April 20, 2016

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...

  • I love Erika Jayne/Girardi.  I think she's hilarious, says it how it is and IS fabulous.  
  • I really want to watch Magic Mike XXL on our girls weekend {next week}.
  • I kinda want to run another 5K.  WHY!?
  • I look forward to grocery shopping.
  • There are two things I cannot resist- chocolate chip cookies and pizza.
  • Jimmy and I binge watched Fixer Upper last night.  How are we just now realizing how amazing Chip & Jo are?!
  • I have issues with coffee and sometimes I like the Keurig and sometimes I like the whole pot Bunn so I leave both out on the counter.
  • I feel "healthy" when I drink Kombucha.
  • Even though I'm a Beachbody coach I SCREW UP.  I fell off the wagon HARD February-March but that's OK because I'm human, above all else.
  • I want to start a garden but I hate yard work.
  • I have never seen any episodes of Star Wars {and have no plans to} even though my husband is a fanatic. 
  • Bethenny Frankel on Snapchat is my favorite thing ever.
  • We are considering getting chickens.  Why not? 
  • I want YOUR help picking my next workout program.
  • I have more posts that just SO WHAT! Wednesday's in my drafts just can't find the time to sit down and publish them. SWW's are easy.
  • I'm always early, everywhere.  I hate being late/when people are late.   
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?


  1. I walk 5Ks - sometimes with my son (he's 12 and usually runs) and sometimes with my sister-in-law and her mom and sister. I've done 2 this year already and am currently signed up for 3 more. I'm currently most excited for the Froyo 5K. Partially because there's yogurt at the end, and partially because the metals have spoons on them! MAYBE someday i'll be able to actually run one of them.

    1. Maybe I should walk one! I'm sure I could get my mom to do one with me if I walked and that would be fun!!!

  2. I have fell off the coaching hard... I am struggling with picking myself back up. I am eating healthy and that is it. I do SWW too because it is easy. Who is Chip and Jo?
