February 9, 2015

32 While 32

It's my birthday month.  On the 28th I'll turn 32.  I'm still not sure how because, I tell you, I still feel like I'm 25.  Actually I feel better than I did at 25.  I'm healthier.  I'm happier.  I'm in better shape.  I'm more confident.  I'm secure with who I am. And I have love.  What more could you ask for?

While I was sitting in the hall of preschool, waiting for my turn at parent-teacher conferences, an idea popped into my head.  I want to do 32 things this year.  32 things I've never done before.  I want to be more adventurous, try new things, and get out of my comfort zone a little. Think of this as a bucket list, of sorts. 

Here goes:
  1. Go zip-lining
  2. Let go of a floating lantern 
  3. Learn how to water ski
  4. Stand up paddling
  5. Adopt a family at Christmas
  6. Take my kids to the beach
  7. Go camping {at least one time}
  8. Attend {at least}one outdoor concert
  9. Learn how to shoot a gun
  10. Take a trip with friends
  11. Get a full body massage
  12. Ride in a hot air balloon
  13. Make homemade ice cream
  14. Go fishing with Jimmy
  15. Go to a baseball game {eat a hot dog, drink a beer}
  16. Take one of those wine/painting classes
  17. Go 24 hours media free
  18. Buy a stranger lunch
  19. Feel great in a bikini
  20. Hit a bucket of balls at the golf range
  21. Take a trip with Jimmy
  22. Go to my first OSU game
  23. Get another tattoo
  24. Go to a water park as a family
  25. Go on an all day mommy-daughter date
  26. Take parents out to dinner AND PAY
  27. See a drive-in movie
  28. Get rid of credit card debt
  29. Try a new fitness class
  30. Surprise my husband
  31. Reinvent my style/have a wardrobe I love
  32. Read a "classic" novel
I know some people might read this and think, "LAME" but these are {mostly} things I have never done or have been wanting to do.  You may notice that most of them are summer-ish, that comes as no surprise to me.  I love warm weather, sunshine, carefree summer days.  Looks like this summer will be full of fun new adventures.

Here's to thirty-two!


  1. Great list! I'd love to do a lot of these too! They're not lame!

  2. I love your list! 32 will be an awesome year for you!

  3. This is an awesome list! I always wish I had started a 30 by 30 list because this year is my 30th :)

  4. What a great list! Good luck! And 32 is totally the new 22 in my opinion:)

  5. I don't think lame at all. I think this is awesome. Zip lining is so much fun. I think I would want to steal a few of your bucket list items for my own list. Happy Early Birthday!!!

  6. I love this idea so much! Looks like you will have a busy, fun summer ahead! :)

  7. Shooting a gun is so much fun and full body massages are AMAZING!! Great list!!
