May 16, 2012

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...
  • Every week when I type this I type "SO WHAT iff"  as if there is some normal reason if should have two  f's.
  • I just got a family doctor at the ripe ole age of 29.
  • I hated the season finale of Desperate Housewives.
  • I like that I've been a little M.I.A. from the blog/social media world lately.
  • I just got hot pink shorts but I'm a little afraid to wear them.
  • I quickly showed Jimmy my favorite David Yurman ring when he claimed I "don't like jewelry".  Silly husband.
  • At this time last year I had already bought the majority of Kendall's birthday party stuff and this year?  Nada so far.
  • I enjoyed every minute of grocery shopping yesterday because I did it alone.  It was glorious.
  • I want a monogram iphone case but am way too cheap for any I've found.



  1. Where do you get your hot pink shorts?

  2. I love your SWW posts! :) I saw on Pinterest that if you get a clear case, you can just put some fun scrapbook paper in it and bam, insta i-Phone case!

  3. I saw a pair of hot pink shorts from JCrew that I liked, but haven't gotten the nerve to buy them!! Love that DY ring!!

  4. Yep I want a monogramed iphone case too but don't want to pay the price. I'm dropping hints everywhere in the hopes that someone in this family will buy it for me soon! Hello family- birthday in July. Thanks :)

  5. How lame am I...I just want an iPhone! ha ha ha!

    P.S. Linking up for the first time today. :)

  6. Grocery shopping alone is the best!!!!

  7. Desperate housewives sucked. And that's my fav show. BOOO :(

  8. Rock those shorts girl AND I want a new case for my phone too, but I drop it constantly so I need to stick with the Otter Box I think.

  9. I'm a quitter- I couldn't hang the last few seasons of Desperate Housewives, but now I'm curious to know what happened, but since your so disappointed about it I sort of feel better about abandoning the show.

    Wear the shorts and take pictures! I'm sure they are SUPER cute- wish I could pull off shorts like you but I got too much chub rub going on ;)

  10. I actually bought my monogrammed iPhone case off of Shutterfly for like $30 which was cheaper than anywhere else.

    I actually didn't mind the series finale of D.H. I liked that they tied up everyones story lines. Not nearly as disappointing as the finale of LOST.

  11. I want neon pants, but am too shy to actually wear them. I too am too cheap for a custom iPhone case. I haven't watched the DH finale, but I'm certain it will be disappointing. But I have to finish it!!

  12. I have yet to get a family doctor and I will be 30 in November. I keep telling myself that I have to get one now that I'm pregnant! I won't be able to sleep off illnesses like I did before the baby.

  13. You should rock the pink shorts soon...hope to see a pic on instagram soon!

  14. You should rock the pink shorts soon...hope to see a pic on instagram soon!

  15. ya...watched the season finale yesterday. It was cute. But nothing big happened.

  16. Better late than never with the doctor?

    Girl, you can so ROCK those pink shorts. Wear 'em loud and wear 'em proud :)

    Try zazzle for the iphone case?

  17. Yea, I'm totally slacking on the birthday. I think I wrote that today. It'll get done. Or it won't. And he'll still turn two and we'll love him up all the same!

  18. DH was blah and typical. Boo

  19. I totally typed if with two f's yesterday, too, while writing my SWW post. Ha ha ha!

  20. Check out:

    Etsy shop with super affordable iPhone cases (>$20!)

  21. I have that DY ring in the peridot...was my college graduation gift. I've worn it every day since! :)
