I saw this shirt and almost immediately clicked 'add to cart'. It's cute, isn't it? Looks super comfy too. But it just isn't true for me.
I'm a morning person, for the most part. I've never been a snooze button girl. Ever. Once my alarm goes off my feet are on the floor and I get ready for the day. I never understood hitting the snooze button for an hour and sleeping in 9 minute increments when you could just set your alarm the hour later and get another FULL hour of sleep, uninterrupted. My mom always appreciated this trait. I usually like to get in the shower and have my hair dry before I talk to anyone but...that was when I worked.
These days are different.
Getting out of bed is a little harder when I've been woken up no less than three times at night. But I do enjoy my early mornings. I love sitting in the house while it's quiet, calm, dark. Jimmy's already left for work and the babies are {hopefully} still sleeping. I can drink coffee while it's hot. Check my email. Catch up on last nights DVR. It's glorious. I don't always wake up before them but on the days I do, I am thankful. The days I don't I regret it.
When I wake up with the kids, I am not a morning person. I hate starting my day so abruptly and with so many demands the minute my eyes open. And without a cup of coffee making it's way through my system. It's not pleasant.
My girlfriends and I went to breakfast this weekend and when I suggested meeting at 9 o'clock my best friend of 25 years {holy hell I'm old} wanted to smack me silly. She likes to sleep till 9 and quickly said, "You are SUCH a morning person!". And I think my response was, "No I'm not! But I make the best of it." I want to be a morning hater {so that I can buy this tee} but the truth is, it's my favorite time of the day.
Part of me would love to sleep till 9, hit the snooze button a few times and then the OCD part of me says, "NINE!? The day is half over!" or as my other BFF would say, "If I slept till 9 I wouldn't even bother getting dressed for the day!". And then there's the other part of me that knows, even if given the chance, I would never sleep till 9, ever. Eight o'clock, maybe.
So what are you? A morning lover or hater? Do you hit snooze or jump right out of bed?

I really always wished to be a morning person. I just can't :/ It doesn't mean I get to sleep in (I honestly cannot sleep past 7:30 if I tried)...I mean, I have kids, but I still really drag in the morning. Need my coffee before I even want to talk (although kids change that, too), and have ZERO motivation to "work out at 5am". I WISH I could. I seriously do. I just caaaaan't. sigh.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you. I looooovvvvvveeee mornings. I like the dark, quiet and peace. I like that nobody is talking to me and that I can sit with just my thoughts. I like the freedom of doing whatever I want during that time. I drink coffee. Look at stuff on my phone. Read. Sometimes watch tv. It's wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI would have to say that I am a morning hater except for Saturdays. Yeah I know weird. For some unknown reason I jump out of bed on Saturdays at 7:04 and am starting laundry at 7:05. It doesn't make a lick of sense to me. Sunday - Friday I am like a sleeping bear. My poor husband has practically given up on waking me up. I have been that way since I can remember. I don't know why it is. I don't stay up extremely late except for the past couple of nights. But that doesn't explain the rest of my life.
ReplyDeleteI do love the shirt though and I wish I could get up in the mornings like you do but honestly I don't. I don't even bother sitting my alarm because I know I won't hear it. My mom even bought me one of those alarm clocks that had the bells on top with the pendulum in the middle to bang back and forth and it still didn't work.
I'm definitely a morning person. Todd jokes that when my alarm goes off at 4:45 AM, I jump out of bed and am like "a Hello, world! I'm ready to go!" I love to get my workout in and showered before getting a Lucy up which means sleeping in on the weekends is getting up by 5:30 AM (4:45 AM is my wake up on work days). With that being said, I'm usually falling asleep on the couch by 8:30 PM. Oh, and I'm not a coffee drinking at all! I swear a good workout is all I need to wake me up.
ReplyDeleteHa! I am with you about the alarm clock. When my husband and I were first living together he hit the snooze a million times and it drove me up the walls. It literally made me so angry. Now, no more snooze. Rather get the extra sleep. For some reason people dont see it that way...so weird {and annoying} to me.
ReplyDeleteI am NOT a morning person. 9am on a Saturday - you must be mad! I'm at work by 9am in the week so I don't want to be out of bed before 10am on a Saturday, although sometimes I am out of bed before that on a Sunday, but only if I've had my glorious lie in on the Saturday. I should mention that I do not have children; I'm sure this love of Saturday morning lay ins will change when/if they come along :) great post!
ReplyDeleteBefore kids I would sleep until 9:30-10:00 but now I'm up by 7:30 - 8:00 at the latest. I still don't like it and would love to sleep until 10:00 but I don't go to bed at 3am either so it's not really necessary. I must admit that if I do sleep until 8:00(or lay in bed while kids jump on me) I do feel like half of my Saturday is gone. My husband and I take turns sleeping in on Sundays and I'm actually happier on the days it's my turn to get up. Monday-Friday I'm up at 6am getting ready for work and that just plain sucks but 7 is an ok wake up time.
