This week my very amazing blogger friends hosted a surprise baby shower for the three pregnant Columbus bloggers, me, Jenny from Life, Love and Marathons and Brittany from Not So Newlyweds. It was simple, it was sweet, it was pretty, it was perfect. I loved all the details these girls put into this party and I am so blessed to not just call them my "blog friends" but they have definitely turned into just friends.
It's been reported that Kimye named their new baby girl, North. Nori for short. I don't know about you guys but I'm having a hard time believing this one. I mean, could they really be this stupid? Seems like a publicity stunt to me but, then again, look who we're talking about.
You know how people don't update as much with baby #2 due to "time flying" or "not having any time", typical second child syndrome? I don't feel that way. I know I haven't updated as much, I did every week with KP, but that's not because of either of those things. It's because there are no changes, really. I mean my belly is getting bigger, yes, but as far as how I'm feeling, things going on with me, it's all be pretty constant this whole time. No news is no news. But I'll try and get another bumpdate within the next week because I feel like it.
So, we are leaving for OBX in T minus two weeks. My doctor didn't love the idea when I told him we were making the 11ish hour drive when I'd be 34 weeks. He definitely preferred me to fly {me too, doc, me too} but, well, flying is 'spensive yo. So that means I either sit this one out or chance it. His main reason for not wanting me to go is because typically you don't drink a lot on car trips {dehydration} and then there is the constant vibration of the car and those two things combined could send you {me} into pre-term labor. Our solution is to break up our car trip over two days, stopping every two{ish} hours and setting a reminder on my phone to DRINK, drink, DRINK every like 20 minutes or so. I have another ultrasound right before we leave and I am thinking if everything looks good, as it has this whole time, why not? Am I crazy?
What is up with the day starting at 5:30 am? I mean seriously the sun is coming up that early! Maybe I have summer amnesia or something but I don't ever recall hearing birds chirp {like nails on a chalkboard to me} this early before. A week or so ago it was messing with KP's sleep and she was getting up around 6:30 but this week has been better. Call me crazy but I much prefer to wake up while it's still dark outside.
Speaking of KP's sleep, I fear girlfriend is trying to get rid of the nap. I know, I know, I should be thankful that she's still taking one but listen, I live for nap time. We cannot get rid of nap time. She has still been taking a great nap {usually 2- 3.5 hours} but nighttime has become a b*tch lately. I mean Wednesday night we took her to a carnival in town, rode rides, played soccer, danced to the music, the whole bit. We thought she'd come home, eat some dinner and pass out. Nope. Last night we took her swimming until the pool closed at 8, the walk to the car she had her head on Jimmy's shoulder and we were secretly high-fiving each other "bedtime will be so easy tonight!!!". Nope. We put her to bed at about 8:30 and she didn't fall asleep till 9:45. What gives?!
My baby sprinkle is next weekend and I'm super excited. I cannot wait to celebrate baby James Weston. I love the idea of a sprinkle as I think every baby should be celebrated. We still haven't committed to a name, well his name is James Weston, but we haven't decided if we'll call him James or Weston. I'm thinking Weston but I'm still not used to saying it and still call him Baby Brother 99% of the time.
Big Brother starts next Wednesday and if you know anything about me you know that this is my show. I live for it in the summer. OK, not really, but I do love it a lot. I've not been reading any of the spoilers or sneak peeks and I'm pretty proud of myself for that. Oh and Big Brother After Dark has moved to TV Guide Network instead of Showtime so I think it's safe to say that's what I'll be doing during nap time the rest of the summer.
I've kind of taken a break from working out the past week. I was averaging like 3 times a week and in the past 2 weeks I've gotten in two workouts. I know that it's good and I definitely think it's the reason I've felt so good this whole pregnancy but I needed to get some other things done. My house was stressing me out and my to-do lists were never ending {I kept adding but never taking away} and so I have been doing those things and I'm happy to report that I feel good about the state of our house and now life as normal can resume. Nesting much?

Love the baby shower with the blogging ladies! I think the Kimye baby name is a joke. I agree with you, how is Nori a nickname for North. North West, really? What's a sprinkle?
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't be surprised if North really is the name. TMZ is saying they've seen the birth certificate and Kim is just stupid enough to do that. But how can you grow up and NOT be a stripper or porn star with that name?
ReplyDeleteAlso, I personally would not have taken an 11 hour road trip pregnant just because I always had to pee every 30 minutes, it would have taken me days to get there.
I've been the same way with Baby #2. I think I posted every week with my first one and this time I just don't have as much to report so I only post when I have check ups. Can't wait for the next bumpdate from you though! Oh yea and Baby North? I hope it's a joke too.
