May 24, 2013

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down

Thumbs Up:  I got tons of hits thanks to Holly referring people to me for the 300/30 Day Ab Challenge.
Thumbs Down:  I want my abs back.

Thumbs Up:  I found Baby Brother's coming home outfit.
Thumbs Down:  Now I just have to wait 3 more {LONG} months.

Thumbs Up:  Memorial Day Weekend!
Thumbs Down:  We have a cool front moving in so there goes any chance of hitting the pool.

Thumbs Up:  I finally finished this season of Teen Mom 2.
Thumbs Down:  I finally finished this season of Teen Mom 2.

Thumbs Up:  I finally started Real Housewives of OC.
Thumbs Down:  Vicki's new face.

Thumbs Up:  I got a kid-free morning yesterday and got to do some toddler-free shopping.
Thumbs Down:  Part of the free time was spent doing my glucose test.

Thumbs Up: Our family vacation is almost a month away.
Thumbs Down: My OB doesn't want me to go {I'm going anyway}.

Thumbs Up:  Nap time.
Thumbs Down:  They seem to be getting shorter and shorter.

Thumbs Up:  We had friends over for a cook out last weekend.
Thumbs Down:  There's a left over Mike's Hard Lemonade in the fridge taunting me now.

Thumbs Up:  Warm weather and finally getting to do things outside.
Thumbs Down:  I get all out of breath filling up that damn baby pool.

Thumbs Up:  I've already bought baby presents for The Pregnants.
Thumbs Down:  I just want to give them already!

Thumbs Up:  Starbucks trips.
Thumbs Down:  I never finish a whole cup, even if I get a tall.

Thumbs Up:  Big Brother is starting soon!!!
Thumbs Down:  I don't get Showtime anymore so no more Big Brother After Dark.

Thumbs Up:  We are taking Kendall to see Monsters University when it comes out next month.
Thumbs Down:  A theater full of toddlers.

Thumbs Up:  I have amazing mommy friends who always tell me about cool happenings during the week.
Thumbs Down:  Why don't I know about these things?!

Thumbs Up:  Lo Mein and egg rolls for dinner.
Thumbs Down:  Calories.

Thumbs Up:  Jimmy has been working really hard on his beach body.
Thumbs Down:  Have you seen my beach body?

I hope everyone has a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend!  And, p.s., in case you missed it, I'm offering 30% off all ad spaces this weekend.  Click the PR tab, grab your spot {all spots include social media shout-outs} and use code 'MDWSALE' at checkout.


  1. Vicki's face.....I have no words!

  2. I want your abs from that picture dammit. My stomach is disgusting but I am using it as inspiration! gah

  3. Why doesn't your OB want you to go on vacation? Because it's not really a vacation when you have kids?

  4. The pregnants? Is that all your pregnant friends?

  5. wait?!? there's a new season of RHOOC? when did that start??

  6. Vicki's face is SCARY. And what's up with the new girls chompers? Those terrify me too...

  7. Vicki's face -- BAHHHHHHAAAAHHHHAAAAAA!!!! Too too funny!!!!

    Enjoy your pregnancy while you can, they go by so quickly then you have multiple kids running around fighting w/ each other! :)

  8. My beach body is more of a beached whale.. but it's worth it. Now you have me hungry for chinese. I have been craving it for over a month now but with my feet swelling so bad I think I need to stay away from that much sodium. Have a safe weekend...

  9. I'm behind on RHOOC. Thank Goodness for DVR. Vicki's face...ha! When I read that part I literally lol'd.

  10. Cute post! Love RHOC. Love it.

  11. Why doesn't your OB want you to go?

  12. You are hysterical!! Love the teen mom one ;) You will have your beach body back in no time after that sweet baby boy arrives!

  13. Bahaha...yeah, about Vicki's new face...

  14. Heyyyya .. gotta tell you about a little rumor I heard .. at Starbucks, you can order a "Short" which is off the menu but is smaller than a Tall! And of course cheaper! Give it a try!

  15. I LOVE BB too!! I use to watch Showtime's After Dark as well. But I started reading a blog and she does a fantastic job keeping everyone informed what is happening in the house all day! If you just google "Big Brother Because You're Addicted" her blog should come up.
