October 3, 2012

3 Years of Love

Happy three years to the love of my life. The father of my child. The man who believes in me even when I don't believe in myself. The one person who I can count on for anything. The one I have the privilege of sharing the rest of my life with.

These past 3 years with you have been...busy, to say the least.  As we are getting ready to add another person to our family {hopefully} I can help but reflect on our pre-baby days.  So carefree, so innocent.  You have moved from boyfriend, to fiance, to husband to daddy gracefully.  That's not something a lot of women can say about their men.  But you?  You never skip a beat.  Kendall is lucky to have you as a daddy and I'm even luckier to be your wife.

This year has been, in one word, trying.  We have faced a lot of obstacles and overcome a lot together.  I can honestly say that all of these changes have made our relationship better, stronger.  We are rock solid and I know that with all of my heart.

You have shown me the meaning of true love and, for that, I thank you.  You make me proud to be your wife and I hope to make you half as proud.

I love you, always and forever.



  1. Happy Anniversary! Love the pic.

  2. Happy Anniversary!!! Hope you guys get to have some special time tonight!

  3. Happy Anniversary & congrats on three wonderful years!

  4. LOVE that picture!!! Happy Anniversary!!!

  5. Happy anniversary you two love birds. Love you both.

  6. Happy 3rd anniversary!! Love your wedding pictures!

  7. Congratulations on 3 wonderful years...and all the years to come.

  8. awww, happy anniversary!! :-)

  9. Aw!!!! Make me cry. I love y'all...makes me smile to see you so happy and so in love! You deserve all the happiness in the world, dear! Happy Anniversary!

  10. Such a sweet post! Happy Aniversary!

  11. Happy anniversary! It's amazing to look back on everything you've been through and realize how far you've come. Enjoy your day!

  12. Happy Ann!!! My 3 years in coming up on the 17th.

  13. Happy Anniversary! I hope this is the best year yet for you two!

  14. So sweet Shannon! Happy Anniversary ;)

  15. Hello teary eyed morning. Congrats on 3 years sweet girl :) I love that you all are trying for a 2nd little bundle of joy! I am so excited for you all 3 & I am super excited to see how little KP does with a little sibling :)

  16. Happy Anniversary... and to many many years.

  17. Aww. Happy Anniversary!

  18. Happy happy anniversary!! That is such a great pic! :)

  19. OK, I need to stop reading blogs today. Everyone is making me cry. :)

    Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your celebration!

  20. Happy anniversary girl! You two are so cute! Cheers to year 3!

  21. Happy Anniversary Shannon! A very special couple and truly rock solid!!
    Wishing you many more years of love, strength and happiness x

  22. Loooove this and the pic is gorgeous!! Happy Anniversary!

  23. Happy anniversaryyyyy, you sweet lovebirds!! <3

  24. Happy Anniversary! We share the same anniversary...10/03/09 must have been a good day to get married ;)

  25. Happy anniversary (one day late!) Y'all are a sweet couple! <3 Love that picture!
