November 18, 2013

Black Friday $350 CASH Giveaway

I'm so excited to bring you the Black Friday Shopping Spree Giveaway today!  I'm teaming up with a group of my favorite bloggers to give one lucky reader $350 Paypal cash on Black's that for a shopping spree?

Meet your hosts!

Leslie - Lamberts Lately

I am a wife to Noah and a mommy to Emma Ramey.  I blog at Lamberts Lately about life, family, beautiful things, and anything home.  When I'm not blogging, I love Alabama football, a great dinner, and time with family.

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Amy - Total Tippins Takeover

I'm Amy and I blog over at Total Tippins Takeover. I write about my faith, our family, and life with three little a little monogramming, reality tv, and crafting thrown in the mix, too!

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Megan - In This Wonderful Life

I am a Lifestyle Blogger over at In This Wonderful Life. I love journaling life, motherhood with twins and the most random thoughts of my day!

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Lindsay - Baby Mama Drama

I'm Lindsay! Wife to Adam and Mama to Presley--both who I have diagnosed as worlds biggest Drama Queens. Surviving the "Terrible Two's" will be lifes biggest accomplishment--I'm sure of it!

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Lindsey - Blessings, Miracles, and Thoughts in Between

Hi, I'm Lindsey! Late 20s wife to Alex and financial advisor turned stay at home mom to miracle babies Kate and Will, both bone marrow transplant survivors. I am a follower of Christ, infertility survivor, book nerd, and advocate for bone marrow transplant donation!

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Shannon - Life After I Dew

Thirty{ish} years young. Wife turned mama {times two}. Exceptional cook, wannabe crafter. Only child and it shows {sometimes}. I believe honesty is the best policy, reality TV is quality programming and wine is better from a box.

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Emily - Louisiana Bride

I am a teacher by day and the food & lifestyle blogger behind Louisiana Bride by night. I love God, my hubby, our crazy dog Ellie; I can't finish a DIY project to save my life, I'm a foodie, and I consider Target to be my second home.

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Lindsey - A Dollop of My Life

I am a wife & boy mom, and have a deep affection for all things Southern. I blog at A Dollop of My Life, where I chronicle the joys and chaos of running a home of all boys.

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Brittany - Not So Newlyweds

I'm a wife, new mom, and teacher. On my blog, Not So Newlyweds, I share my thoughts on cooking, decorating, fashion, and the ups and downs of everyday real life!

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Jennifer - Life in the Green House

I blog at Life In The Green House about motherhood, what I'm cooking up in my kitchen, the many DIY projects I always manage to talk my husband into pulling out his power tools for, and family. I'm a fan of a great vacation, a good cup of coffee, laughter, and carbs.

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The Chirping Moms

Courtney & Julie from The Chirping Moms are best friends that met at a neighborhood park. They started their friendship as neighbors, but now Courtney lives in New Jersey & Julie in DC. Together they share their adventures in motherhood along with great activities for kids, crafts, recipes and ideas for family travel.

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Lauren - A Page Is Turned

I'm a wife to a fantastic husband and a teacher-turned-stay-at-home mama to two beautiful, busy boys. I'm a lover of books, cool weather, bundling up, cooking, spending time with my friends and family, and I blog about our day-to-day life at A Page Is Turned.

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Jennifer - Our Dream Come True

I am saved by His amazing grace, happily married to a hunk of a husband, and a new mommy to my precious Baker, who was born with Down Syndrome. I am daily blessed to be living my dream come true.

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Enter with the Giveaway Tools Widget below!

This giveaway will close at 9pm (CST) on the night before Thanksgiving, November 27th.  Once it closes, we will pick and contact the winner!

Good luck, and a great big thanks to everyone who enters!

Disclaimer:  No purchase necessary.  To enter, participants must use the Giveaway Tools widget above.  This giveaway is not affiliated with or endorsed by Paypal, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Bloglovin', Google, or Instagram.  Winner must have a Paypal account to receive winnings.  Winner must be at least 18 years old and a US resident to win.  Giveaway closes at 9pm CST on November 27th, 2013.  Winner will be contacted after the close of the giveaway on November 27th.  Once contacted via email, winner has 24 hours to claim their prize or another winner will be chosen.  Winner is responsible for any applicable taxes on winnings.  Any winning entry will be verified for completeness before winner is contacted.


  1. I would use the $350 as spending money on our cruise in early January!

  2. I would love to get my baby girl some extra toys!

  3. Awesome sauce! I could use this to get a head start on that inevitable Christmas shopping!

  4. Not so fun, but it would go towards bills - we're getting close to paying off my husband's car!

  5. I would use it for Christmas gifts for the kids this year. {A balance bike for Jordyn & shoes/clothes for Cullyn}.

  6. I would use this money to book a vacation. There are lots of black friday sales for vacations!
    Lori Batson

  7. i would pay bills with it, nothing fun, unfortunately.

