August 24, 2012

Friday Letters

Dear Super Why:  How have we gone almost 2 years without you in our lives?  Oh I know, cable.  Now that we are forced to watch PBS for our children's shows we have been introduced to you and I can say I'll never rely on Dora again.  You are awesome, educational, and, most importantly, KP loves you too.

Dear Union {Jimmy is a Union employee}:  It's really stupid that you don't provide paid vacation.  As if we weren't already strapped for cash as a one income family, now we have to go without any income for a whole week.  Not cool Union, not cool.  You should really reconsider this.

Dear Kendall: Girlfriend you rocked my socks on our first family road trip/vacation.  You have never been a huge car lover so I was very very nervous about a 11 {ish} hour car ride with you.  You hardly batted an eyelash at it.  It might have helped that we had a DVD player and endless Dora DVDs but still, you were {are} awesome.  Thank you.

Dear Guest Bloggers:  Thank you for keeping LAID alive while I was gone.  I knew this blog was in good hands with each and every one of you.  I hope you liked it as much as I did {that's what she said}.

Dear 90 Degree Weather We're Having Today:  Go away!  I came home to high 70s and low 80s and I want that back.  Plus Jimmy and I made a pact that we wouldn't turn on the air for the rest of the year {thanks to another $300 electric bill and, oh yeah, NO paycheck for the week} and I can't break our deal.  So give me back my cool temps.  Please and thank you.

Dear Fall Clothes:  Stop being so damn adorable and tempting.  We'll be lucky to pay mortgage on time this month {see letter #2, again} and you aren't doing me any favors with your warm colors and fun patterns and textures. I cannot afford you so I'll pretend you don't exist.

Dear Twitter:  Remember back in the day when I loved you?  Well now you are kind of annoying. Too much drama for this mama so I've gone back to my trusty ole Facebook page.  It was real.

Dear Chanel:  You scared the bejesus out of me earlier this week with your refusal to eat and constant vomiting. I literally thought you were going to die and I cried, lots.  Two days at the vet and $500 later {ouch} I'm glad you are back to your old self.  Don't ever scare me like that again, you hear me?

Dear Starbucks Cinnamon Ground Coffee:  You are delicious.  I normally cannot tell a difference in coffees but you are different.  I loved you from the moment you hit my lips and now I can't find you anywhere.  Why?  It's not OK, I need you in my life.

Dear Blog Readers:  Tell me what you want more of around here.  More recipes?  What I'm wearing?  Pics of Kendall?  Parenting advice {ha!}?  Hair tutorials?  You just say the word and I'll deliver.



  1. loved this post. union, get your butts in gear. glad kp did so great during the car ride. and i want more of everything you already are doing :)

    have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Great letters! When I had to take unpaid time off for maternity leave for 2 months, it was really scary! I hope next month is easier on you.

    I was honored to be one of those guest posters - you picked some good ones too!

    I love all your posts of course, but I would love to see some new recipes, and maybe another challenge. The ab one was so motivating!

  3. When I had my son, my entire maternity leave was unpaid. It sucked. Even though I don't make a whole, heck of a lot of money working 20 hours a week, those 3 months of missing my paycheck (with a newborn) was tough.

  4. More of what you are wearing! Love Fashion fridays, etc. Plus... aren't our 30 days up on the ab challenge? When's the reveal link up??

  5. I want to see a post about you coming to visit me. yeah.

  6. Love your Friday Letters! :)


  7. Um, PBS is pretty much all we watch and we DO have cable. But yeah, Super Why? Amazeballs. Caleb goes nuts for it too. And I'm pretty sure that's how he learned his alphabet so early!

  8. Love your letters! Don't love the unpaid vacay though - boo on you, Union!

    What a sweet, good little girl that KP is - glad she did so well on the long car ride.

    If I'm at SB and see that coffee, want me to grab you some?! I'd be happy to mail it to you!

  9. Did you ever say who won the contest for the beach and who got to be waited on hand and foot?

  10. Love everything you post! Definitely adding this link to one of my posts (since I just started blogging again). Can't wait until the main blog isn't under construction so we can link up there. The union stuff definitely sucks! We're a one income family currently (and I'm pregnant with #2 now!) so we couldn't handle something like that AT ALL so I feel your pain there.

  11. I completely agree with you on the fall clothes! I have made waaaaay too many online purchases lately

  12. Non paid vacations, a 300 electric bill, $500 vet bill, talk about a triple whammy.

    Oh and Superwhy is one of our favs around here. PBS has some pretty good shows. Not gonna lie...I'm kind of excited for the new one, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.

  13. Vacations without pay blow! and HELLS YES this weather needs to go back to 70s-80s. This hot weather BLOWS. :(

  14. I hardly survived an 11 hr car ride earlier in the week so I'm quite impressed Kendall made it!

    Seriously, love your blog though, it's one of the first ones I read as I go through my google reader so you can post about anything and I'll enjoy it.

  15. 1) I truly had bucket loads of fun guest posting while you were away. Thanks a million for giving me the opportunity, you're a doll.

    2) I hear ya on being broke. The US Government and their freakin' ridiculous money milking scheme for those trying to immigrate to our vibrant land is truly shitty. Freakin' English husband with his freakin' processing of freakin' immigration paperwork. He's lucky I love him so, and thankfully we're seeing light at the end of the money milking tunnel - hurry up September 6th!

    3) I've been drooling over fall clothes too. And more importantly I've been drooling over Kerry's Coco necklace in Pumpkin over at BB. I DIE. I NEED!

    4) I vote you write about all of the above. I'm always interested in recipes, hair tutorials and adorable pictures of kiddos. Bring it on!

  16. Shannon, I have missed your blog! So glad I have found it again and look forward to catching up on all the missed posts...
    Caley -

  17. As a new mom I'd love hearing parenting stories...and what you're wearing!

  18. Had a blast guest posting! Super why is perfect for kp! I can't believe he gets no paid vacation! Ridic! I want to read about what y'all are up to and you could do fashion posts too.
