Speaking of being a new mom, I am not one but it's been a while since I had a newborn. I started making a registry {mainly for my own "housekeeping"} and I realized that a whole lotta new things have hit the baby market since I had KP! I mean I never had things like Halo SleepSacks and Aden+Anais swaddles with her and she was just born less than 3 years ago. So, recent newborn mamas, what cool, lifesaving things do I need to "register" for this time around? I've already added the Rock 'n Play to my wishlist, hear it's a lifesaver and babies love it. I have a Moby but apparently that is SO 2010 and Ergo is the way to go. But what else? Please and thank you.
And while you're helping me with baby things, how bout you help my marriage. Kind of. Movie night is a torturous night in The Dew House. And by that I mean we cannot agree on anything in terms of movies. TV shows? We are always on the same page, except when it comes to my Real Housewives, Jimmy won't cave, but movies are another story. Jimmy likes sci-fi, thrillers, action, blow-em-up, suspenseful movies while I basically like comedies and romantic comedies with the occasional suspense thrown in, for good measure. I basically like to feel good when I finish a movie mainly because we usually go to bed right after said movie and I hate going to bed with bad, negative, yucky thoughts in my head. So...what should we watch?
Saturday we decided to {somewhat} tackle the nursery. It's currently in udder chaos, literally. Clothes everywhere, full size bed frame against the wall, KPs toys that she plays with while I try to organize, Jimmy still has all his clothes in the closet, it doesn't even come close to resembling a nursery. BUT this weekend I did get frames for the prints above the crib! Ha! Take that progress! But frames for $8 at Michael's were too good to pass up and so we have that to check off our to-do list.
Last week I got a total nesting urge. I wanted to clean every nook and cranny of this house and so I did and wound up with three giant trash bags of junk, a box of books for Half Priced Books, and two bags of clothes to send to Thred Up. Speaking of, have you used Thred Up yet? It's an online consignment shop for kids clothes and I have bought all of KP's summer clothes from them this year and have been so impressed. Everything has been in brand new condition, pressed and everything. They also send you bags with every order so you can clean out your closet and send them your old stuff {with prepaid shipping!!!} and get credits to buy more stuff! So cool, right? So yeah, love Thred Up and love getting old junk out of this house! Spring cleaning, say what?!
We finally made the finishing touches to KP's big girl room yesterday too. Well, kind of, there's still a few things I want to update/change out which is why I haven't done a Big Girl Room Reveal yet. But here's a sneak peek of the changing table area before and after.
So yeah, spring cleaning is in full effect around here but I'll still take that housekeeper.

Sounds like me and my hubby trying to decide which movie to watch. Last night, we rented "This Is 40"... it is a comedy and more in my realm of movies I watch, but hubby agreed to watch and seemed to really enjoy it! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteSeriously save your money on new baby gadgets (KP did fine without it!) and put it towards a house cleaner
ReplyDeleteHow does Thred Up work when you send items in?
ReplyDeleteI have no idea what new babies like! I just reused all my old stuff really. WB didn't even know it was old!
As for movies, B and I alternate who gets to pick. But we both LOVED This is 40. Best movie ever.
Ramblings of a Suburban Mom
The one thing that I got for Adalyn that I swear is a lifesaver is her wubbanub. http://www.wubbanub.com/
ReplyDeleteShe really loved her pacifier from day one but everytime she laid down to go to sleep she'd spit it out and cry and we'd go through this routine of put the pacifier in her mouth, sleep for 5 mins, spit it out and scream bloody newborn baby murder, repeat. When I came across these I was sold. When she was a newborn and not moving around it could lay on her chest and she couldn't spit it out which meant she was sleeping and had her comfort. Now that she's 5 months old she can grab it and put it in her mouth. And when she's sleeping she cuddles with the stuffed animal part. Definitely recommend these to all new moms!
The nursery is going to be so cute. I'm not even a big Star Wars fans but such a fun idea. Love the big girl room sneak peak too!
ReplyDeleteAFter I had Connor all I wanted was someone to clean my house. I WILL hire someone for at least the first 6 months the next time! And what a GREAT gift! The rock-and-play, aden & anais swaddlers, Halo sleepsacks, a video monitor, and an Ergo are on my list for any future babies.
ReplyDeleteI bought the ergo when Lexi was over a year and am so freaking excited to use it with a newborn! Just need to buy the newborn insert and ill be set :) don't forget it!! The rock n play saved our lives. Lexi had GERD bad bad bad but she slept in only that thing for the first 8 months! Lifesaver! Light, easy to move and transport- you can't go wrong. I'm frugal so I can't justify $30-$40 on swaddling blankets- so check out tj max. They have some off brand ones identical and they are so freaking cute! Love them. This time around we got the angel care monitor with video and its amazing! We are currently using it on Lexi.
ReplyDeleteAs for our nursery, yeah we still have someone living in there. Don't even get me started! We have time though. That's what I keep telling myself
We loved our sleep sacks. My son refused to be swaddled so the swaddling blankets were a waste for us. The nice thing about the sleep sacks is that baby can use them for longer. Brandon slept in his until around 6 months or so.
ReplyDeleteI love the star wars theme you are going with for the nursery. Cannot wait to see the final product.
A housekeeper would be a god send for us. Not necessarily for the daily stuff but definitely for those tasks that only get done every once in a while like you said (blinds, baseboards, ceiling fans, etc).
Hit & Run is one of my favorite recent movies, lots of action, funny times, and a bit of romance. Highly recommend. I loved it.
ReplyDeleteBradley Cooper, Dax Shepard, Kristen Bell, & Tom Arnold
So I feel compelled to share this: I am totally spoiled by my cleaning lady... but it's not as expensive as you may think! I pay mine $50 to come every other week. (2700 sf house, although guest bedroom etc she only cleans occasionally) Best money I spend all month. I paid for this even when we didn't have cable because it was worth it to me. She vacuums, dusts, cleans bathrooms, mops does laundry, etc. I provide my own supplies and pay her in cash (and often pay her $60 instead of $50 when it's really messy) but I found her through word-of-mouth. Cleaning services are easily AT LEAST 3-4x her cost and not as good. So you never know... ask around and you may find someone to come at least once a month or so!
ReplyDeleteI am the same way about movies- real life is stressful enough I want a movie thats going to make me happy. The current man in my life is very into superhero action movies and is trying like hell to get me on board - I'm working on it - loved Iron Man and The Avengers but when it comes to movies like Reservoir Dogs etc I'm asleep on the couch in no time! What kills me though is he wants me to watch all those and when I was astonished that he had never seen Slumdog Millionaire he flat our REFUSED to check it out from the library claiming he didn't want that to be the ONLY movie we had to watch over the weekend....men!
ReplyDeleteim with you! DYING for a house keeper! at least once before baby comes and once after! im going to scope it out because i think sometimes companies give you a great deal if its your first time, somewhat like a trial- and then after baby, ill find a NEW company. hahahaha. sneak sneak. but really. house keeping. yes.
ReplyDeletecant wait to see your nursery progress!
Girl you are kicking butt and taking names! I can't even manage to get daily housekeeping done much less Spring Cleaning.
ReplyDeleteI've never tried Thred Up but have heard lots of good about it. I might just have to give it a whirl!
Did you get any fabulous advice for things that you DEF need with Baby #2? I'm thinking of writing a quick post today about what Mom's top 3 rec's are. I have a registry, but I want to make sure we're asking for the right stuff! Thanks :o)