October 3, 2012

SO WHAT! Wednesday

So What Wednesday
This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...
  • We let KP watch a half hour show every night before bed.  That's how she unwinds.
  • I'm really hoping/praying that this is our month for Baby Dew #2.  Two week wait, you suck!
  • Kendall thinks it's hilarious when she "toot toots".
  • I got really excited when I started a fire in the fireplace all by myself on Sunday!  Just call me a pioneer woman!
  • I already bought KP's "big" Christmas gift.  The problem will be keeping it until Christmas.  I suck at that.  
  • I have a love/hate relationship with hunting season.  I {sometimes} love the time to myself but hate it when I am dealing with The Terrible Twos.
  • I never got around to filming that Q & A session with Jimmy.  
  • I made the same two ingredient muffins again this week.  They were THAT good.
  • I think I like afternoon coffee more than morning coffee these days.  Ahhh...
  • I update my blog Facebook page more than my personal one.
  • I love to schedule blog posts.  Sunday night I had M-W scheduled and I felt like a rock star.
  • Kendall eats oatmeal almost every day for breakfast.  She loves it therefore I know she'll eat it therefore she eats.  
  • I already have a Big Sis tee for Kendall.
  • We are like 2 weeks behind on The Voice.  We just can't stop watching Dexter long enough to catch up on the DVR.
  • I hate taking naps.  Like I either have to be hung-over or had a night from hell in order to take one.  Hate them.


  1. I hate napping too. It only happens when I'm flat-out exhausted. And I know it's not going to be pleasant when I wake up. I always always always wake up more in a haze and exhausted than before I had taken a nap.

  2. Thanks for hosting this again!!! Have an amazing day ^^ xx

  3. those two ingredient muffins are the SHIZ!

    also try angel food cake + blueberry pie filling

  4. I hate taking naps too...it makes me feel too unproductive!

  5. I always feel like a rockstar when I schedule blog posts too!

  6. My daughter was born a few weeks after yours and I just found out I'm pregnant again! I hope this is the month for you too!

  7. I liked hunting season a lot more before I had a baby, the time alone was great. Now it just means I'm on solo mommy duty for most of Saturday.

    I finally made those two ingredient muffins this weekend and loved them! Hunter also really liked them and will try to steal mine everytime he sees me eating one.

  8. Are you already in the 2 week wait again?! Lord time is flying by!! Because, you know I keep track of time based on your cycle. Hahaha!! I love that you've already bought her BIG Christmas gift. We're still trying to decide on what to get! I have a feeling we'll over do it.. especially since it is his first Christmas AND his only Christmas as an only child :)

  9. My hubby and I are trying as well. We are in the wait and see phase. I am with you on the naps, I wake crabbier then I was when I laid down. I live for hunting season, and my family, but LOVE hunting season. I deer hunt so I still get my alone time and my kid gets shipped off to grandmas. It's great.

  10. I wish I hated taking naps!

    Sending out some baby vibes!!

  11. Fingers crossed that this will be the month for Baby Dew #2!

    And I am completely impressed about the fire! I can't wait to have my first one...I think this weekend will be it!

  12. Love Dexter too! I am not a napper either...if I do I'll be grumpy the rest of the day and not be able to sleep at night. I gotta make those two ingredient muffins! Good luck this month...I'll be thinking about you :)

  13. I have a few christmas gifts for my kids, little things here and there, but I keep giving them the gifts! Come christmas time Im going to wonder how I spent so much money but have nothing to give them!

  14. I usually think you got it together but when you say you hate naps, I think you've lost me. I love naps. LOVE!

  15. Crazy... possible tmi ?, but we are also beginning to try again this month. Did you do anything in particular to help conceive? Do you figure out your ovulation days and try then, do it daily then, every other day, etc?

  16. Hah! We don't have a fireplace, but we have a pellet stove, and EVERY time I start a fire in it, I feel awesome.

    Are we currently dealing with the 2WW? You haven't been keeping me in the loop!

  17. I caught up on the voice today...love that show!

  18. I am sad. It STILL won't let me link up for the second week in a row :( grrrr here is the link if you want to add it for me? http://marcysmazinmoments.blogspot.com/2012/10/bounce-that-what.html
    Anyways... praying for Bebe #2!!!!!

  19. I'm the nap QUEEN, and actually wished I hated them a little more, lol. I'd probably get a WHOLE LOT more accomplished! I'm a new GFC follower and just linked up with So What Wednesday! It was a lot of fun putting all my "so what's" together. Thanks for sharing. I'm really enjoying your blog.
    Trinity B.

  20. I hope this is the month for you guys as well!

  21. I also hate naps! And I almost bought a Big Sis T for Mackenzie too.

  22. Another nap hater here! I wake up feeling hungover and more tired every single time!

  23. my son eats oatmeal from breakfast almost every morning, as well. I figure it's good for him and he's eating breakfast.
