October 3, 2012

31 Days: Day 3

Day three required me to do something that Jimmy has been begging me to do since I became a stay-at-home-mom.  Get your mind out of the gutter, ladies.  No it wasn't some kinky new Kama Sutra pose, instead I got to clean out our under the stairs/storage area.  It's a mess and each time we straighten it up it just gets more stuff thrown in it, creating an even bigger mess.  Luckily it's in the basement so we really don't have to look at it much.  But it's something that is annoying and really needed to be taken care of.  And the basement has become Kendall's favorite room in the house as of late so it's been on my mind a lot more.
Thanks to my hoarder of a grandmother, who gave me boxes and tubs and bags of Christmas decorations.   After I went through all of it and donated nearly half to Goodwill {my mom and my other grandma took some too} I was left with 6 Rubbermaid plastic totes.  I knew just what I was going to do with them.
I put Kendall down for a nap and as much as I wanted to sit on my butt, eat lunch in the peace and quiet and catch up on the DVR, I headed to the basement and began the overhaul.  I must say, most of the stuff in that closet/storage area wasn't mine, just sayin'.  But I knew it would make Jimmy happy to come home and see it all cleaned out and {somewhat} organized.
It didn't take me long and it doesn't look 100% but it looks better, and we can actually find things in there now, isn't that the point?  I just keep reminding myself that this is a storage area so it's not going to be neat and tidy.  It's just not.  I was actually so impressed with myself that I couldn't even wait 30 minutes until Jimmy came home to show him and instead I immediately texted him before and afters.  To say he was pleased was an understatement.  Now all of our blankets and pillows are nicely packed away in storage containers, our winter hats, gloves, and scarves are no longer cluttering up a shelf, falling off, and all of Jimmy's art supplies are neatly in one place, easy for him to find and paint me a new painting.
It didn't take a lot of time but it did take a lot of putting someone else before me and that was the most important.  I knew that I could have spent this time doing a number of things for myself, getting on the treadmill, catching up on some blogs, painting my toes, the possibilities are endless.  But, I wanted to do something that would benefit us.  I know this seems simple and silly, much like packing lunches, but it's the bigger picture that I have to keep in mind.
This whole journey for me is about trying to be a better wife and that means thinking outside of myself.  That's what this project was all about.  Sure I benefit from having a more organized storage area but it was more important to Jimmy than it was to me.  This was just one less thing he had to worry about or put on his to-do list and so I'm happy to relieve him in that way. Lord knows his honey-do list is already full.
How are your 31 days coming along?
*How fitting that day 3 of this challenge just so happens to fall on our 3rd year anniversary?!*


  1. You are doing such a great thing for your hubby! I am sure he really appreciates what you are doing for him! I am not sure what my hubby would think if I started beig so nice!!!

  2. This is great. I need to join in on this. I have to just get through today. I can't seem to focus on anything.

  3. You rock and your basement looks awesome! I would have totally caught up on my DVR! ;)

  4. I actually think this project sounds fun!!!
