the world via your "hoo-ha" or, in my case, your lower abdomen, would qualify you as a mother but no, preschool is the official start of motherhood.
Kendall started preschool last week. We've been talking about and counting down the days for months now. It's been something I've been looking forward to for quite some time now. Actually, shortly after registration happened last year I was kicking myself for not enrolling her in the 2-year-old class, mainly because I didn't know such a thing existed.

Now my Tuesdays and Thursdays consist of running back and forth between school, making sure breakfast is eaten in a timely manner {because Kendall likes to take her time eating},backpack is packed, baby is fed in adequate time, and I don't look like the zombie mom from down the street. It's real now and I love it.
Preschool brings on a whole new set of worries though. Is my child going to feel safe and secure? Will she make friends easily? Are her teachers going to work with her OCD tendencies? Holy crap we have to bring a snack!?
The snack. That is what I worry about the most. Hear me out.
Have you been on Pinterest or Instagram lately? It's FLOODED with people making sandwiches in the shape of Princess Sophia and packing the cutest little Bento Boxes with nothing but super healthy goodies {no Oreos or M&Ms}. The pressure is on, people. I'm sweating bullets over here. Even if I followed a tutorial for Sophia sandwiches I'm fairly certain they'd come out looking like Shrek. I just don't have that talent.
Every day I say, "soooo...{nonchalantly} what'd you have for snack?!" and it's been crackers, string cheese, a cupcake...whew, OK I can work with this. And then there was today. Today I picked her up and she showed me what I thought was a craft project, a toilet paper roll, wrapped in tissue paper with ribbons on the end. Awe, so cute, it looks like giant piece of candy! Except no. Inside that toilet paper roll was her snack for the day. Fruit snacks, my child's favorite thing on God's green earth. It's on, Aiden's mom.
I mean seriously. This is what I was afraid of.
So, thankfully, we have until October 1 to come up with a snack that will blow the pants off of Aiden's mom.

Haha I so get that. When my first started preschool it was like WOW so much for a mom to do but then this year he started kindergarten and it was really like no big deal since he'd been going to school for a couple years. My youngest started the 2yr old program this year and he's my clinger so he gets this really sad look like I'm leaving him for good everyday T/TH but they say he starts playing within about 5 min. Your snacks sound great. We have to have store bought goodies so nothing spectacular for us. I did splurge and get the individual bags of vanilla wafers and goldfish this week (our first week) instead of sending in the big pack. My 2 yr old loves the little packs we never get at home so it was a special treat to him. Good luck and I'm sure you will make something fabulous.
ReplyDeleteUgh, the forms! Filling out 10 forms x's 2 kids = an afternoon devoted to writing and re-writing their name, address, DOB, allergies, etc over and over and over again. I used to love filling out those forms, now? Well, now I break it up into shifts. And next year I WILL be drinking a glass of wine while doing it. :)
ReplyDeleteWe are given a snack list so we don't have to panic about what to take (and they aren't getting goldfish crackers every single day) so that helps. Have you seen the butterfly snack packs on Pinterest? It's a baggie, you put (example) grapes on one side, crackers on the other, seal it up then put a clothes pin in the middle to separate the sides, which are the wings. Then I think you glue on antennas, which are glittery pipe cleaners, and of course tiny 'googly' eyes. :) Can't wait to see what you make!
I guess this is one good thing about daycare, I'm so used to him being away from me during the day that I think/hope that preschool won't even phase either of us. Also, I'm happy that they provide his breakfast/lunch and snack, saves me the headache.
ReplyDeleteDo you know what I sent to Boomer's class for snack this week. One day I sent Gogurt. In the box. Yesterday? Graham crackers in the box, and grapes. Another day prepackaged grapes and apples. Pinterest is the mother ship for people with too much time on their hands. Its food, they need to eat it. 3-10 year olds don't care about your craftiness, and after the age of 10 if they do care they can do it themselves. In the words of Sweet Brown 'Aint nobody got time for that!'
ReplyDeleteHaha this totally made me laugh out loud. I would feel the same way! But seriously, don't stress about it! I know, you will anyway. ;) There is too much pressure on us to be those Pinterest mom's. I mean, who has the time? Who are these mom's? I don't understand.
ReplyDeletein unrelated news.. I can NOT wait to see your hair lady!! post pics pronto!! I go next week and am considering something similar.. :) (mine is BRIGHT blonde and half way down my back but I never style it anymore.. just scrunch and go :( its unfortunate really... I think I am too old for long hair nowadays lol)
ReplyDeleteHaha! Pinterest totally makes you wonder how all of these moms find the time to do crafty things with the kids lunches and snacks. I just toss some fruit snacks, cookies, and a fruit cup with a sandwich and call it a day. Haha!
ReplyDeleteHa! I totally have a few snacks that you can send to be a rock star snack momma :)
ReplyDeleteI am guilty for making cute sandwiches everyday but I just use cookie cutters! And I'm not so good with healthy snacks. Carrots and apples is all my son will eat! You cracked me up about the fruit snacks! That's so funny!
ReplyDeletebahaha. "It's on Aiden's Mom". dying.
ReplyDeleteWe only have to bring snack on her birthday. Last year I did make adorable cookies but no one seemed to care. I WILL SAY that valentines day was full of cute, pinteresty things (ours one of them). haha. just waittttt.
omg. make worms in dirt! there is nothing better than chocolate pudding, oreos and gummy worms! too bad theres all those rules about bringing baked goods and allergies.
ReplyDeleteA good recipe is called *sweet* bird's nest. It has a Peeps with chocolate eggs/jelly beans nestled in marshmellow-y goodness. It looks adorable. Down with Aiden's Mom.
October 1st is our snack week too and I am already sweating. And we have to choose from a preapproved list of items and I can't event make that happen. The amount I suck at these types of things is often too great to be measured. I feel bad for my daughter sometimes that she doesn't have a crafty mom, but then I get over it really quickly because there really is no alternative for me. I have tried and failed and I get angry in the process and no one likes an angry mommy with a glue gun.
ReplyDeleteI'm not even sure that we brought in snacks at preschool? They had a lot of rules about what you could bring in for parties and birthdays and what you couldn't. Everything had to be packaged - no nuts - nothing homemade. I wouldn't do anything too fancy. They are only 3 and really just care about the actual snack!
ReplyDeleteThat's funny - I remember after one of Brody's first holiday parties at "school" I was super excited about my chocolate bar wrappers until I saw what he brought home from other kids .... 2 families had melted crayons down & molded them into hearts - I was pissy about and of course Matt was clueless .... all I could say was "ahhhh - they are PINTEREST moms"