April 26, 2012

Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very-Bad Day

Do you remember reading that book as a child?  I do and Alexander had nothing on my day yesterday.
Let me rewind a bit.  Tuesday Kendall didn't nap, at all.  This was our first no-nap day experience and let me tell you, mama wasn't a fan.  It makes for a LONG day with a toddler when no nap is involved. I live for nap time.  I crave nap time.  I NEED nap time. Get it? Got it? Good. So I was certain Tuesday night would come fast and she'd crash hard, that was only half true.  She went to bed fast and earlier than usual but the nighttime hours were a different story.  Girlfriend was up 4-5 {I can't really remember} times and finally was up for the day at, are you ready for this, 4:30 am.  Good lord.
The day went downhill from there.
From 6-9 I think we watched 4 episodes of "Doe-rah", because. When it was time to get dressed?  Meltdown.   Her outfit was "yucky" and she literally tried to rip.it.off.  She wanted nothing to do with having her hair in pigtails and don't even get me started on shoes.  The only way I was able to get myself dressed for the day was by giving her a sheet of stickers and letting her plaster them all over the kitchen floor.  
We got to story time and it wasn't much better.  There she decided that her shoes were "yucky" and took them off and proceeded walking through the library barefoot.  Hillbilly.  
Don't ask me why but for some reason we attempted to go to Subway for a "quick lunch" but my little drama queen quickly let me know that wasn't in her plans.  So we got it to go but she never did eat, instead she refused to sit in her highchair, pulling at her "yucky" outfit and crying.  Oh the crying.  It was epic yesterday.  I don't think I've heard as much crying in my 29 years of life as I did yesterday.
We got home and she napped.  Thank the Lord Jesus.  It wasn't as long as I would have preferred but it was a nap and she did wake up in a "better" mood.  She ate, finally, but she still wasn't happy.  She still only wanted "stickas" {stickers} which we were out of because of the morning sticker-fest.
I never, in 20-months, have felt like throwing in the towel as much as I did yesterday.  Yesterday I did not want to be a mom.  I wanted to call Jimmy and say, "Get your ass home and take care of your daughter", but I couldn't.  I even said to my mother-in-law, "Aren't you glad you're not babysitting anymore?".  I didn't even get a shower yesterday and let me tell you, ladies, the baby powder trick doesn't work on this head of hair, at all.
Top it all off, I have a massive zit and a cold sore and my monthly "friend" has shown up.  So yeah, there's that.
Needless to say when we went to the store for more "stickas" mama picked up a BOTTLE-o-delicious.  Yes, you read that right.  I got a bottle, not a box, and no the 30 day challenge isn't even close to being over yet and I don't care.  I needed that entire bottle and that entire bottle I had.


  1. I can relate all too well to days like this. I agree, they suck. I hope we never have to experience one again, but I'm sure that won't happen. Thank God for wine and I'm glad you survived!

  2. Days like this always call for wine. Screw the challenge, you need your medicine.

  3. There must have been something in the air! Our normally good sleeper was up 3 times the other night SCREAMING. Im sorry you've had a rough time! (wine, totally called for) Here's to hoping these next few days are easy and filled with moments that make you smile instead of scream!

  4. I personally wouldn't have left the house except to get the food and wine. Ha! I'd love to say it get easier, but just you wait. You are a good mama though. I had to laugh at her trying to rip her clothes off, who does she think she is the hulk? :)

  5. Bah! I know these days all too well, friend. The days of No Naps are horrendous. And the not wanting to wear certain clothes? C feels that way about long sleeves lately. On the 45 degree days we've had lately? Yep, that's my kid wearing short sleeves. And no socks. Because. Because I will tear my ever loving hair out of I have to deal with the Wet Noodle Throw Myself On The Floor Because OHMYGOD The Sleeves. Thankfully these days don't happen THAT often and thank GOD for bottles o' deliciousness ;)

  6. Awwww you deserve that wine even if it was the whole bottle!! With the clothes...yea I think I fight with Payton everyday as to what she is going to wear but I think thats in the package of having a girl! It will get better my friend

  7. wow! I'm sorry you had a bad day :-( I can't believe how opinionated she is already over her outfits!

  8. Sorry! Love that you're completely honest about it all. I'm sure these days are rare (or will hope for your sanity they are)!

  9. Yikes! That does sound like a bad day! I hope KP takes it easier on you today!

  10. I feel your pain lady. It must be the age. At least I'm tellling myself that in hopes that someday soon this whole "crazy toddler" stage ends. OOOHHH and it's times two. Two grumpy toddlers. AHHH help me now. My whole last month has been a constant blur of fighting and crying. Blah. Such is life I guess :)

  11. Ugh sounds rough! I am NOT looking forward to those days.

  12. I FEEL YOU SO MUCH. The other day, when Lizzy locked me out of the house? Justin got home and I straight up said, "I am done parenting for today."

    Hang in there.

  13. I loathe days like that. Although we have the "i want to wear only what i want to wear" battle daily. So that's fun. Hope today is being a bit more kind to you lady.

  14. ahh those days just drive me crazy and they are the moments that I ask what did I get myself into.
    I am sorry girl - and I would SO Have broken the 30 days too!!!

  15. this makes me cringe all over again reading this. so sorry friend.

  16. Girl, those days come and go!! You got through it and that's all that matters. Trust me...Chloe has had her fair share of those days too. We just deal with it and end on a happy (bottle o' wine) note....that's all you can do.

  17. All mothers have days like these. We live through them and hopefully the good days outweigh the bad. I hope tomorrow is a better day.

  18. :( I'm so sorry Shannon!! I hope today was better. We will get some bottles-o-delicious together soon!

  19. Wine is necessary on days that sound like that :)

  20. Thanks for making me feel normal, Bc I usually feel alone& crazy when these days happen to me.
