June 8, 2012

Me, Lately

This blog has been pretty much all "fluff" lately, right?  iPhone pics galore, SWW as usual, and really no useful content {minus the 30 Day/300 Ab Challenge link up party, I was really excited about that}.  BUT that's because I'm trying to figure out me.
I'm trying to unplug a little more these days.  Jimmy made a comment about my phone never leaving my hands and it made me sad. I was always connected. It is annoying.  I see that now. I would be irritated beyond belief if the tables were turned and I'm glad he pointed that out to me.  So the evenings are reserved for my family now. No phone calls, no Twitter, less Instagram {because I have to document, right?} and more time being together. It's been really nice, I must say.
I'm trying to be a better wife.  Now that I'm at home I really want to make the most of my days and that means making Jimmy's life easier.  Whether that means always making sure his Under Armor under-roos are clean or packing up his veggies and Power Bars for lunch, I want him to benefit from me being home too.  I already know he benefits as in our child is being well taken care of but he needs to be "taken care of" as well.  That's my focus right now and I can say that 4 days into this new attitude and I feel better {and I hope he does too} already and I only hope each day improves us.
Speaking of being home, I feel so great about the decision to stay home now. I mean not that I wasn't excited when I walked out of Thirty-One for the last time but now we are in a groove and Kendall is learning more than ever and it's just very reassuring.  I know now that this is where I was meant to be.  I also love that my mother-in-law gets to be a grandma {Gigi} now.  She's no longer the daycare provider or surrogate mama while I'm at work, she can actually dote on Kendall like a grandma should.  It's pretty awesome.
The entire week of Memorial Day I had a lingering headache, like all week long.  I'd take a Tylenol and nada. At night I tried the PM version and still woke up with it. It wasn't a migraine, it was just there and annoying.  I figured it was due to the lack of sleep I've been getting lately.  Sure Kendall sleeps through the night {most nights} now so I can't blame it {entirely} on her.  But I will blame it on the dogs, the husband, the things that go bump in the night, seriously anything wakes me these days.  I'd say, on average, I'm up 3 times a night.  I don't sleep more than 2.5 hours at a time.  Can you say enough already?!  So I've been taking 3mg of Melatonin at night and while I still wake up {my bladder is the size of a pea} I feel like I've been sleeping much more restfully and wake up feeling refreshed.  Oh, and that headache?  It's gone!
I'm working on being the best me I can be, basically.  I'm trying to make more time for myself to do constructive things with my time, like reading instead of watching TV. In fact, I have read 3 {almost 4} books this year already, which is exactly 4 more than I've read in the past 2-3 years {maybe even longer}.  I have straight up abandoned some shows altogether and it actually feels pretty good. My next step is canceling cable but I'm so freaking scared because canceling cable means no more DVR.  It also means an extra $80 a month so that is{kinda} worth it, right?
I've caught the fever recently.  I blame my pregnant BFF for being so cute and my other BFF who's 3 and 5-year-old daughter's bond makes it hard to not want that for KP.  I'm not 100% sold on the idea but it's definitely been on my mind a lot more lately.  Of course this is a family decision and I suppose I should consult my husband but yeah...right now I'm thinking it may be an option.
If you made it this far in this post you deserve a medal.  Thank you for humoring me and have yourself a fantastic weekend.


  1. With the cable maybe start slowly. No DVR? I mean I am so behind on shows I just gave up. Most shows you can watch ON Demand or online.

    We talked about the whole baby thing. It's a hard decision.

    I think you are doing an awesome job as a SAHM/W

  2. You gotta do what you gotta do. Your readers understand because we're all in the same situation too. It's about finding the balance between work/family/me time and everything else. And congratulations on no more headache and better sleep. That's worth everything right there :)

  3. I feel like this "balance" idea comes up for me every month or so and I have to re-evaluate. Maybe that means I'm weak! Nah. I just think there is so much that the world, and technology world at that, offers us so we have to constantly make the decision to say no sometimes. I feel like I'm done with Twitter. It's too hard to keep up with and the times when I do like to check it, I'm so far behind that everything's old new!

    Have a great weekend. You are a great Momma and wife!

  4. Love the realness of this post. I need to focus more on unplugging, for sure. I really want to be more present this summer! (and always, really)

    Also, we cancelled cable a year and half ago and have never regretted it! We switched to netflix on the Wii (only $8) so we still have kid shows and movies and certain shows. Then if we really want to see something there is always Hulu. It has been a great decision for us so I say give it a shot!

  5. I catch the fever from time to time. Just long enough to play with a cute baby and then hand them back to their mother so I can drink a beer and go outside to smoke a cigarette. Yeah, I'm awesome. Big A wants to know why I've had the "fever" for our entire relationship until it is a reality. Haha. For the record, you make ADORABLE babies!

  6. Cable- I was terrified as well but we did it and got Netflux and huluPlus and it has been great and that extra $60 isway nice!
    Baby #2- I am exactly where you are. The idea sounds
    Good but right now that is all it is. I don't think I am ready but that may be mama guilt talking.
    Sleeping- i never was a good sleeper then when Lexi was born it went to hell in a handbasket! It still isn't good. Maybe I will guve melatonin a try?
    Disconnecting- i tried that and it has made me feel so free! I am getting so much more done, it is a little ridiculous.

  7. Yay for unplugging! We've also considering booting cable and just opting for streaming Netflix since everything ends up there anyway. We are currently blowing through Mad Men.

    I love that you have settled into being a SAHM and really enjoy it now. You're totally right, Grandma should be Grandma. My mom went through that too and it was so hard on her, but she loves it now that my sister is at home and she can just spoil her grandkids instead of babysitting all the time.

    I'm stoked for baby fever!

