October 4, 2012

31 Days: Day 4

Yesterday was our anniversary, as you may or may not have seen.  We didn't really have plans because, well, it's Wednesday and going out through the week isn't usually an option or fun.  We decided we wanted to wait until the weekend so we could fully enjoy it.
Jimmy texted me early in the day saying that he was probably going to have to work late and that he was sorry.  At that point, I had two ways in which I could respond to this news.  1.  I could be pissed!  I mean it's our anniversary!  How dare he!  or 2. I could not take it personal.  I choose the latter.
The truth of the matter is we need the money and he's not sure how much longer overtime is going to be offered so it's sort of a "take it while you have it" kind of thing.  So I decided, at that moment, that I would not be mad.  We didn't have plans anyway.
I shared this realization with my good friend, Kodi, over HeyTell yesterday and her words expressed exactly what I couldn't. I don't know exactly what she said but it was along the lines of, "in a few years Kendall will be grown and we'll have the money to go out and do whatever we want for our anniversary and we'll probably be wishing we were still at this place then".  Meaning, it won't be like this for long.  Soon {hopefully} money won't be an issue and we can celebrate our anniversary on the day, however we want. But one thing I'm sure of, we will most likely look back on these days and miss them.
So instead of being mad because ITS!  OUR!  ANNIVERSARY!  and how dare he, I said, "it's OK babe!". And it was.  I was truly OK with it because it is necessary for where we are at this point in our lives.
We will celebrate our anniversary.  It won't be today, it won't be this weekend {we have a packed schedule} but we will celebrate, just the two of us and it won't matter what day it is.  What will matter is that we are together and celebrating our marriage.
Jimmy was so grateful to come home to a wife who wasn't upset that she didn't get to spend her anniversary with her husband, so much so that he thanked me.  He even sent a text this morning that said how sorry he was but how thankful he was that I was so understanding and awesome to come home to {his words, not mine}.  We put Kendall to bed, grabbed a few cold ones and did what we love to do most, watched Dexter.  And even though we didn't get to spend all night together, the time we were together was perfect.
I thought about how differently the night could have turned out if I would have chosen option 1.  It would have ruined what little time we did have together.  It would have made Jimmy feel bad for doing what is necessary for our family right now.  It would have weakened our marriage instead of strengthen it.
I am so grateful for that man.  I said it yesterday and I'll say it today {and I'm sure many times after} I truly feel like I fall more and more in love with him as each day passes.  This "challenge" is making me realize that more and more.


  1. Love this! It is so true when we will look back and think "wow I miss those times when..." and you're right, money issues won't always be an issue. We are going through the same thing. This year we have to watch what we buy Mady for Christmas/Birthday and are not getting each other everything but it won't always be this way. Thanks for posting this. I admire you and your attitude!

  2. This 31 day challenge is coming at such the perfect time for you and your fam. I love reading these everyday. Totally awesome and inspiring.

  3. Wow! What an awesome way to approach any relationship! Sometimes when I fly off the handle at my mom or my sisters I regret it afterwards, so this is a good exercise to remember to take a breath and realize that blowing up now is not going to make anything better later :)

  4. good for you girl!! with the hustle and bustle of kids it's so easy to get wrapped up in the moment. i have to remind myself ALL the time that it won't be like this for long.

    and yes a cold one and some tv after the go to bed, sometimes is the ultimate relaxation!

    happy (belated) anniversary!! many more!

  5. This may sound absolutely ridiculous but I teared up over this post. Gosh I needed this today because I am guilty of this exact thing. I need to be way more selfless because lets face it... with three girls ranging in the ages of 2 months to 8 years of age with a 6 year old shoved there in between we don't get a lot of alone time... and when we do... I definitely don't want to spend it being upset. Especially since it is typically over the smallest of things!

  6. I love this story! This is what I have been trying to do for a couple months now! Keep it up :)

  7. Your 31 Days journey has been so inspiring for me as a wife! Thanks for sharing :)

  8. This...is awesome! It was totally a choice and like you said, if you had gotten mad, it would have ruined your whole night and it wouldn't have changed that he had to work late. Good for you for choosing the higher road and taking it in stride. I need to practice this and do it more often. Happy anniversary!

  9. I've loved reading your posts for "31 days" and they are giving me lots of good ideas of ways I can improve. Thank you for your positivity and determination to be a loving wife!


  10. Reading these posts makes me conscious of the times that I lash out at my hubby instead of thinking it through and being reasonable. Thank you for the reminder, and I'm so thankful that you trying to show your hubby your love is being passed on to us readers. I bet all of our hubbies appreciate it too!

  11. it is always VERY rewarding when we respond to them in a positive way. They aren't nagged, we are happy and they are too. :)

  12. This is so sweet! What a great job you are doing on your challenge and it is very inspiring to read along!

  13. This is so sweet! What a great job you are doing on your challenge and it is very inspiring to read along!