ReplyDeleteI really wish I was a morning person, but I'm just not. I thought kids would change that, but nope. I could seriously sleep till 2 in the afternoon if I had the opportunity. One the flip side, I am a complete night owl. All my quiet peaceful time comes at night. I never go to bed before midnight, and it's pretty rare if I don't see 2:00 am!
ReplyDeleteI used to be such as morning person. Then I started working in a restaurant as a bartender & get home/go to bed so late that I can't get up early anymore or I am exhausted all day. Kills me though. I used to love my mornings!
ReplyDeleteLover and I jump right up. Weekends I sleep in until the sun comes up, so 7ish? But 9am? I'm already dressed, breakfast, kids ready and we are out the door running errands or something. I grew up with the whole 'daylight is burning' kind of parents and I try to squeeze in and enjoy every minute of daylight I get!
ReplyDeleteApril @ OverExtendedApril
I am NOT a morning person at all. I worked night shift (11p to 7 a) for over 25 years and I still like to be up at night. Unfortunately my husband is a morning person. And since I take care of him I get up when he gets up. But it's not really early like some people get up. Usually around 9...that is early enough for me. When I read about you liking to sit around the house before anyone is up.....that is what I look to do at night, after they are all finally asleep. Probably why I am not a morning person
ReplyDeleteI hit the snooze button for and hour and a half today. It was ridiculous. I'm a morning person depending on the day. Some days, like today, I just can't get with it until about 3pm.
ReplyDeleteLove that shirt and the necklace! I am not a morning person AT ALL...the snooze button gets used at least 4 times each morning!!
ReplyDeleteIF i have an alarm set, i jump right out of bed. definitely not a snooze person. but thats because i am OCD and become so paranoid of being late or something happening. even if i hit snooze 10 times, id never actually fall asleep because my mind begins to race. "i gotta do this this and this. what am i gunna wear? i could wear that.. or that.. and then those shoes because its cold out. should i stop at caribou? what if the traffic is bad? shower or not to shower? that'll take 10 minutes…" clearly, i only set an alarm if i have something to do.
ReplyDeletei am not a morning person AT ALL. but thankfully, neither is my baby!
i do wish i could be though!
I'm such a morning person! I'm always eager to start the day! Only downside is I'm tired by 7pm. Oops!
ReplyDeleteI am much more of a night owl. I don't function much at all in the mornings unless I can have a jolt of caffeine! :)
I am SO not a morning person. Never have been. My alarm goes off for an hour and a half before I get up. It's terrible. I need the multiple alarms or else I will NEVER wake up. Everyone knows not to contact me before 10 AM unless it is extremely important. Although... all of that is about to disappear. Alex and I are wondering what we are going to do with all of our time in the mornings now since we will probably be awake WAY before we need to!
ReplyDeleteI am a morning hater but I get up an hour earlier than my 2 year old. I try to get up, eat, drink coffee and get ready. I enjoy my alone time in the morning.
ReplyDeleteI have never been a morning person. I will admit that within the last year I'm becoming better at not being so crabby in the morning, but it still has to be on my terms. I used to have a long drive to work to wake up and shake off the morning but now I don't. And this week I've actually been going in earlier *gasp*. I think there might be something wrong with me.
ReplyDeleteI am far from a morning person!
ReplyDeleteI never have loved mornings I guess that is why this girl works night shifts @ the hospital..
I swear even when I get to finally have babies I will stay working night shifts..
I can only hope I have kids whom are night owls also.. Fingers crossed!
Glad you do so well sweet girl with mornings!
Wanna share some of your bright morning with me?
I've always been a morning person. Even as a teenager. ONce I started working at age 18 I got out of bed by 4:40am since I had to clock in at 6am and BE at work (parking lot) by 5:30am for a parking space. I loved it. Now I'm 40. I took a job last year that was 2pm to 11pm Monday-Fri and 9-6pm Sat/Sun and I loved Sat/Sun since I got off work at 6pm. It was very hard for me to come into work at 2pm since I was always tired dragging my feet in the door at 2pm. Next time I'm offered a job, I will let them know up front that working past 8pm just wouldn't work for me since I like to get to bed by 10pm or 11pm at the latest. I find if I go to bed at 11pm, I must sleep in until 7am and I HATE waking up at 7am. I'm still trying to train my body to waking up at my "normal" wake up time of 5:15am. Once I took that job and getting home at 12am, I woke up at 7:30am on Tue-Thursday. And it has been 6 weeks since I had that job. I think only 10% of people are larks. But I love it. Nothing beats a good 40 minute walk with my dog at 5:50am when no one is around and only those going to work is outside. I'd rather take my dog at 6am since we both love the quiet and my dog gets scared of too many people around at 6pm. I also love the sunrise. I'm not much of a sunset person.