  8. I would use it to finish up buying my kids Christmas gifts.

  9. Would definitely put this cash towards Christmas presents for my family.

  10. I would give it to my boyfriend who has 3 girls to buy gifts for. He usually pays December/January bills late so he can give the kids a great Christmas. He's such a great Dad!

  11. For sure I would use it toward my Christmas shopping!!!! My kids are wanting a bike and a Nintendo DS and that would help tremendously!!

  12. I would definitely be using it for Christmas shopping for our three boys and soon to be daughter (who is due 5 days before Christmas).

  13. Christmas shopping!!!

  14. Christmas for sure!

  15. Christmas Shopping for the kids and grand kids!!

  16. What an awesome giveaway! I would probably use the money for Christmas gifts!

  17. I could definitely use the money for Christmas shopping!

  18. I would use it for Christmas shopping!! A little for me and the hubs and alot for the kiddos!!!

  19. I would use the $350.00 to get my parents an extra special gift. They do so much for us and are such a great support!

  20. $350 would be great to do some extra Christmas shopping with!!!

  21. So fun! Would love the extra $ to treat my hard working hubby to some fun Christmas gifts!

  22. If I win I would make sure Stella's first Christmas is awesome! And give her everything she (I) wants!

  23. I would use this money for Christmas gifts for my family or towards my plane ticket home!

  24. I would use the money to get something for myself. I always get things for everyone else and I come last. This time I would come first.

  25. I would put this Christmas Cash twoards getting a washer and dryer for our house--that we have been going since July with out, the struggle and the hassle is real. hoping black friday will score a great deal for me!

  26. Would love to win this!!! Good Luck Everyone!!!

  27. Use it to get a head on holiday shopping and leave $$ in our bank account.

  28. I would use the $350 to buy my husband a new snowmobile helmet!

  29. I would love to win the $350 to help Christmas shop and my budget! Good Luck everyone and thanks for a great giveaway opportunity! :)

  30. Girl, I have been on leave from work with my mom since August! What would I use it on, or what should I use it on? Because I PROMISE you the two are not the same ;) financially irresponsible, party of 1? Tis the season!

  31. I would use the money to buy presents for my girls! I'd probably buy myself a little something too!

  32. I would buy something extra special for my husband! His birthday is 2 days before Christmas, and is often mixed into Holiday giving. Also, he took me to Game 6 of the World Series this year (Go Sox!) and I feel like he deserves something really nice.

  33. I would use the $350 to shop for Gavin's 1st Christmas!! I am beyond excited to start new traditions as a family and to show Gavin the magic and wonder of Christmas! We also have two families to shop for, and I always go out and hunt for deals on Black Friday!!

  34. id prooobably buy christmas presents for crue and post partum outfits for this mama! or get my hair done?! hmmm!

  35. I would Christmas shop with it for sure! My mom deserves an extra present or two!

  36. How awesome of you to do this! I love reading your blogs and this would come in very handy when Christmas Shopping for my family.

  37. Been a rough year... Christmas shopping and bill paying

  38. Wow, too many ways to spend the money to choose just one! There's the new baby, there's Xmas gifts, there's gifts for myself.... it would get spent for sure!

  39. I would probably put the $350 towards bills. Boring I know. :(

  40. I would use it to buy Christmas presents for my family!! :)

  41. I would absolutely love to fly my brother across the country to visit me, as he has been having a hard time this year as a college freshman!

  42. I would use it on my Kids' Christmas!

  43. I would buy Christmas presents for my family!

  44. This is very awesome! I would have gas money to make it home to Maryland and spoil the family :)

  45. Such an awesome giveaway! Thank you ladies! I would take my kids to see some snow at disney :)

  46. I would use this money for Christmas gifts for my 3 year old boy and to start working on our baby girl's nursery before she arrives in March!!

  47. I'm currently pregnant with my first child and I would use the money to buy necessities for the baby.

  48. I would use it towards some bills.

  49. I would use it for either bills or travel expenses while we take a road trip for Christmas!

  50. I would use the $350 for my trip to Disney. We are going beginning of Jan and that would make it alot of fun :)

  51. It would go really far to help with holiday related travel. Seriously!

  52. Saving up to buy a house means Christmas won't be very extravagant...this would be such a huge blessing! Awesome giveaway!

  53. I am a first time Mommy due in Feb. I would def increase my maternity wardrobe and get lots of cute things for baby girl!

  54. This would be amazing! I've had to buy plane tickets and those are expensive!

  55. I could take care of all the gifts on the Christmas List!

  56. I would use this to help cover bills. I'm on medical leave from my job and things are tight right now. :(

  57. Holy giveaway! This would cover my Christmas gifts completely!!!!

  58. I would DEFINITELY use it toward Christmas gifts! THANKS!!!!!

  59. I would use it to buy my children and husband Christmas gifts!

  60. Pay some bills! & hopefully a little shopping :)

  61. I would use it to buy some pieces for my work wardrobe, since I'm graduating in May!

  62. This would be used for Christmas shopping Both for gifts and the meal. anything left over would be given to our church. They do so much at Christmas for those in need I like to give back when I can.
