clothes!

    Oh, and you have no idea how jealous I am that KP is STTN already. After 9 months of being up all night, I would give my left arm to have Abbey sleep!
