Today you are SIX. No longer an age that fits on one hand, you are now a two hands age and that is crazy.
Sweet girl this day is bittersweet for your mama. On one hand I can hardly believe we are here but at the same time I can't and never want to remember life without you in it. It makes me so proud to watch you grow into the fine young lady you are. You are my first born and I tell you {almost} every day that you will always be my baby, even when you're thirty-five.
You're daddy and I had no idea what we were doing when we brought you into the world six years ago- the joy of being the first born. You were a dream baby and everyone always told us but since we had nothing to compare you to we didn't realize just how lucky we were. You had a little rough patch around age three {could have had something to do with the addition of your baby brother right around then} but we overcame it and you have been such a blessing.
You have the type of personality that everyone loves and wants to be around. You are shy even around people you know well and see often. Once you warm up, however, your spunky personality comes out. You are quiet and listen well around others. You don't like to push boundaries and are usually the most reserved kid in the group. You recently started becoming really protective of your brother and I find it super endearing. I love how cautious you are. I love that you think before you act {in most situations}. I hope you carry those traits with you throughout the teenage years {wishful thinking}.
This year you started {and rocked} kindergarten. We were nervous to send you, knowing you'd be the youngest in your class, but you proved that we made the right choice in sending you. You love school and doing homework {for now} and made tremendous strides this year. Math seems to be your strong subject and that makes me so happy seeing as that's where I struggled the most. You made a lot of new friends and even though there was some drama here and there you never let it affect you. You don't really like getting caught up in the petty stuff and for now just let it roll off your shoulder and move on from it pretty easily. I love that about you.
You are my tiny peanut girl, always the smallest in the group. You still fit into some 4T/5T clothing and your shoe size is just barely an 11. I tell you all the time that you are my tiny peanut and it drives you crazy. One day you'll appreciate your petite-ness, I promise.
Right now you really love swimming and soccer. This summer you have blown everyone away with how well you are swimming. From being a timid little girl who didn't even like putting her face under water to diving into the "deep end" for diving rings, you have done a 360 this summer. Soccer season is almost here and you can't wait to get back on the field with your friends. I love that you have a sport you are passionate about and with your determination I know you can be an excellent player.
You love all things you can collect- Shopkins, Twosies, basically any figurine on the market {especially animals}. You don't care for dolls, Barbies, American Girl or otherwise. In fact, when we were cleaning out the playroom you donate all of your baby dolls. Your love for animals runs deep though. You would own every stuffed dog, kitty, cheetah, bear, etc on the market if you could. You want to be a veterinarian when you grow up, you love animals so much. When we see a dog out in public you immediately want to reach out and pet it. If you had it your way we'd have about five dogs of our own.
Kendall Paige you made me a mom. You taught me what true, unconditional, selfless love was. You will always hold a special place in my heart as my first born. You were the answer to my prayers, the one thing I waited for my whole life. You are the sweetest, spunkiest, deeply caring, silliest, fun-loving, energetic girl I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I am so lucky to call you mine.
I hope you have a wonderful day, you deserve it! You are SIX!
Sweet girl this day is bittersweet for your mama. On one hand I can hardly believe we are here but at the same time I can't and never want to remember life without you in it. It makes me so proud to watch you grow into the fine young lady you are. You are my first born and I tell you {almost} every day that you will always be my baby, even when you're thirty-five.
You're daddy and I had no idea what we were doing when we brought you into the world six years ago- the joy of being the first born. You were a dream baby and everyone always told us but since we had nothing to compare you to we didn't realize just how lucky we were. You had a little rough patch around age three {could have had something to do with the addition of your baby brother right around then} but we overcame it and you have been such a blessing.

This year you started {and rocked} kindergarten. We were nervous to send you, knowing you'd be the youngest in your class, but you proved that we made the right choice in sending you. You love school and doing homework {for now} and made tremendous strides this year. Math seems to be your strong subject and that makes me so happy seeing as that's where I struggled the most. You made a lot of new friends and even though there was some drama here and there you never let it affect you. You don't really like getting caught up in the petty stuff and for now just let it roll off your shoulder and move on from it pretty easily. I love that about you.
You are my tiny peanut girl, always the smallest in the group. You still fit into some 4T/5T clothing and your shoe size is just barely an 11. I tell you all the time that you are my tiny peanut and it drives you crazy. One day you'll appreciate your petite-ness, I promise.
Right now you really love swimming and soccer. This summer you have blown everyone away with how well you are swimming. From being a timid little girl who didn't even like putting her face under water to diving into the "deep end" for diving rings, you have done a 360 this summer. Soccer season is almost here and you can't wait to get back on the field with your friends. I love that you have a sport you are passionate about and with your determination I know you can be an excellent player.
You love all things you can collect- Shopkins, Twosies, basically any figurine on the market {especially animals}. You don't care for dolls, Barbies, American Girl or otherwise. In fact, when we were cleaning out the playroom you donate all of your baby dolls. Your love for animals runs deep though. You would own every stuffed dog, kitty, cheetah, bear, etc on the market if you could. You want to be a veterinarian when you grow up, you love animals so much. When we see a dog out in public you immediately want to reach out and pet it. If you had it your way we'd have about five dogs of our own.
Kendall Paige you made me a mom. You taught me what true, unconditional, selfless love was. You will always hold a special place in my heart as my first born. You were the answer to my prayers, the one thing I waited for my whole life. You are the sweetest, spunkiest, deeply caring, silliest, fun-loving, energetic girl I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I am so lucky to call you mine.
I hope you have a wonderful day, you deserve it! You are SIX!
Happy Birthday Kendall... Enjoy your day!