Me and Kodi were talking about the differences between her boys and my KP. Her boys jump in the first pile of dirt they see, KP can't stand anything being on her hands that resemble dirt {or paint, or pen, or marker,or food}. We both decided that it's definitely something they're born with.
Friday KP and I hit up an indoor playground about 30 minutes away. It's a coffee shop & playground all in one, pretty much the coolest idea ever! It's $3 for the tots and mamas are FREE! It was the perfect play area for 5 and under {and the coffee wasn't bad either}.
But even here, among a bunch of preschoolers, I was again reminded about the differences between boys and girls.
The girls are so kind, sweet to each other. The little girl in the bottom right? Kendall followed her around more than a shadow on a hot sunny day. They hugged, Kendall shared her "nacks" {snacks}, and she was the only little person Kendall didn't mind sharing the tunnels with. They took turns going down the slide, it was precious.
Then there were the boys. At one point I had to check on Kendall and sure as shit the day is long there was a little bully boy ON TOP of her {but not in that way, don't worry}. That same kid? He pushed her, "moved" her out of his way to climb the latter and did the same to some of the other kids too. His mother was nowhere to be seen so I took it upon myself to let him know that this was, in fact, not ok behavior. Out of line? Maybe but someone had to save KP and the others.
Then there was a boy dad that only reinforced my "they're born with it" notion. The girl moms were all, "yay sweetie", "good job", "you did it!!", you know, pleasant. This boy dad? He was hiding and then popping out and saying, 'ROAR' in a loud, scary, dad voice. Quite frankly I'm surprised KP didn't start crying because Jimmy is definitely more in touch with his feminine side when it comes to her. Only further proved my point that boys and girls are like night and day mushrooms and ice cream.
Obviously I am not a boy mama. I don't know what I would have done had we found out KP had a wenis instead of a vajingo, I don't. I feel like I am clueless when it comes to boys and opening a diaper to see something? Gah I would DIE! I was destined to be a girl mama.
I, too, am destined to be a girl Mama. I dont have ANY idea what I'd do if I had had a boy. I'm SO not in touch with that side of me. I'm grateful for my sweet, lovable and gentle daughter!!!
ReplyDeleteI felt the same way! When we found out Caden was a boy, I was terrified. Obviously I got over that, but it's been (and continues to be) a learning experience, that's for sure!
ReplyDeleteGood for you for telling that boy to chill out. I've had to do it many times. Awkward? Yes, but much needed.
ReplyDeleteI am more concerned about us having a little girl when we have kids. I've watched many kids, but seem to connect easier with boys (although I love little girls too).
I never expected to have a boy, I am so girlie I just knew I could only produce a girl. Well guess what, during the u/s the tech said 'I see boy parts!' I told him to STFU. Yeah, not a cool move. Anyhow, I don't know if it's nature or nurture but my 5 year old is the sweetest boy ever. I am a single mama and again, IDK if it's my doing that he is this way. At school, he is friends with boys but more often than not he hangs with the ladies because he says the boys are 'too rough.' I have him in sports and he loves trucks and diving off furniture when he can. But I think so much is the 'nurture' from the parents part. I think some parents may treat their sons differently to 'toughen them up.'
ReplyDeleteMy son is not your typical boy. He can get a little wild, but NOTHING compared to his three absolutely crazy sisters. Even as a baby, he never liked to get dirty. I love having both, but I don't think I'm getting the "true" boy experience with this one. Poor thing is so out-numbered. The girls are all drama and crying and sass. He is all mellow and silly and obedient.
ReplyDeleteAnd when we were at Great Wolf Lodge a few weeks ago, I had to tell several children, whose parents were mysteriously not present (hello? these are toddlers! in a water park!)to be nice, to not take cuts, to not touch my child, etc. Sometimes it just has to be done.
ReplyDeleteI have a son. I would say it's more about parenting skills than boy vs. girl behavior. Boy are rougher that's a given but from what you described it clearly sounds like they take after their parents
ReplyDeleteThat's an awesome play/coffee idea! We are learning the boy/girl difference at only 7 months. We went to an Oscar party last night. Our daughter is 7 months, the little boy there is 17ish months...he was pushing her over, hitting her, stealing her pacifier, over and over. I tried to block him every time but Savannah got so fed up she was in hysterics. This little boy has an older brother so they are used to this "play"...our girl? Not so much.
ReplyDeleteI do not understand these parents not watching their children..
