October 2, 2012

31 Days: Day 2

Day two of the thirty-one day challenge has been pretty easy, as well.  I'm already starting to see some of my kindness being reciprocated by the receiving end.  Funny how quickly we respond to such a positive change.
Today I had plans of doing nothing.  It was dark, gloomy, seemed like it was going to rain so I had decided it was going to be a PJ day.  Then, around 7:30 Jimmy had texted me to let me know that his book on CD {yep he listens to those still} was in at the library.  He said he'd stop on his way home from work to get it, no big deal.
As I lay in bed, still in my PJs, no shower I thought, "Hey!  I'll go do that for you!"  Even though going to the library is out of my way {remember we were staying in all day} and I wasn't going to be able to shower beforehand.  Who cares, right?  It was worth it to me if Jimmy would be able to come straight home from working 10 hours and have one less thing to worry about.  Plus we have a couple birthday parties coming up that I needed to get gifts for anyway so I figured we'd just tackle all of those chores today.
I'm glad I decided to do that for another reason, Kendall.  She loves the library.  They have a playroom inside full of books {duh}, puzzles, games, and of course other kids.  So we played at the library for a little bit and I even let Kendall check out her own book {big things happening here people!} and she was happy too.
We went to get our goodies for our birthday boy and girl and while we were at the store I stumbled upon not one but two things Jimmy has had his eye on for the past week or so but will never pull the trigger to buy for himself.  I thought about texting him to see if he wanted said items but thought, "Nah!  He will, let it be a surprise!".  And surprised he was!  I came home with birthday gifts, something for Kendall, two things for him and NOTHING for me, I felt good.  I felt selfless, just the way I should.
I'm starting to realize that it's these small things that add up to so much more.  The things that seem so trivial are really a part of a bigger picture and that is putting someone else's needs/happiness above our own.  That's what I'm learning in just day two of this "challenge", I can't wait to see the end result.


  1. I LOVE the challenge you picked. Being a "housewife" I sometimes feel like I need more purpose in life, and that I should do more to show the Boy how much he is appreciated. I know he works hard so that I don't have to, so I try and do little things like you are doing as much as possible to make life easier for him. It makes ME feel better to know that I am doing something for him, and I know it makes him feel special... Stick with it!!!

  2. this is adorable. what a sweet idea!

  3. You are a good wifey! Way to go girl! It's so important to put them first. Proud of you for making this VISABLE for all the interenet to see! What a good example to all of us! Keep up the good work!

  4. it IS the small things that make me happy! keep it up Shannon!

  5. Your giving all of us sucky wives a bad name here Shannon! I kid. I kid. Sort of... haha Very sweet though love the idea and I definitely need to do this more often for my dude!

  6. this is so so awesome!!! I can't wait to see what's next :)

  7. Sounds like a win for everyone! You have inspired me. Thanks.

  8. you make me want to be a better wife. although my husband is always out of town so... oh well.

  9. It is amazing at how quickly the nice is noticed and change starts happening; it's almost immediate in my house :) have fun w/this. the rewards are immeasurable.

  10. THis is a sweet post, Shan. Glad you all had such a wonderful day :-)

  11. You are such a great wife! This whole topic makes me happy...so proud of you! You have such a sweet heart :)
