November 4, 2010


A LONG time ago I played this game where you ask me questions and I answer.  I'm playing again.  Why?  Because I'm bored and out of blogging content at the moment.  Inspire me.  Ask me questions.  You know me, I speak the honest truth, no sugar-coating it.  What do you want to know about ME!? Mr. Husband?  Baby Kendall?  Hunting? Pregnancy?  Parenthood? Ask and I promise nothing's off the table.


  1. What are some of your favorite tv shows? Any hobbies? Besides being a wife and mom of course! And what's the one thing you want for Christmas? It can't just be world peace. :) You don't have to answer all of these just giving you some options.

  2. What's the one thing that you absolutely hate, whether it be a food, a show, etc? What's the one event you're most looking forward to in the next year years to come?

  3. How did you and hubs know you were ready for a baby? What's the best and worst part of being a mom? Will you give us a tour of your house pretty please? Why did you decide not to breastfeed? What's your natural hair color? What's your job?

  4. What is your favorite thing about being a mommy??

  5. Everyone always says "Wait to have kids, you will never get that time back!" Obviously you don't regret having Kendall and wanted to have kids right away, but what can you say in defense to that? I never know how to read people who say that!

  6. I'd love to know how you and Mr. Husband met!

  7. what was you least/most fav part of being preggo.

    Why did you choose against breastfeeding

    whats one thing your looking forward to doing with your pretty princess as she gets older

    whats one thing you wish somebody would have told you about having a baby that you learned the hard way
