October 25, 2010

Kick Kick Kick

This girl LOVES to kick those legs!  I'm not sure what she loves more, that little pink chair or kicking her chubby legs.  {warning, mom voice}
Yes I am singing to the tune of "Shake Your Booty"


  1. So sweet! Greyson absolutely dies laughing everytime we sing "Shake your Booty"

  2. She is so pretty! Love her big eyes :) And she sits up really well! Cooper has terrible balance and always falls right to the side when we prop him up. We sing a little ditty to the same tune when we get him out of the bath at night. We always give him a little shake to get the drips off and he giggles. Instead of 'booty' we say 'baby' but we try not to say it too loud because we're saying 'shake the baby' haha.

  3. Woo look at those moves!!! I'm pretty sure my baby girl is doing those exact same moves in utero right now, lol!

    She is so cute :)