  8. Love you for keeping it real! I need to focus more when I'm at home too, I feel like I'm constantly multitasking!

    Hate you for inspiring me to do the Abs challenge. Everything south of my chest aches. Especially my hips... am I doing it wrong??

  9. We haven't had cable in YEARS! It's been awesome. The extra $ was nice, but now I DON't worry about needding to watch a backlog of shows. I get more stuff done and honestly I really feel smarter, because let's face it some reality shows suck the brains right out of you! Just pull the plug - even if it's just for summer since you probably watch way less tv when it's warm out. You'll thank yourself later and wonder what took you so long. Oh and a really cheap version of having variety is Netflix. We stream it through the Playstation and it's been the best. You should watch Mad Men, it's awesome ;)

  10. We actually tried to cancel our cable last year, but because we have a bundle package with our internet and house phone, it would have been more expensive without the cable tv. A lot more expensive! So until we can find a better option...here we are.

    Good luck with everything :-) I need to work on unplugging more myself! And that baby thing? You would never regret it, promise ;-)

  11. When I read that you weren't sleeping well..I thought "she should just get pregnant then!" hahaha. I'm bad. I know. But kinda nice you're thinking about it :)

    Lately I've been really struggling with the sahm thing. Not that I don't love that part, I just hate that I work from home, too. I've even gotten a little resentful that my job is essentially just as important as D's ($ wise), but yet I have a whole 'nother full time job of taking care of kid(s) too. And being pregnant. And then add in my hormones. I've been a hot mess.

    The good news is, I know what I need. I just need more ME time. And my husband agrees. I'm bad at just taking it when it IS free for the taking.

    anndddd now that I spilled my pregnant guts :)

  12. My husband and I cancelled our cable because we felt we were watching more tv at night than spending time with each other. It's been cancelled since April and it's seriously been so good. But you could always go slowly we just went cold turkey before we changed our minds. Now we do have netflix but mainly so the kids can watch a veggie tales or what not.

    I think you are doing a great job and have great ideas at staying at home. You opened my eyes a bit. I stay home with our four kids. But I don't do much other than wash his clothes and lay them out for my husband.

    How exciting to have the baby fever. Even more so if the husband is too.

  13. CANCEL THE CABLE WOMAN. You'll never even miss it. And you'll still have tv, the five basic channels or what not. It was the best decision we ever made last year, honestly.

  14. I know what you mean about unplugging. I feel like I never leave my laptop! I hate it!

    For the Record

  15. My husband and I just had a "unplugged" talk last night. With Connor arriving in October, we want to focus on us before our family expands to 3.

  16. I've been more unplugged too lately. I save most of my "interneting" for after Mia goes to bed and Hubs has to work at night. It feels good and I know it makes a difference.

    I have the fever too and have for a while. We have a plan, so we'll see what happens :)

  17. My kid is a bit of an attention whore who doesn't like when mommy is on the computer so I rarely get online after work, unless it's a quick scan of FB on my phone while I nurse him.

    I don't think I could ever fully cancel cable but I've definitely cut back on the number of shows I watch nowadays. It's just too time consuming keeping up with so many.

  18. I've been thinking I need to work on me as ell. I think it's something us moms realize all the sudden 'be out on the back burner. I must say it sounds like youve taken a step back and done a good job at evaluating life as it stands. I'm so happy you've decided to stay home for now, what a blessing! As for the baby fever, I'm right there with ya. Would every please stop getting pregnant already?!

    Have a good weekend friend!

  19. We haven't had cable in two years!! What we do have Netflix through Playstation and XBox. This year we added Hulu+ and it was nice to be able to still watch some shows since I can't stay up long enough to watch them on regular TV. I mean we can't get rid of the Internet, but that's $30 a month plus $16 for Hulu and Netflix....can't beat that!!
    I also have trouble not being on my phone all the time and am trying to work on that. It's so easy these days to be plugged in! I'm glad it's summer time because it's making me find things to do with Mackenzie outside.

  20. Great post! I always get the 'we need another' bug in the months prior to my son's birthday. Once his birthday passes I'm back to normal- I just have to ride it out.

  21. We've thought about cancelling our cable too. Especially during the summer, we don't watch anything!

  22. I have to say I must agree (and thank you for sharing- no medal needed, it was great!) I am in the same boat and now that the girls are home for summer and the babysitting gig is up I have told myself that I need to be present and limit what I do on the computer/phone. I tried it today and it.was.awesome. I went most of the day with just a couple instagram moments (posting not looking). I was so present and so happy! I'm only on here now because it's gymnastics time so I have to fill it with something lol. Keep up the good work- your right it is so worth it!

    Oh and baby #2 it is never the right time. I am struggling with baby #3 thoughts. I want it but I don't. I guess it all falls into place when it's supposed to.

  23. Great things happening for you :)

    And girl, I'm happy to read all the way to the end!

  24. i can relate as well! my husband called me on always being connected not too long ago. i've always tried not to be on the computer when he's home but then many weeks, i dont get any of my own stuff done because of it. being a stay at home mom is not for sissies! it goes with the job description. if it was easy, no one would do it. i guess that just makes us very qualified and unique!

  25. Great post! I'm a new follower (and new to the blogworld) and would love for you to check out my blog :)


  26. This is encouraging (especially since I just got married). This is the most honest and challenging post I've read in a really long time. Anywhere.

  27. real jibes nice read first time visitor but wonder ful write ups joined friedn connect

  28. I totally hear you about unplugging at night - the husband has made those comments too but it's hard because that's how I veg out at the end of the day, yet that shouldn't be at the expense of our marriage. And, I am kind of jealous that you were "forced" into the SAHM mom thing ... I want to take that leap but since it's in my control I am having so many questions and doubts about it!

  29. I think it's great that you've been trying to go more unplugged lately. It's always a good thing to spend time with family and friends!