ReplyDeleteI have three boys and 1 girl. And I will say that my boys are not wild and out of control little bullies in the making. I'm sure it's cause my husband and I do not allow ugly, hateful behavior. I was bullied as a child and I just will not stand for it. I think that if allowed some boys like to be dirty. Mine on the other hand do not and we wash hands and hand sanitize them so much I'm almost tired of it come bed time. HA
I can't believe that Dad was acting like that.. So nuts my husband would be told to cut that out.. That kind of stuff makes me nervous. You never how a child will react to that.
Is that place jungle java? I'm going there this Saturday morning!! So excited!!!
ReplyDeleteI cried at the ultrasound when I found out I was having a boy! My friends all had girls within months of me so I definitely see differences between them. Noah is definitely a bit more rambunctious but not worse behaved. Now, I'm so happy I have a boy. He is the sweetest little boy that has my whole heart & I don't want any more kids b/c of it :)
ReplyDeleteLOL! I bet you would have adapted if KP had been a boy, and you would have been fine! I was terrified to just be having a child! My little boy is the best...and I can't picture myself as a girl mom, but I'm sure I would have figured it out. The fact that I'm into sports and running around probably allows me to enjoy the dynamics of a boy vs. a girl. But I agree, the differences are there, and while it can depend on how someone parents a child, when I observe Tommy at his daycare, he and the other boys are much more rambunctious than the girls. It's funny to watch. And while I think kids need to have some freedom to learn things, I am one of those moms who will go up to my son and address a situation if he is being too rough or doing something to someone he shouldn't be. But, he can also be a sweet, gentle little boy as well.
ReplyDeleteI definitely think a lot of it comes down to parenting. But one of my sweet friends had THREE girls first, and her 4th?? A boy. She cannot tell me enough just how DIFFERENT they are gender-wise, despite her same parenting. Is he sweet? Yes. But can he tear apart a room faster than any of her girls could? Yes. She just mentions that his energy level is SO much higher than any of her girls ever were.
ReplyDeleteI do have to say though, that Eme has two boy cousins, and two girl cousins...and the boy cousins treat her much nicer. The oldest girl cousin is in that stage where Eme isn't cool enough for her. So she runs away from her, is kind of mean-girl to her, etc. At this stage, we'd rather play with her boy cousins. And I see a lot of active parenting w/ my SIL (of the boys) when it comes to treating girls right, being gentle with them, etc. So I'm sure that helps!
While I am super excited about having my two girls, I sometimes wish I had a boy. You may not see it now, but Hayleigh is a COMPLETE daddy's girl. When they are young, it was all about mama because I am the nuturing one. But now, she is nearly 4 and all about daddy. She calls for HIM in the middle of the night, she wants to play with HIM, she wakes HIM up in the morning, etc. We are going to be left in our girls dust LOL. And I hear from other moms that little boys love their mamas like NO other LOL. I still have Avery favoring me (for now) but pretty soon I am going to be good for nothing but wiping booties and fixing snacks LOL. Boo!
ReplyDeleteSo true! It's funny because I have 1 boy and can't imagine having a daughter: the bows, the pink, the ruffles- oh my! I think my husband and I would melt around a baby girl and not know how to be stern, they are just so cute! My boy on the other hand is loud, energetic, playful, stubborn, and loves being outside. I can't wait to hae another one, boy or girl!
ReplyDeleteOh friend. I so agree that they're just born with certain traits, but obviously you know I would never let my boys act like little devil children. They're just so innately wild and never stop moving! My parents, who only had two girls, always comment on how busy my boys are. :) I just love that sweet KP. I have a feeling that in just a few years she'll be tougher than any of the boys on the playground.
ReplyDeleteHey, lady :) I tagged you in my post! I hope you play along~
ReplyDeleteHa I love this post! My boys are pre-teen and teen. I was so upset when prego with #1 and they saw boys parts on the ultrasound. So then at #2, I said I wanted to be surprised and hoped and prayed for a girl...another boy! So I learned over the years that I am pretty darn good raising boys, they are polite, caring and just plain wonderful! So back to them being teens, the teen girls that come around the house now SO get on my nerves!! Really I cannot stand the giggling and preening and lots of other things! So I say, God knew what he was doing when he gave me sons!
ReplyDeleteWell, this just proved I have a little boy trapped in a girls body! LOL. I was laughing the whole time. And, A's favorite book is a "Roar" book that she brings over to her daddy to read over and over and and over..and when she brings it over she does her little roar sound...because in the book, the lions and bears go GROWL and ROAR!
ReplyDeleteParenting is not as easy as we thought, isn't it? Some people say that raising a boy is a lot more difficult.. Well my kid is a boy, and yeah sometimes I feel like I wanted to have a daughter..hahaha But that's been a learning experience, I agree, it makes you learn some good attitudes like patience, calmness, and you'll also learn lots of consistency and assertiveness when deal with a boy :D