ReplyDeleteSo the nap situ is the same here. We have pushed bedtime back later and everything...she stil plays in her bed till past 10 some nights. But, I'm kinda like--ummm, who cares. I mean, for the sanity of nap. Granted, I now bed would be easier (maybe) if she didn't take a nap. But-UMM...I love that time during the day. So I'm with you. I'll suck it up for now.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I don't think it's crazy to go to OBX 34 weeks pregnant. I mean. There are hospitals there, right? :) Honestly. It'll be fine. Breaking up the trip will be okay. But did you go into labor early last time? (I know you ended up with a section)...I feel like 36+...meh. But 34? That's ok. I'm just justifying it for you--have fun! We did a "last trip with 3" last year to the beach. It was so fun having those memories...little over a week later--hello lucy and life with 2 kids.
enjoy enjoy!
Wow. I need to proofread, I typed so fast there are a billion errors. LOSER. :) Read between the lines, please.
ReplyDeleteI originally heard that the baby's name was Kaidence and I was really happy because I think it's a sweet name (despite the spelling!!) but then I heard North and got really really sad for the poor babe haha ;-)
ReplyDeleteSUCH a sweet party that was thrown for you gals!! WOW, SO SWEET!
I love both names (especially James, but we already have a little cousin in our family with that name). A kid I went to high school with was named JW! I suppose he could go by that too ;-)
Have a great weekend!
Such a cute baby shower! What sweet girls!
ReplyDeleteThese celebrities name their children to get their 15 minutes of fame, but it lasts forever for the poor kid. Silliest name I've (almost) ever heard. Nori? NOT a nickname. Ha, thanks for listening to my mini rant about that!
ReplyDeleteI think the whole not taking a road trip while pregnant thing is crazy. If you feel fine than why not? What about these women who run up until delivery? Your dr. Seems a little overly cautious, but hell who am I? I don't have an M.D after my name.
ReplyDeleteI'm totally with you, if everything looks good on the ultrasound, I say go!
ReplyDeleteHope you have a wonderful trip!
I can't decide about the nap thing either. G gets crabby and falls asleep around dinner time if he doesn't get a nap but he fights it so bad that some days I don't have it in me. But? If he doesn't take a nap, he STILL fights bedtime, even if he was struggling to keep his eyes open at 6 pm. Kids. Weirdos.
ReplyDeleteGirl, Go to OBX! You'll be just fine. And adorable baby shower. Such a sweet idea!
ReplyDeletegirlfriend needs to keep that nap!! :) BUT everything always works out so if she drops it she'll likely have veg out time or sleep longer at night??
ReplyDeletelets see...we drove 12 hours to the beach the end of may and I had hank july 19 so I would have been close to 34 weeks. no biggie. I took naps, stayed hydrated, etc. You'll be fine. And be so glad you took a trip as a family of 3.
Big Brother needs to start asap!! Can't wait to dish!!
I'm not buying the North thing either. I prefer Key or Wild ;))
Oh girl, I am so excited for Big Brother. And umm, my doctor would have had me admitted to the hospital had I even suggested making a trip anywhere at 34 weeks pregnant! I had separate issues though. I think normal people are fine. Although I wouldn't want to ride in a car for that long pregnant.
ReplyDeleteAs for nap time? It's going to end sometime. Enjoy it while it lasts.
North was on our list of names for this baby boy in my belly. And i am just oh so mad. lol. and embarrassed now. face palm.
ReplyDeletelove that you get two sprinkle showers. that is the sweetest. and im jelly of those blocks!
have a good weekend mama!
We went on an 8-hour trip when I was 36 weeks pregnant. My doctor wasn't really concerned, but she warned me to drink plenty and to stop every couple of hours to prevent blood clots (and, let's be honest, I needed to stop that often so I could pee anyway!). You should be just fine! :)
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of a baby sprinkle either. I like Weston! :) Leah is doing the same thing with naps, its very hit or miss. When she doesn't nap we think GREAT she'll be in bed at like 8 (her used to be normal bedtime). Nope, she fights it right up until 10 p.m. She is 2 years and 4 months old -- so maybe it's a 2 1/2 year old thing. Right now, her normal bedtime is more like 9:30. (sigh) I miss having that time to relax before bed. I'm right there with you!
ReplyDeleteGuess I haven't seen your blog on the computer in a while but only on reader on my phone. LOVE the design. Can't believe baby is so close! PS--I like James over Weston :)
ReplyDeleteI would be so scared to make that car trip!! That's just me though and I've never had a baby.